urgent message for developers

I will give my opnion attention to constructive criticism for the best game development person attention and also the collaboration of the entire board of this work I do not speak only for myself and several several of my friends agree and some even stopped playing for this reason.
  The reason is the game of the imbalance is very desquilibrado the feeling of gameplay. March 2015 to see how the game is becoming a **** that effect before we return to the middle of June 2015 when the game was still good, remember with joy this time all ships were balanced, with equal chances to win and did not have such a ship to be superior to another.

  It was fun there with the passage of time in the first stirred engineers add stronger repair services and then dificulto PVE leaving the impossible, but gave a concert. then improved the engineers leaving almost useless guards, but gave to acustumar
  but this year gave an imbalance show started nerfando many ships and modules, modules after especiaes destroyed the possibility to use two modules, nerfaram and nerfaram
    to complete disgrace add destroyers. oh yes, I lost the sense of the word FRIGATE. It’s amazing how this class was snotty.
I will remember that for each of the frigates serve:

1-guard ship: High ressistencia, firepower, pulse module, mines. front of the ship to the pulse module is enough to kill or nearly kill a intercp. in a set of few words set the old siginificado.

2-enginer: repair allies, intermediate support in Atack and medium high-strength index repair

3-long: Atack soporte of long-range torpedo and disintegrant, low resistance

 Now let’s talk about the destroyer:

* Resistance greater than the guard and stronger Engineer increased 3x game
repairmen more modules stronger than 3x 4engenheira together, along with damage above normal with an extremely high range.

  then I ask you … WHAT ARE THE SAME frigates?

guys have managed the feat of joining the main feature of each FRIGATE put in just a ship, and increase it 3x more and do all the other useless frigates so I ask you to serve. the guard, an engineer and long? if you think. The frigate DIED

 Current siginificado of current class frigates:

1-guard: your speed along with its low resistance leveling with a poorly equipped engineer a few months. its almost obsolete pulse module having no eficencia not. against intercp, a mine with little efficiency. unica utility shoots and send the anomaly. the same is true anomaly is is now useless so take the 5k It makes me wonder why it serves?

2-engineering: intermediate repair serves to fire and low target strength almost equals the guard, but is a little better.

3-long: they serve to play or try to do anything other than seje detected its low resistance says it all.

already the intercptadoras some have abusive damage. others. weak modules, but in general it can be said today to play comflict summarized star in prayer so that no more estragem the game and play with intercptadoras and fighters

 We can conclude that:

1 frigates are useless in combat against fighters and intercp

2 appreciation of the power of intercp and fighters
3 destroyers destroyed frigates now becoming the only fraga that really works
4 It is not easy to build


balance the game again. or decreasing the power of other ships as intercp and destroyers or frigates improve and become strong, with a notable improvement in super speed. turning the camera or almento cannons and damage. almento mine damage. and reach more than almento. achieve and anomalya damage to the guards 2x quite resilient, or nearly equaling the destroyers, the return of the possibility of using several conf modules of a so kind and so somalos increase engnheiras efficiency with resistance and repair of 2 to 3 times more longs to further damage with a range increased guns, destroyers with decreased repair, be slower to load and less lower than the engineer to restrictively 6k to imagine the longs passing some of that, the damage reduced by 2x deminuindo and rate of fire. reduce its strength.
 Create more modules for the frigates to defend the atack of intercps among other differentiation however some only certain class cendo

 I think this would give a stabilized the game and. I want you to answer me concretely will take it. seriously it took me 2 hours to write all this to say will accept the offer thanks for attention

 sorry for the bad translation I am Brazilian and I use google translator for not knowing English

oh god, reading this was so complicated…even understanding most portuguese/spanish words XD i doubt devs can understand this…Anyways, so far the blanace has almost not changed for interceptors, fighters and frigates, meaning that buffing frigates x2-3 times is just completely ilogical from what you just sayed (that balance was good in 2015). Cov ops have more dmg than other interceptors, but gunships have much more, why not nerfing them? Speed is fine for frigates, you gotta play more with Fed. And about destroyers, there has been way too much discussion about this so ill say it briefly: a guard can beat a destroyer 1vs1, just know how to do it, and destroyers are totally unefective at long range at T3 unless you are standing still rock for a minute, in T4 you can easily dodge photon emitter even with the slowest frigate strafing.

