Unable to warp in Open Space/get thrown to login screen

Bug report:



What happened?

I was in Open Space, when I tried to use the warp-gate.

My 30 seconds of invulnerability went off and I still didn’t jump to other sector and my daily Open Space mission did not get marked as completed when I finished it.

Loot was sent successfully via Cargo Drone.Once I self-destructed, I was thrown to the login screen.

Once I re-entered the game again, I appeared in the hangar and I was asked, if I want to return to Open Space (return to battle) question.


I clicked yes, and I got in the sector that I was previously unable to jump. My daily mission was marked as completed as well.

My self-destruct and ammunition costs counted as well in the hangar, before I returned to Open Space.


This happened in 1.3.6 and this bug remains in 1.3.7 version.



What did you expect to happen?

Smooth operation of the game in general. No warp issues to other sectors and completed assignments.



Ho to reproduce this issue?

Unknown. Play long enough to get such issue. It’s rare, but it start appearing on 1.3.6 and now on 1.3.7 update.




I am providing you with logs:

[2016.05.26 10.13.57.zip](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=11147)

It can be network issues,either from you or the server.All that you can do is pray.

It can be network issues,either from you or the server.All that you can do is pray.

It’s not from me. That’s all I can say. It’s server related.

I can confirm that. I got a message “unable to activate jump gate, please try again later”. After few minutes of trying it let me jump. My network connection was ok, I was talking on TS during occurence of that issue.

10:39:58.299 | Closed connection with masterServer addr, reason 5


It recognize as “NETWORK_FAIL”

It recognize as “NETWORK_FAIL”

Means your network fail, not mine! I was still able to do everything normally with my connection.

Means your network fail, not mine! I was still able to do everything normally with my connection.
