Understanding The Games Problems

I want to start this post to help people understand where the games issues are, and to help people understand development of games, So they can correct their terrible perception of game development.


First i want to start with a story, that is extremely important to understand how developmental thinking and problem solving works, and how to determine bad and good suggestions


A few years ago a corporation build a large skyscraper in New York. after it was completed the customers in this building complained because of the slow elevator speeds_,_ and long

waits to either get on, or get to the floor they were traveling to. At this, The development team perceived the problem to be “slow elevator speed” However, we will learn this was not the case.

After investigating changes to the system, they found it would not be possible to replace the elevator system unless they rebuilt the entire building. This left them at the problem (Red text) while

believing its solution was fixing the system (orange textual problem). An Low level entry level employee made a suggestion, A lter the perception of time so the customers no long focus on the

long waits, removing the problem (red text) This solution (green text) was the correct solution, And shows how intelligent designers resolve problems by addressing them, not what people

perceive to be the issue (orange text).



From this story we learn, that often people automatically think the problem is X, but if you analyze it correctly, you will find that it is simply not the case. This is why i am often a head of

most of the people in or pertaining to the game.

Now, Let us analyze the core issues of this game, By Asking Opinions.



Issue 1: Population


What is it that has caused this games population to be so low, yet even though its a fun game (objectively, as people find different things fun)?

Is population issues related to lack of balance?

Is population issues related to lack of content?


Issue 2: Ship Balances


What are some key ship (class) Balance issues?

In what was are the interceptors out of balance? (per individual class bases)

In what was are the fighters out of balance?  (per individual class bases)

In what ways are the frigates out of balance? (per individual class bases)


Issue 3: Module Operation


In what way are weapons out of balance?

In what way are some modules out of balance?

[http://forum.star-conflict.com/index.php?/topic/18970-forum-rules/](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/18970-forum-rules/)

Read 2.4. please.

The game does not have balance issues with ships and modules. This is completely irrelevant right now.


The problems are tier discrepancy, bad matchmaking and long waiting times (connected with the population problem, they chase each other in a never ending cycle, it’s a paradox).


Biggest problem with the game right now is watching the clock tick, which is 70% of my actual gameplay nowadays. Time spent in hangar queue = 4x more than in battle.

Balance is of no priority right now. This will not fix the game if players don’t know how to play, no matter what kind of balance adjustments you do, it will not change the infinite waiting times. This must be fixed first and foremost.

Balance is of no priority right now. This will not fix the game if players don’t know how to play, no matter what kind of balance adjustments you do, it will not change the infinite waiting times. This must be fixed first and foremost.

Infinite wait times are caused by lack of players, and what players we have being spread over too many modes and tiers.


Solution? Sector Conquest - a new mode to divide the PvP community!

More PvE maps to spread the PvE players over!

Tier 5 released when there’s barely enough players for Tier 4!

Crappy matchmaking to prevent people from playing with friends and thus reducing player retention!


All fine ideas that were surely found at the bottom of a bottle of moonshine. Or possible turpentine.

It is getting worse indeed. Maybe it would help if T5 would be removed from arcade and can be flown for sinergy only in SQ.

It seems to me there is allot of stuff going on I have no Idea about… head back in the sand for me  :lol:


There is so much truth to this, Its sad. I have contacted the lead dev to inquire about buying the game.



Please don’t - as your idea’s appear worse than the current Dev’s idea’s :facepalm:

Pssst whats ESB?  :ph34r:

What the game needs is for Tiers to be internally balanced. If you go Tierless then you’ll face all manner of problems, not the least of which is that the already unpopular matchmaking system will just get worse. Adding a whole host of new roles will make a mess of the game balance, and if you kept the same roles and adjusted ships to keep progression stable and balanced you’ll have a lot of superfluous ships.


Cant do that because you need population to make a tier system work, changing the conditions will not resolve the problem, they have been doing that since the start. Basically for a tier system to work

you need to get 4000 (1000 people per a time zone) people of each of say 10-15 stages of skill. The population for this game just cannot support that. Like i said, you need population to make the tier

system even get close to working right, and even then its not anywhere near perfect.


