Unable to start PvP games?

Since few hours, I haven’t been able to join a single PvP game.

I did not do anything special to make this happen, I just spammed PvP games until I realized I was waiting 15 minutes in queue.

My mates  https://100001.onl/ https://1921681254.mx/ https://happymod.site/  succeeded in finding PvP games on their side, and when they group me for PvP, they are stuck with me.

Open Space and Special Operations are still working, but PvP brings me to infinite queue times

The problem appeared around 5.30 pm (Paris time).


Thanks in advance for help,

On 5/16/2020 at 6:54 PM, zhairpatel said:

, I haven’t been able to join a single PvP game.

Please, read this