Universal Module 'Redirect Power'

A great thing about advanced space crafts is that you can redirect power to engines, shields, etc… I know that destroyers have this option but it would be great for all ships.

Redirect all power to:

  • Shields
  • Energy
  • Weapons
  • Engines

To Engines: 100% boost no more than 700 m/s

To Weapons: 100% with 25% critical bonus and chance

To Energy: 100% regeneration + when receiving damage brings it up to 150% for 3 seconds

To Shields: 100% regeneration + when receiving damage brings it up to 150% for 3 seconds


When all powers are NOT on engines then strafing is still the same. DO NOT messing with strafing speed ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”) lol


It would make gameplay complicated, SC is supposed to be a casual space shooter.

No… you’d have to focus on yet too many things at once…

What? Destroyers spec mod does this for the most part. you click one button to switch to either speed, shields or weapon boost. SAME THING! How is this complicated ffs I don’t get it. Explain why this is too complicated. *Shaking Head*

Because destroyers have this as their F module, if you’d have implemented this as another key bind, then you’d have to focos on one more extra thing. Plus all ships other than destroyers have usually 100m/s rotation and are at least twice as fast, there wouldn’t really be time for that.



It would also take a lot of time to master the skill, making newbies even more isolated from the rest of the playerbase. 

redirect all energy to shields—>immortal guards but wait there is a “ACTIVE MODULE” for that

redirect all energy to engines—>500m/s dessies oh wait there is a engine modifier for that “CRUISE ENGINE” for fighters

redirect all energy to weapons—>thar’ga v2 u got this one ![;)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/002.png “;)”) 

redirect all energy to energy? whaaat thee flak?


I really don’t get you people man. You complain about this and that and want to get more of this and the other thing and when an idea comes out to give you those things you all shoot them down.

Not to mention this forum is one big social platform. WTF?

This is a forum man. People having off topic conversations and the reason you give when shooting down peoples ideas are lame.

Open your minds people and see that there is a greater picture behind this. I mean really though you don’t get how redirect power to energy regeneration works? And this, well it would be OP stuff is just old.

My god people git gud! lmao  ![o_O](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/007.png “o_O”)

EDIT: dude confused me with his redirect energy to energy; I never said energy I said power and if you think energy is power then rethink that. HINT: fuel in os

I never did support such idea. As well as I never did support the idea of bigger ships neither, nor ellydium ships. I said destroyers would be op, guess what they were. I said elly ships would be op, guess what, they are. So this thing you are saying “you are whining that you want this and that, but then you don’t support it” doesn’t apply.

I could support that if it could not be installed on elly ships.

Its a simple idea on paper but too much of a wild card and complication IRL.

7 hours ago, QACinnamonTroll said:

I never did support such idea. As well as I never did support the idea of bigger ships neither, nor ellydium ships. I said destroyers would be op, guess what they were. I said elly ships would be op, guess what, they are.



[@xXConflictionXx](< base_url >/index.php?/profile/258345-conflictioin/)We didn’t bash you down man, I did a tl;dr and Troll did a fleshed out answer. It is a cool idea, but that’s not what the devs envision for this game. They would give you a similar answer.

I was mostly just messing around trying to get a rise out of you guys. After watching some vids on Tai’kin I can see that this idea is nowhere near the direction things seem to be heading and honestly thought of it and threw it out there with no expectation. Seems to me that it would be great to have but whateves. I go with the flow of the game (as if I really have a choice other than not to play ofc lol)…