Various issues.

This is basically a quick summary of my current qualms with the game, some issues have already been addressed but this is also for me aswell as for the devs.

GOGOBULLETPOINTS! Match the numbers in the first list to the numbers in the second for Problem>Suggestion

  1. As soon as you get a T2 ship, you get mixed with others who already have 3 T2 ships aswell as much more skill, and much better items.

  2. 360 degree firing is illogical in Interceptors and fighters.

  3. The “Free look” camera is generally better than the other camera. (Closely related to 2,)

  4. Frigates have too far range for a ship that size

  5. Not enough information about Ships, items, and your own profile.

  6. (This will only be fixed once we reach Open beta at least.) Force matchmaking to match you with opponents and team mates who are ship equivalent. Scenario 1: You have a T1 Interceptor and a T1 Fighter. Your enemies will have nowhere above T1 ships. Scenario 2. You have a T2 Interceptor, but a T1 Fighter and Frigate>Your enemies will have no worse than T1, but have no more than 2 T2 ships. Additional point: The Balance of the game is completely fine if everyone is on the same Tier, with maybe one or two ships higher.

  7. This is more of a personal gripe, however I strongly believe that to have the option to switch between two camera angles that have different capabilities very unfair for some people. Free look cam is better because of the ease in which you can fire backwards compared to the other view, it also allows for easier control for some people (personally, i don’t find it easier). The “locked” camera is very much more like a space simulator, but has just enough functionality that it can be used in a fast paced action game. This creates a feeling of actually controlling the ship and not just gaining access to another axis in a 3rd person FPS. I suggest: Keep one camera or the other (see poll above for preliminary tests(poll)), and personally I would prefer the locked camera.

  8. Being able to look backwards in a dogfight is very very important, however if you’re in a one-man space ship, this wouldn’t really be an option except by radar or sensors. The current system for spotting enemy ships is very good (the onscreen arrows of your target in the center, and on the outer edge for anyone offscreen.) however, being able to look backwards, and shoot backwards aswell is quite illogical, as also creates a massive bridge between the new players who are not used to it and the oldies who do it without even thinking, this creates the sense of elitism and thus can lead to a bad community of players (given enough time). I suggest: Limiting the weapons firing arcs on Interceptors and fighters. Would have to be accompanied by various balance changes between Fighters/interceptors and Frigates.

  9. Frigates are about twice the size of a normal interceptor, maybe a bit more with the larger ones. This would suggest that it may be a 4-5 man crew compared to the one-man of an interceptor. As a Frigate, you have an effective range of say 1-14km(Provide the pilot is actually skilled with the ship), whereas the smaller ships which favour the plasma and railguns get an effective range of 0.5-5km. Yes, the interceptor and fighters can easily get behind a frigate and blast away to their hearts content, but this does not always happen, and when it does there will be other ships that can just about see you ready to blast you away from their team mates from 10km away(and i know this because i’ve done it.). The Frigates small size also creates this awkward sniping match between players, and the winner is generally determined by “who can actually see the other on the screen”. More than a few times i’ve had to wait for the enemy frigate to fire before I even know there is a frigate there. I suggest two sides of the same coin: Either, increase the size of the Frigate to make them more of a target, and easier to hit. OR decrease the range of the Frigate, forcing them to move closer and lowering their effective range.

  10. This is a feature that will slowly be added in time I am sure, but here are things I would like to see: Ship armour/shield resistance, ship speed of various things (ascent, decent, top speed, acceleration, turning speed etc), Various weapon stats(Damage, DPS, Rounds per second, more indepth range, type of damage etc), a profile page including various stats typical to most pvp games.

Sorry for the wall of text, but those are my thoughts.

This is basically a quick summary of my current qualms with the game, some issues have already been addressed but this is also for me aswell as for the devs.

GOGOBULLETPOINTS! Match the numbers in the first list to the numbers in the second for Problem>Suggestion

  1. As soon as you get a T2 ship, you get mixed with others who already have 3 T2 ships aswell as much more skill, and much better items.

