Video Tutorial Voice-Over

Simply put, I’m doing some video tutorials for the game. However, I’m having issues because my mic is a piece of crap. Therefore, I need someone’s soul-… err, I mean, I need a volunteer, to read a handful of scripts whilst recording themselves (or I record them, idc) so I can finish this in a timely manner.


Any volunteers?

Simply put, I’m doing some video tutorials for the game. However, I’m having issues because my mic is a piece of crap. Therefore, I need someone’s soul-… err, I mean, I need a volunteer, to read a handful of scripts whilst recording themselves (or I record them, idc) so I can finish this in a timely manner.


Any female volunteers with a lovely voice?




Yeah, well, that was my initial idea. However, the women I know know very little English to speak it fluently and the ones online are rarely on.


But yes, for the videos’ purpose, a calm female voice would be preferable.

If you guys don’t mind my Singaporean accent… 

If you guys don’t mind my Singaporean accent… 

I’d have to hear it in order to judge it, tbh…

make a casting! :smiley: standard text they have to read, which contains partly example text from your voiceover, might help you find the ideal voice.


i’d love to hear public volunteers xD


good luck, can’t wait to see the end result.

I am willing to help out. Let me know what needs to be done.

Me too! I can read anything in nearly any accent! 

Still casting folks for this. Haven’t found anyone specific, yet.


Come on, people, it’s your 5 minutes of fame =P