Being completely honest: your suggestion is terrible in any mean and would break balance in one of the worst ways possible.

Anyone reading the whole post from KillerSkull_Mk deserves an upvote… 

If devs change half of OP is asking, the forums will burn in flames of rage. Frigates can’t turn into some kind of destroyers. 

Google translate…?

My heads hurts. OM…

hah, writing a wall of text in your own language, throwing it into google translate then posting it here won’t get you anywhere. Not even a well written post would.

Learn to play instead.

1 hour ago, Koromac said:

My heads hurts. OM…

I gave up after two lines to be honest

Pavé César !

Ceux qu’y ne peuvent te lire te salut !

35 minutes ago, Rakza said:

Pavé César !

Ceux qu’y ne peuvent te lire te salut !


haha XD je ne la connaissait pas celle-là!

  I’m sorry I really have problems with English language and also believe until even the Portuguese will endeavor to improve and I’m already making progress to optimize my domain in Englis


![:(](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/003j.png “:(”)


18 hours ago, Papitas said:

oh god, reading this was so complicated…even understanding most portuguese/spanish words XD i doubt devs can understand this…Anyways, so far the blanace has almost not changed for interceptors, fighters and frigates, meaning that buffing frigates x2-3 times is just completely ilogical from what you just sayed (that balance was good in 2015). Cov ops have more dmg than other interceptors, but gunships have much more, why not nerfing them? Speed is fine for frigates, you gotta play more with Fed. And about destroyers, there has been way too much discussion about this so ill say it briefly: a guard can beat a destroyer 1vs1, just know how to do it, and destroyers are totally unefective at long range at T3 unless you are standing still rock for a minute, in T4 you can easily dodge photon emitter even with the slowest frigate strafing.

Being completely honest: your suggestion is terrible in any mean and would break balance in one of the worst ways possible.



I am not necessarily advocating the frigates but say they have little or no advantage in combat against fighters and intercpt
You must have more advantages
more damage more reach the anomaly in the pulsar in the mine porq this defense against them
and also create more modules like: to fight inercp and fighters

If you see well when a intercp or fighters attacked a frigate it normamente follows in its deadband and when algun of efencivos modules of the frigates it is activated or she takes damage or she runs or she shoots while doing impossible maneuvers to shoot them

4 hours ago, KillerSkull_Mk said:



I am not necessarily advocating the frigates but say they have little or no advantage in combat against fighters and intercpt
You must have more advantages
more damage more reach the anomaly in the pulsar in the mine porq this defense against them
and also create more modules like: to fight inercp and fighters

If you see well when a intercp or fighters attacked a frigate it normamente follows in its deadband and when algun of efencivos modules of the frigates it is activated or she takes damage or she runs or she shoots while doing impossible maneuvers to shoot them

Frigates have more firepower and far more tanking, reason why they lack movility (translating in fast ships orbiting frigates, staying behind in some cases). A good frigate pilot will know how to maintain distance…obiously its inevitable to prevent all ships from getting close (as a good interceptor pilot will make it), but you still have tools for fighting back in the moments of weakness; a guard can activate pulsar along with mass propulsion inhibitor: this will deal tremendous dmg to interceptors, make them slower (easier to hit) and remove their adaptives (making them much more vulnerable), the interceptor can stay (and die if you still have decent health) or run (moment where you will have a much easier time hitting it with main weapons…i love using octopus there for taking them out). Interceptors can go really fast and dodge a lot: for that you can use mass driver with accelerating coils (you should use that module with other weapons as well) or beam cannon, but you have to aim well. You can also use objects like walls to blast explosive weaponry. Anyways, as a frigate pilot you should be near your team, proper positioning due to slow speed; allies should be able to help you retaliating those interceptors (that can mean firing at coil shots you, torpedos, etc). Fighters dont dodge much against frigates (if you aim well and have a proper build) except for exceptional cases, like fed gunships under overdrive.