  2. 360 degree firing is illogical in Interceptors and fighters.

  3. The “Free look” camera is generally better than the other camera. (Closely related to 2,)

  4. Frigates have too far range for a ship that size

  5. Not enough information about Ships, items, and your own profile.

  6. (This will only be fixed once we reach Open beta at least.) Force matchmaking to match you with opponents and team mates who are ship equivalent. Scenario 1: You have a T1 Interceptor and a T1 Fighter. Your enemies will have nowhere above T1 ships. Scenario 2. You have a T2 Interceptor, but a T1 Fighter and Frigate>Your enemies will have no worse than T1, but have no more than 2 T2 ships. Additional point: The Balance of the game is completely fine if everyone is on the same Tier, with maybe one or two ships higher.

  7. This is more of a personal gripe, however I strongly believe that to have the option to switch between two camera angles that have different capabilities very unfair for some people. Free look cam is better because of the ease in which you can fire backwards compared to the other view, it also allows for easier control for some people (personally, i don’t find it easier). The “locked” camera is very much more like a space simulator, but has just enough functionality that it can be used in a fast paced action game. This creates a feeling of actually controlling the ship and not just gaining access to another axis in a 3rd person FPS. I suggest: Keep one camera or the other (see poll above for preliminary tests(poll)), and personally I would prefer the locked camera.

  8. Being able to look backwards in a dogfight is very very important, however if you’re in a one-man space ship, this wouldn’t really be an option except by radar or sensors. The current system for spotting enemy ships is very good (the onscreen arrows of your target in the center, and on the outer edge for anyone offscreen.) however, being able to look backwards, and shoot backwards aswell is quite illogical, as also creates a massive bridge between the new players who are not used to it and the oldies who do it without even thinking, this creates the sense of elitism and thus can lead to a bad community of players (given enough time). I suggest: Limiting the weapons firing arcs on Interceptors and fighters. Would have to be accompanied by various balance changes between Fighters/interceptors and Frigates.

  9. Frigates are about twice the size of a normal interceptor, maybe a bit more with the larger ones. This would suggest that it may be a 4-5 man crew compared to the one-man of an interceptor. As a Frigate, you have an effective range of say 1-14km(Provide the pilot is actually skilled with the ship), whereas the smaller ships which favour the plasma and railguns get an effective range of 0.5-5km. Yes, the interceptor and fighters can easily get behind a frigate and blast away to their hearts content, but this does not always happen, and when it does there will be other ships that can just about see you ready to blast you away from their team mates from 10km away(and i know this because i’ve done it.). The Frigates small size also creates this awkward sniping match between players, and the winner is generally determined by “who can actually see the other on the screen”. More than a few times i’ve had to wait for the enemy frigate to fire before I even know there is a frigate there. I suggest two sides of the same coin: Either, increase the size of the Frigate to make them more of a target, and easier to hit. OR decrease the range of the Frigate, forcing them to move closer and lowering their effective range.

  10. This is a feature that will slowly be added in time I am sure, but here are things I would like to see: Ship armour/shield resistance, ship speed of various things (ascent, decent, top speed, acceleration, turning speed etc), Various weapon stats(Damage, DPS, Rounds per second, more indepth range, type of damage etc), a profile page including various stats typical to most pvp games.

Sorry for the wall of text, but those are my thoughts.

Good morning,

you dont need to excuse, feedback is always welcome.

1 At the moment the player base is low so it is hard to create a match with equal teams. You would need to wait 10-30min and I think this would be to long.

2/3 The camera is still worked on and I think we will see some more changes in the future.

4 This depends on the weapons and the frigates of the other factions will have other special abilities.

5 This was mentioned and should also be added in the future.

1 This will be fixed when the player base increases.

2 Already answered above.

3 The backward shooting was already nerfed. In the past every weapon of the ship was shooting backward but now only a couple of weapons can shot backwards.

4 The great range comes from the special ability on F, but other factions will have other abilities so perhaps the “sniper frigate” will loose its attraction.

5 Already answered above