

Seriously Developers?

Looks like a toy minigun.


Make new weapons like this.



Pls comment.

I really like the design, see no problem with it, simplistic, old, good sound and stats, overall a great weapon.

2 hours ago, aldermatias said:

Seriously Developers?
Looks like a toy minigun.

It doesn’t just look like it, it is one.

Vulcan does need some changes though.

It needs to have a spin-up and spin-down time for RoF, and instead of heating up, it needs ammo and should have some sort of reload period once you run out.

And a louder sound

So… What’s next? Kashtan-M? Latest  version has software with decision module, which some people even started to call “basic AI”

Oh, and it has built-in aimbot.

the counter proposals are autocannons as far as i can see

the vulcan is a rotary autocannon, and the model kinda looks like the M61 vulcan with some weird turret.

so i dont really get what they did wrong. I would it take way less seriously, if they sell an autocannon as a “Vulcan”.


On 25.4.2017 at 11:45 PM, TheDarkRedFox said:

It needs to have a spin-up and spin-down time for RoF, and instead of heating up, it needs ammo and should have some sort of reload period once you run out.

this would be horrible for the weapon is already quite niche. also, all weapons use ammo - coil or railguns probably use way bigger ammunition, so I suppose, most of the stuff can be replicated or assembled internally, otherwise our missiles would make even less sense. ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)

daring to mention limited ammunition in SC is heresy



![:007_3:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/007_3.png “:007_3:”)

… I like the sound, fire rate is alright, dmg is alright too. The weapon model looks like something old but modern at the same time, giving it the look of an old weapon but from a futuristic era (it is from the times of humanity’s stellar expansion, it should not look like today’s tech (bulky), but smoother, you understand?) 

I really like the gun just for its fire rate and the sound, and the sound is about right, I mean, in space you aren’t supposed to hear anything anyways lol. This gun reminds me of the A-10 (GAU-8 sounds more wild tho)

I just ask you.

Which do you prefer?

Developers minigun?

Or my minigun?

1 hour ago, aldermatias said:

I just ask you.

Which do you prefer?

Developers minigun?

Or my minigun?

there is nothing “mini” about your “minigun”



It’s quite meh. Fun to have something new day one, but it quickly faded, especially with the soundbug and low dmg, which imo still isnt impressive. 

55 minutes ago, phoenixfire009 said:

It’s quite meh. Fun to have something new day one, but it quickly faded, especially with the soundbug and low dmg, which imo still isnt impressive. 

again: you gotta fire it HOT!!! you will see the DPS doubled 


5 hours ago, aldermatias said:

Which do you prefer?

well to be honest… I preffer this one (and screw everyone who doesnt >:U )

NOw, I ask, which one you preffer? Your minigun, developers minigun? or THIS minigun?

Imagen relacionada

The problem is not the size.

The question is weapon design.

I suppose your minigun fits in destroyers.

On 25.04.2017 at 8:08 PM, aldermatias said:

Seriously Developers?


I think they need more experience.