very large or infinite sensor range in Invasion (all human ships visible on the map)

Probable bug report: (on the Russian forums it is already listed) This is just a confirmation report.


Whenever I was using ANY SHIP, either a T5 Guard or an Engineer or ANY OTHER, with a limited sensor range, I could see ANY HUMAN PLAYERS away, like 20km or 30km.


Visual proof: Naga (limited sensor range:4500m)




This bug affects all ships. Sensor range becomes irrelevant. Old issue, probably got introduced 8-12 patches ago.

Sensor range should only reveal ships, which are in your sensor range radius.

They should also disappear, if they are behind an obstacle.

Logs, DirectX logs not required or necessary.

However, maybe it is not a bug, because of my Criminal status?



Thank you, Skula1975.

We can’t repeat this bug on the test server. Do you explain steps to reproduction of this bug?

We can’t repeat this bug on the test server. Do you explain steps to reproduction of this bug?


Yes, since the issue is the same for all players.

There could be 2 things.


Bug is present in both safe and unsafe sectors. With or without a squad.

This is not a bug, but you get such a feature, because of a criminal status. (false assumption)

It definitely is a bug, since I saw players, who were not criminals or aggressors.

I will ask some people to help me with further details/steps/logs, etc, if needed.


Like I said it before, I will try to find those logs myself, since I know the exact time from the screenshots I took.



I will try to find those logs, where I took those screenshots.


Stats on my Tackler - Lion Mark II (sensor range - 8750m)



Whenever I was using ANY SHIP, either a T5 Guard or an Engineer or ANY OTHER, with a limited sensor range, I could see ANY HUMAN PLAYERS away, like 20km or 30km.


I can confirm that for positive karma and t4 / t5 tacklers. Sorry, got no log or screenshot.

I can confirm that for positive karma and t4 / t5 tacklers. Sorry, got no log or screenshot.


Well, Engineer, Tackler, even Guard with very low sensor range can now detect protected and neutral and enemy human players. I think that bots are excluded. I am not sure about the Biomorphs.

I will post the logs above or edit the post.

I’ve noticed it too, you can see ships from ridiculous ranges even if they are behind obstacles :slight_smile:

I’ve noticed it too, you can see ships from ridiculous ranges even if they are behind obstacles :slight_smile:


Can you replicate the issue? I have reviewed the logs, but I found no anomalies!

How can I post them, if they would be of no help to anyone?

We need to figure it out, how we can replicate this bug.



At those screenshots we can see arsen1870, which have friendly status to you. I think, that arsen1870  is reason for your long range look.

This bug could be connected to + karma. I am +4 karma player, but I could be wrong. I also see hostile players as well.

Tested today: I undocked from the station and sometimes, NOT ALWAYS I can see players much further away from my sensor range.

Even so, this shouldn’t happen. I will ask for some help with testing this issue, but I am not the only one. Maybe this affects small group of people or all players.

I can confirm that Spatial Scanner IS NOT the reason for such issue.


This bug could be connected to + karma. I am +4 karma player, but I could be wrong. I also see hostile players as well.

Tested today: I undocked from the station and sometimes, NOT ALWAYS I can see players much further away from my sensor range.

Even so, this shouldn’t happen. I will ask for some help with testing this issue, but I am not the only one. Maybe this affects small group of people or all players.

I can confirm that Spatial Scanner IS NOT the reason for such issue.

Yes, you were wrong, I have got karma -2 and I must say that this bug often helps me to find pilots esepcially in danger zones. I can confirm this. And, you can’t really reproduce this bug anyhow, since this bug is active all the time. Also works on all servers. For me it happens always. 

I’ve noticed this as well.


Could it be because they have the “special documents” in their cargo?  I have seen this happen as well and thought that maybe it had to do with them having the 15k voucher special drop in their cargo.  Whenever someone has that in their cargo, don’t they become visible throughout the whole sector?  I could definitely be wrong.  I haven’t tried killing any of them to see if they have that in their cargo yet, but may have to to try it. 


Also, could it be due to the bots, or even players placing spy drones on them?  Even if they knock the spy drones off could it be buggy and still show them through the whole map?

I’ve noticed this as well.


Could it be because they have the “special documents” in their cargo?  I have seen this happen as well and thought that maybe it had to do with them having the 15k voucher special drop in their cargo.  Whenever someone has that in their cargo, don’t they become visible throughout the whole sector?  I could definitely be wrong.  I haven’t tried killing any of them to see if they have that in their cargo yet, but may have to to try it. 


Also, could it be due to the bots, or even players placing spy drones on them?  Even if they knock the spy drones off could it be buggy and still show them through the whole map?


No, it’s not a classified loot, since I can see them sometimes, even after they are undocking and I would only see one, but I see all of them.

Classified Documents or “Alien Blueprints” are not the cause of this bug.

It was just a thought, since it announces when a carrier of one enters the system and all…

I have spoken to many people.

Most of them have this bug.

Any info on how to trigger it, or is it always present under certain circumstances?

Try to repeat after next update

Well today I just noticed yellwo players at ellydium base that was hiding in the obstacles with hunters but I could target him clearly. In Colonisation Hub there was a tackelr I could see at 26km XD

Screenshot and log needed