Your “fix” to the tier queue by putting everyone in the same zone is pretty much what Sector Conquest did, and it is not anywhere near as popular as it should be. People don’t want to be matched against more powerful ships - they want to be matched against better players in ships of equal power!


You dont put ships with Tier 5 technology vs ships that ships there were previously tier 1. That is “more powerful” You just make it like it is now, interceptor, atkship, frigate, but you change the classes and roles to something like


frigate, destroyer, Cruiser etc. with in the same tier.

set them as a “capital” class ship that can only really kill other capitals (because projectile speed is slow) Then you set up the smaller ships to have 15-20 different sizes, roles etc. and the game is very dynamic, but its like everyone is in the same tear / equal power.

And there are already other games with a head start on you offering to do the same thing, only better. 

There currently is no games in design like Star conflict (that i am aware of).

The games that come close to the genre (like star citizen, etc) are not the same type of game, and require to high of graphics, which is why they will ultimately fail, and what Star conflict has over them (and its simplicity).

In short, Star conflict has the right foundations, but the wrong implementation, where as the other games are opposite.



Star Conflict has / had some good stuff going for it. You redo from start you will lose that, and thus lose your fans.

People come and go, this game is ever a fleeting change of a few thousand people. Further, a few thousand are no where near its population level, lets be frank, its a joke

threatening or saying they matter vs millions of others out there is a laughable concept in and of itself, and to be frank if i have to lose 10,000 of them to gain 3 million others, Im

totally ok with that.


Moreover, you’ll have a lot of pissed off people who invested money in this game, only for you to close it down. These people will not support you again.


Dont care, more fish in the ocean - People play a game because its good and fun, not because of other nonsense


Your best bet would be to restore what was good about the game; ditch the bad patches, keep the good ones, listen to players and keep the game afloat.


There is no bad patches just bad implementation of concepts in them. minor fixes to the system will make this game what it should be, but those minor fixes piss off

the general player. In fact, that has been the case every patch i have seen (and from what i gather, it has not changed).

Well congratulations. I was actually generating a sense of respect for you up until that last post, where you reveal you truly are a member of the Star Conflict development team.


You don’t care about the current players. You don’t care what they think. You want a game that you want to play and xxxx everyone else. That is the attitude that has gotten Star Conflict into the mess it is in, and you want to put out the fires by dousing it in petrol.

To try to please everyone, Is insanity. If you cannot recognize that i don’t know what to tell you.

If you think pleasing 1500 people is a better option then 3 million, your not being fair or realistic.


if i did not care i would not be here trying over and over again to help fix the game.


Games run off money, not wishful thinking or demonstrations of symbolic means of “caring”.


Dont get my wrong, I want the current people to say, and even get rewarded for their loyalty,

but there is a limit to pleasing people (especially small groups).

Let’s take things one step at a time…


if i did not care i would not be here trying over and over again to help fix the game.


If I may: what, in your opinion, are the issues that we (the playerbase) face?

Jason and uhmari are both right in a sense. But I feel your going about in a direction that seems more argumentive instead of agreeing on a solution to the problem that will benefit everyone. 


From my standpoint, I play this game to have fun. As of now though, the fun factor is lost. 


But when you introduce grinding, poor balance, a clear pay to grind less in every item, and a poor team work mentality (squads) what are you left with? No fun.


No fun = Not worth your time and effort = no players to play game = no money for devs = closing of game. We dont want that! 


Lets at least agree that this game WAS fun, but after a series of poor design decisions and decisions that affect the special 1%, we are seeing the “dark ages of SC”. Let us at least try to put this game as it was, in the fun aspect of it, like in 0.7.0

If I may: what, in your opinion, are the issues that we (the playerbase) face?



The first issue with population, (and likely biggest) is the lack of appeal to various types of players, and skill sets of players. This is undoubtedly the single most destructive element to the game.

this come in two fundamental issues,


  1. The lack of content variation (trading, mining, etc). If research was applied to this game, we’d see that some 73% of games in this genre are non-pvp oriented. A game focused fully upon this

aspect is a game that is limiting its population to the other 26%.


