Unable to progress in campaign 20/25

  1. Counter resets from 1/3 or 2/3 to 0/3. NOW, Counter does not increment from 0/3.

  2. I expected to have maniac medal counter increment from 0/3 to 1/3 to 2/3 to 3/3.

  3. I get maniac medals and counter resets to 0/3. I get a maniac medal and counter does not increment from 0/3.

  4. I have more than enough maniac medals to be at 21/25 in campaign. I have gotten more than enough maniac medals since Journey as well.

  5. Counter will reset randomly to 0/3. Counter now does not increment from 0/3 at all.

  6. 6/4/2018 EDT 11:47:51.211  CMBT   | ======= Connect to game session 34323198 =======
                    11:48:06.918  CMBT   | Spawn SpaceShip for player9 (Cailleach, #1564865). ‘Ship_Race1_L_T5_CraftUniq’
                    12:07:09.569  CMBT   | Cailleach earned medal ‘Double_Double_0’ (50 experience)

7.Since Journey patch update. Most recent incident; 6/4/2018 EDT 11:47:51.211 - 12:07:09.569.
8. Not Applicable.
9. Not Applicable.
10. Not Applicable.



Happens to them all. Gotta be hella OP across 3 back to back missions to complete them now.

No point to progression past 17 though. Nothing to gain.


Fixed already