Edit: use verniers and rank 5 top implant. Also, apparently you did not notice when frigballs were dominating the games.

And i love to use a minefield right in the moment an interceptor is trying to kill me when i’m in a LRF. Or a heavy missile when i’m using a Empire LRF from disintegrator view. Or those attack drones when i’m in an engie. Or my latest addition an EM rocket against the wall i’m using to take cover, even if it kills me is better than dieing alone.

Come on KillerSkull_Mk, you have played a lot SC. You know, you haven’t to fight alone. Your teamates are your best defence here. 

Frigates are not too bad - the guard ships will benefit from new modules recently added. Destroyers can be destroyed but usually requires more teamwork than you get in some games. Mainly because you either have to try to kill the destroyer while enemy team is attacking you - takes a minute or two where you probably die from incoming fire. Or, you ignore the destroyer and take too much damage from it while trying to kill the enemy team.

Frigates are quite okay. Their weapons are a bit lackluster, and I’d like to see slight improvements to some of them, but buffing their durability wouldn’t be beneficial to the game overall. Gameplay would just become too stagnant. Then again, we now have destroyers messing up things with their disproportionally high hull durability and directional shields impervious to half of the weapons. The real problem here is that interceptors (and some of the nimblest fighters) are too manouverable. Frigates aren’t weak, its just that those pesky little things cannot be effectively damaged, especially with the clumsiest frigate weapons.

On 13/08/2016 at 0:34 AM, Papitas said:

Frigates have more firepower and far more tanking, reason why they lack movility (translating in fast ships orbiting frigates, staying behind in some cases). A good frigate pilot will know how to maintain distance…obiously its inevitable to prevent all ships from getting close (as a good interceptor pilot will make it), but you still have tools for fighting back in the moments of weakness; a guard can activate pulsar along with mass propulsion inhibitor: this will deal tremendous dmg to interceptors, make them slower (easier to hit) and remove their adaptives (making them much more vulnerable), the interceptor can stay (and die if you still have decent health) or run (moment where you will have a much easier time hitting it with main weapons…i love using octopus there for taking them out). Interceptors can go really fast and dodge a lot: for that you can use mass driver with accelerating coils (you should use that module with other weapons as well) or beam cannon, but you have to aim well. You can also use objects like walls to blast explosive weaponry. Anyways, as a frigate pilot you should be near your team, proper positioning due to slow speed; allies should be able to help you retaliating those interceptors (that can mean firing at coil shots you, torpedos, etc). Fighters dont dodge much against frigates (if you aim well and have a proper build) except for exceptional cases, like fed gunships under overdrive.


Edit: use verniers and rank 5 top implant. Also, apparently you did not notice when frigballs were dominating the games.

I know all the techniques that you mentioned however say that playing t5 moreover there are several fighters and intercp tipping a guard or even a engem in a matter of 3 seconds not only so good as it a seje frigate not have strength enough in t4 and t5 it can be said that t3 until the
in my view frigates are too weak in strength requirements, damage, turning the camera, precision a little more spin speed in camera

15 hours ago, KillerSkull_Mk said:

I know all the techniques that you mentioned however say that playing t5 moreover there are several fighters and intercp tipping a guard or even a engem in a matter of 3 seconds not only so good as it a seje frigate not have strength enough in t4 and t5 it can be said that t3 until the
in my view frigates are too weak in strength requirements, damage, turning the camera, precision a little more spin speed in camera

im a guard player and i mostly play with scimitar at PVP to do the alien event missions (current loadout is for PVE). You can see i just took the SS from the alien research progress.


Im sry but you just gotta git gud and fit well your ships.

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