The variant level of skill now applies here, if the newer or even unskilled players cannot compete (more specifically if they feel like they cannot compete) then the game will experience massive bleeding ( the joining and leaving of new players to the game). this further diminishes the population levels.


  1. The Lack of ** Play-ability** by the variant skill levels; If modifications where made to the game, to allow the players to enter that realm of “feeling they are doing something” Then the game will retain a large amount, if not all of that 26%. This is the most simplistic, and likely solution to bolster the games population.



Looking at option two in more detail.


Undoubtedly, Skill should play a major effect in the game. Players “feel” its important The problem in this regard rests in that the players thing Skill is dependent upon X Conditions, When it in fact is dependent upon Y conditions. Further this realm of correct understanding is blurred do to the nature of some egotistical players wanting to be “Ubar mode” and “one shot everything”.


Correction of these problems will increase the enjoyably and competitive play in the game.



How would i fix this?


I would start with reducing the damage of weapons significantly, Placing the survival of all ships under single fire to around an average of 30 seconds, however this time would be accomplished by improved accuracy rates, at the lower damage variables (in short, reduce the weapon damage, but make them hit more). This will make the unskilled, or new player “feel like” they are having an effect, There for retaining interest in the game, and reducing bleeding.


Other mechanical changes are needed in this regards, Like a limitation upon the max turn and strafe rates, preventing interceptors from moving so fast that they cannot be targeted in hit (again, the damage rates would allow them to survive longer, but be hit more often).


There is a more simplistic option in this, but it requires an advance set of calculations, It would be to add a mechanic that can be problematic in itself, so fixing the foundation is the solution.


After this, I would tailor the operational mode of modules to make the classes (especially the interceptors) much closer to their class play concepts, For example, ECM Ships (since mentioned earlier) i would change to

sit in the back idle, Jamming. They’d have a module they continiously keep on, to reduce their signature. their skill would be to spam jams of enemies, while not using to much energy to unstealth them from their active module.

I would also add a class that works directly against these effects (Covert ops, vs EW interceptor). 


changes like this to classes would help improve the dynamics, and i agree paper rock scissors is not the way to set up this game, as much as it is this counters that ( a fine line between the two)

But when you introduce grinding, poor balance, a clear pay to grind less in every item, and a poor team work mentality (squads) what are you left with? No fun.


I agree Jp, But this was done because of the lack of income. the grinding now is utterly insane, personally i think the credit cost on ships needs to be removed, so its just synergy to progress.


Lets at least agree that this game WAS fun, but after a series of poor design decisions and decisions that affect the special 1%, we are seeing the “dark ages of SC”. Let us at least try to put this game as it was, in the fun aspect of it, like in 0.7.0


Side note, people think hitting the reset button is a good idea, but its self-defeating and costs money. The game does not need major mechanical changes, just minor ones that have moderate to major effects.

But when you introduce grinding, poor balance, a clear pay to grind less in every item, and a poor team work mentality (squads) what are you left with? No fun.


I agree Jp, But this was done because of the lack of income. the grinding now is utterly insane, personally i think the credit cost on ships needs to be removed, so its just synergy to progress

Is there something about being Russian that makes them not listen to customers?


There’s plenty of posts along the theme of “I would pay you money if you did x”, and we never see it…

They are like most companies these days, Recycle the wheel, and milk it for money.


Look at their “World of tanks in space” attitude with star-conflict


What does that tell you about the unique design of star conflict? that it does not exist. and form of unique aspect in this game came from me, and if not one other specific russian player.

Our corporation is very much against this, and is working on new wheels, and quality. I am sick of this type of rework the wheel and milk it attitude. Games just ant what they should be.


though i recognize the need for income, I dont prioritize it, Make your customers happy, and get lots of them and the money will come, you just need to be patient. if its not, then your business model needs to be changed.


People pay more in/for games they like, not ones they are forced to pay. all these free to play games, and league of legends was the only one to get it right.