Vampire Drive [Module]

Name: Vampire Drive

Type: Passive Engine Module for Guards

Tooltip: Reduces maximum speed by 5%. All enemies within 4,500m are slowed down by 7%. For each enemy affected, the user gains a 5% speed and manoevering boost while they are in range. (The effect stacks up to 100% of base speed.)

Pls no, there is already enough slowing stuff :s


i like it, i would love to see this on a guard


it would probably have -10% base speed though


One way to make fed engi op^^

What about ceptors?

Or what about PVE? 700 m/s all time?

Edited for clarification

12 hours ago, TheDarkRedFox said:

the user gains a 5% speed and manoevering boost while they are in range. (Max %25)

please ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)