Urgent message from the UMC!



A suspicious low-quality recording has been detected on one of the destroyed ships.


Our engineers are currently looking into decyphering its contents.



New bug, huh?

I’m guessiiiing… the Rank 17 Empire Engineer? I dunno… they didn’t hype up the others like this… but I don’t want to jump to _ that _  conclusion just yet.


Clarification: I’m assuming the drone depicted is a deployable of the engineer’s since we have literally nothing to work on other than the fact that it exists.

But it doesn’t look very Empire-ish, it looks more like a Jericho type of design, we barely got Boremys and they are already teasing the next ship? 

1 minute ago, xXThunderFlameXx said:

But it doesn’t look very Empire-ish, it looks more like a Jericho type of design, we barely got Boremys and they are already teasing the next ship? 

The only real reason I’m thinkin engineer is because we’re looking at what is seemingly a deployable which since the only other remaining classes are recon and command which neither are heavy on deployables… well, time will tell.

But deployable don’t make much sense here especially when it has to be against a surface, the only thing we have are the autonomous drones, but I don’t see many people using it, especially in the turret mode.

Actually in the past week I’ve encountered a few squads of people using Autonomous drones for beacon denial. The more deployables I was thinking on the lines of was more per the autonomous repair + charging stations and the whatnot. So perhaps if it is the engineer it may be more like the Phoenix and more offensive based than defensive.

I think it looks like a vertically oriented jerry inty on its back. Might just be my imagination though.

It looks like Mining ship - called Driller for new open space where we will have mining fields formed from asteroids, nebulas, pulsars wormholes that will connect different systems…


I have to wake up I know I’m still dreaming.

Tanks tanks tanks tanks tanks tanks tanks tanks tanks tanks tanks tanks tanks tanks

It seems to have two turrets (one of each side) and apparent active modules on the “legs” so it’s obviously something we can pilot.

So it’s a remotely controlled drone? Could it turn into a ship and take off from surfaces?

now that’s interesting, it does more looks like a device from a recon ship due to the size. But I like these kinds of teasing ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)

the colors really reminds me of Jerry tech  ![:dntknw:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/dntknw.gif “:dntknw:”)

2 minutes ago, EndeavSTEEL said:

the colors really reminds me of Jerry tech  ![:dntknw:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/dntknw.gif “:dntknw:”)

Def Jerry

It’s just a Drone!

1 minute ago, Koromac said:

It’s just a Drone!

A drone with a cockpit and active modules and turrets

6 minutes ago, TheDarkRedFox said:

A drone with a cockpit and active modules and turrets

No. It’s not a ship. Look at the size. It’s as big as a drone. Wake up!

20 minutes ago, Koromac said:

No. It’s not a ship. Look at the size. It’s as big as a drone. Wake up!


To give you a sence of scale:


Dwarf 2



I think it’s a Federation’s recon ship. It has two guns, it’s desing somewhat resembles Federation ships like Wolfhound.