Unwanted Self-Destruction

  1. Unwanted Self-Destruction

  2. I didn’t press escape and click “Abandon Ship.”

  3. Just Once

  4. I don’t know. It’s possible that one of my attackers could be cheating but I’m not about to call haxxor.

[combat.log](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=17060)


Is it possible that you could have been close to the edge of the map? The game forces you to destruct as you approach the boundary.

I was in the middle when I was MURDERED!!!1!!1!

Are you use some keyboard switcher or other keyboard utilities?

4 minutes ago, Skula1975 said:

Are you use some keyboard switcher or other keyboard utilities?


Nope. I just use a typewriter  ![:015:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/015.png “:015:”)


Not related to the question but if I wanted to self-destruct, I would double-tapped “F”.



Well… we need to know condition for repeating issue. Do you know as?

i just died. im sorry that i cant provide more info. maybe dude wascheating but i dont know

Ok, we will be wait for repeat