As long as I remember, WAKi AE bonus was +50% efffecs duration. Now its 20%. 


Am I right, or it has been always +20%?



Thx u for help.

It has always been +20%.

It has always been +20%.

I think not!

It’s annoying enough at 20%…

But question is, it was +50% before??

I don’t know, it’s always been 20 since I played. The weapon overheat rate totals to 53.3% if you are looking for that number :slight_smile:

I also noticed that some other ships got their passive synergy bonuses reduced.

Too bad that I didn’t take a full list of all of them.

If it always has been +20%, why everyone was complaining about waki AE was OP? if its bonus is the same than other ECM’s??


Im almost sure that it weas +50%

If it always has been +20%, why everyone was complaining about waki AE was OP? if its bonus is the same than other ECM’s??


Im almost sure that it weas +50%

Because 20% more strength to ECM modules is quite a lot. Since it is a percentile, the more upgraded is the module the better.


Also, I don’t know what you are talking about, the only other ECMs with the same bonuses are the Magnetar, and the Nodachi.


Other ECMs have different bonuses to range or energy consumption, but not to strength.

Funny how ppl who don’t bother reading ship bonuses or anything at all feel entitled to talk about balance in other parts of the forum.



I think not!


Do you realize how stupid and broken would be a 50% increase in the duration of ECM modules? I think not!

Funny how ppl who don’t bother reading ship bonuses or anything at all feel entitled to talk about balance in other parts of the forum.


Welcome to the internet.

Yes, It has been always +20%, just checked it.


Thx for help.

Yes, It has been always +20%, just checked it.


Thx for help.

Maybe I looked at the wrong ECM. Maybe it was only range, but not duration, which was 50%.

Yes same mistake I had with storm viking. 

If it always has been +20%, why everyone was complaining about waki AE was OP? if its bonus is the same than other ECM’s??


Im almost sure that it weas +50%


Combine that 20% strength bonus with the right rank 10 and 13 implants and you will get a monster value for stuns AND a bonus on stun’s recharge time.


That’s why people hate that thing.

That i very strange. All other stuff works like that…afaik…there is a base value, and percentage boni are added on this base value, so there is only linear grouth…is it different really?

It’s always been 20.

If it were 50%, stasis generator on the Waki AE with J10 would be about 5 seconds long. As much as I think that the current number of 4ish is broken as is, 5 would be so ridiculously OP that nobody could possibly deny it. It’s always been 20.

If it were 50%, stasis generator on the Waki AE with J10 would be about 5 seconds long. As much as I think that the current number of 4ish is broken as is, 5 would be so ridiculously OP that nobody could possibly deny it. It’s always been 20.


Dude atm with “right configuration” it’s 4 second for the stun and 9.4 for the ion diffuser…

We got the answer to OP’s question.

Apparently, it always has been 20%.