wait time

I know many people may have already talked about this but this is my 2cents to throw into the pot.

My 4man squad launches a game all in rank 7s goes to 7-9 we get a match almost instantly the longest we waited was like 1:45 okay and then we win that game and it puts us into a 7-11 and we sit there and do not get into a match for like 25mins so we remake squad and we get into a 7-9 in about 50 seconds as soon as we win we are now in a 7-11 just like last time and we waited 30mins and remind you that restart the que every 5mins but after all this ive almost come to the conclusion that WHY would you have CORPs or Squads at all if your gonna make us wait an hour to mabey play one 2-5min match I can tell you devs that if this issue isn’t fixed soon a lot of people will quit because whats the point of a game you cant play with your friends and have fun and that’s what I do with my friends play starconflict IN A SQUAD OF 4 I want to play a match everyonce in a while not sit in the que for an hour and im pretty sure most of this community will agree with me on that sincerely DestroyermkII[Nerds]

During what time and time zone did you play?


Even with R7 as highest ship and in a 4man squad it should take that long.

During what time and time zone did you play?


Even with R7 as highest ship and in a 4man squad it should take that long.

Well, I just wanted to play and with 2.7k online it took me 5 minutes to finally get a T3 3v3 on the lovely 400 ping SEA server. I just self-destructed out of it (was captain) and went to play another game.

Match-making is just horrible.

My biggest issue is, if I select “Region: USA” I don’t want to get matched into a different region.  I don’t care how long I have to wait.  If there were an option that only allowed me to go into US servers, I know that a lot of people would use it, too.  My main issue is waiting 30 seconds, and getting put into a 3 v 3 russian server.  It’s a death sentence for me and a lot of other players from the US.


Anyone else agree with this?  

My biggest issue is, if I select “Region: USA” I don’t want to get matched into a different region.  I don’t care how long I have to wait.  If there were an option that only allowed me to go into US servers, I know that a lot of people would use it, too.  My main issue is waiting 30 seconds, and getting put into a 3 v 3 russian server.  It’s a death sentence for me and a lot of other players from the US.


Anyone else agree with this?  

Russia can be tolerable.  South Asia is a death sentence.  ISP connectivity issues and your lag will be so bad your death won’t register!

I usually just have it set on any region to mabey speed up the process but honestly its just as slow

I’m serious, though.  I selected “USA” and got nearly 10 rounds in a row on EU or RU servers.  My ping is nearly 200, and trying to play a game that’s this fast-paced is damn near impossible.  I play this game for fun, and that’s because it’s a very fun game.  However, my ability to support my team and deal damage to the enemy team is enormously hindered under such conditions.  At times, kills don’t register, ships jump between 500-1000 M in space, and I can have my ship destroyed before I can really notice I’m being attacked.


Please have an option that forces the matchmaker to only connect to a server in the selected region.


A lot of people set their region to Any to improve join times, and my suggestion does not remove this at all.  It simply grants the user assurance that s/he will be connected to the region they choose, even if it means waiting a bit longer.


I’d love to see some support from the community on this one because I feel that it would help overall game experience.

A couple months ago as they added the Region selector at the launch selection window (where you select PvP or PvE or SecCon…) it was set by default to the local region (so for US it was USA). 

Many people complained about extreme long wait/queue times. I assume the servers gave the region a high weight and rarely (or not at all) chose a server from another region. 

So they  changed the match maker (aka MM, aka mismatch maker) selection process and you end up playing more on Russian servers than naywhere else because most players are from Russia or that region.


please check this:

[http://forum.star-conflict.com/index.php?/topic/22259-selected-region-usa-still-end-up-on-ru-server/](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/22259-selected-region-usa-still-end-up-on-ru-server/)


and this:

[http://forum.star-conflict.com/index.php?/topic/22199-option-to-exclude-servers-from-being-put-on](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/22199-option-to-exclude-servers-from-being-put-on)


So everyone has to live with it until there are more players in other regions.

If you specify a server region that should be the only region you get matched in. If that’s not happening the Devs need to fix it.

Well, I just wanted to play and with 2.7k online it took me 5 minutes to finally get a T3 3v3 on the lovely 400 ping SEA server. I just self-destructed out of it (was captain) and went to play another game.

Match-making is just horrible.

It could be just my perception, but it has happened too many times for me not to think it works. I have the same issues exactly even with over 2k online; except I have noticed that if it goes over 2 minutes I am guaranteed a 3v3 with bots, but if I cancel and re-que (r8-11) I get a fairly full  match within another 45 seconds. Not sure if anyone else does this or want to try just to see if it works. It could be that I’m just Nutz enough to think it works.


Edit: This is Solo Q

My “2 cents for this”, is in the 10 days I’ve played, it says I’ve been on the game for 9 hours and in battles for 4 hours 45minutes, so thats waiting like 50 seconds per 1 minute of battle time…


There is my reason for not putting a penny on the game so far…!!

My “2 cents for this”, is in the 10 days I’ve played, it says I’ve been on the game for 9 hours and in battles for 4 hours 45minutes, so thats waiting like 50 seconds per 1 minute of battle time…


There is my reason for not putting a penny on the game so far…!!

While I agree the wait times are long (hopefully fixed with release date and larger base) , I’m sure you have spent at least some time buying weapons, fitting ships, upgrading etc. I believe your time counts as long as you are logged in. So it’s probably not nearly as bad as your math shows.

9 days in game 5days in battle I have never left the game on while im not playing I don’t like leaving my computer on at all when im not playing so ya I get how yall feel that’s why I started this post

My “2 cents for this”, is in the 10 days I’ve played, it says I’ve been on the game for 9 hours and in battles for 4 hours 45minutes, so thats waiting like 50 seconds per 1 minute of battle time…


There is my reason for not putting a penny on the game so far…!!

In case you don’t know battle time is the time your are in a PvP match but not PvE. Time in game is the whole time you are in Star Conflict if you do something or not doesn’t matter.