(Urgent-ish) Biomorph sound help!

I need all of the biomorph attack and passive sounds if someone has them. I mainly need the loud BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA when they first spot you, but the others would be super helpful as well! ^^

I want the defiler sounds…

those too omg



Oh and I also need the Hunter/Predator Engine sound loop. Their engines are the most beastly things ever.

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\star conflict\data

Find the right files, convert .pak to usable files, not that hard. Actually just search for sound files. (Files with “sound” in their name, but they have the .pak ending anyway.)

Look up the rules you cant modify a client nor discuss how to do so on forums.

the way their engine formats .pak files makes them unusable under any format to any external programs. It’s annoying as all hell.

Hm, if i just change the file end to .mp3 it works too, I do not even need to convert it.  :005j:

How? It says something went wrong with compression or file is corrupted or something when I do that…


Mind sending them my way? ^^;

the way their engine formats .pak files makes them unusable under any format to any external programs. It’s annoying as all hell.

[http://forum.star-conflict.com/index.php?/topic/20036-extracting-the-in-game-music-anyone-know-how/](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/20036-extracting-the-in-game-music-anyone-know-how/)

One day I want to make the alien attack sound into a car horn ;p And have random dreadnought gun sounds going off and people will be wondering where the hell it is coming from XD

One day I want to make the alien attack sound into a car horn ;p And have random dreadnought gun sounds going off and people will be wondering where the hell it is coming from XD

You are giving me ideas how to handle with annoying neighbours :stuck_out_tongue:

I wasn’t modifying anything fyi. It’s simply a sound file.

(Mind you the way you program everything it’s near impossible to make use of any game files anyways.)

You can use open source program like Audacity to record sound coming from soundcard, then trim it. Manual for recording is here: http://manual.audacityteam.org/o/man/tutorial_recording_audio_playing_on_the_computer.html



Now how do I filter out other sounds like my thrusters or weapons from other entities?

And just for a show of hands, who has actually been blessed enough to hear a Hunter use their afterburner? (Not Biomorph or Predator)

Look up the rules you cant modify a client nor discuss how to do so on forums.

modifying means changing data; so far they only spoke about extracting it.



Now how do I filter out other sounds like my thrusters or weapons from other entities?

And just for a show of hands, who has actually been blessed enough to hear a Hunter use their afterburner? (Not Biomorph or Predator)

Make a full speed then release thrusters and let your ship to drift near them. When in danger use cloak or just die, you want recorded sound, not survival of these.

All alien afterburners are the same I think. Probably combined with their standard engine sound for whatever size they are.

I think that preds and hunters have the same sounds. Though I -know- that biomorphs have the standard sounds. Not sure about scouts. I think they have the hunter engine sound with the normal afterburners.