[Video][PREY] - Sector Conquesting

Video from us birds at [PREY]



Poor MotherShip, even more reasons to make fun of him now ! :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

P.S. after all the info on how to build ships, fly, videos and screenshots I passed to you, you build this terrible tackler, way to waste my time.

P.S. after all the info on how to build ships, fly, videos and screenshots I passed to you, you build this terrible tackler, way to waste my time.




I am from NASA, i have no heart

I mean, I am glad to see them doing sec con and win as a squad, considering their opponents were hardly “the worst” out there, MS and Karmaa aren’t terrible pilots, and CbIPoiPak is way above average, so good job at the end, just a little disappointed with that tackler build.

nice to see prey slowly becoming the hunters

With the first video, I wonder one thing and one thing only. Why dont you use Afterburners at all in the tackler? 


And what is with the most chill music ever in this, supposedly, intense battle. This is like a bunch of guys that are so monumentally on some substance they are immune to danger nor risks. Scary. 

My tackler is suited for the purpose and gear I have. I’ll make a kost tackler tribute video perhaps =P.

Afterburners, base speed is good for my purposes. I only need to chase or cap. I can plan ahead for where I need to be without drawing a bright red line in the sky.

As for the music, I usually fly with nothing but the chatter of my fellow birds but Don Lammergeier recently showed me http://proleter.bandcamp.com/album/tribute-to-the-masters-vol-1

Thank you very much yeahalex, you are worthy prey.

Also, the second video should work now. My copy pasta is weak.

proleter is a nice artist, his remasters of louis armstrong are pretty good. i like his electro swing stuff

proleter is a nice artist, his remasters of louis armstrong are pretty good. i like his electro swing stuff

You are clearly a wise person. Game on sir.

*dat music* 


Keep it up guys. I like difficult fights, as it makes it so I can keep my skills sharp. 

Awesome games guys!


I want to fight you :smiley: