Unable to enter game, receiving constant error since July 4, 2015

I grabbed a screen cap for your reference.


I have been unable to enter the game since Independence Day. I have tried at a variety of times during the day and night. The error has been consistently the same. I access the game, normally, through ARC.


Until July 4th, I had never once experienced this error.



I look forward to your response and possible resolution, as I would earnestly like to be able to continue playing this game.


Thank you in advance for your time and consideration.








p.s. If this is a duplicate thread, I apologize. I scanned the most recent threads but did not find this error reported.


  1. How do you start the game? Launcher, Steam, Arc?
    2. [How to create bug reports](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/25328-how-to-create-bug-reports/)


…same. I access the game, normally, through ARC.


I am not yet sure if it is a bug, or if something is wrong with my ARC system, hence my question here.

Hmm, I didn’t understand. Did you launch the game from Arc and game didn’t start, anytimes?

Sir, if you will look at the screencap, you will see the game does indeed launch from Arc. But, once at the Login screen, I get the error that is shown in the same screencap. Once in a blue moon, a pop-up will display briefly saying that the servers are overloaded and that I am in a queue, but that pop-up never stays so I can’t get a screencap of it.


Are the servers really overloaded with people logging in to play?


If not, then could there be a problem with Arc?


I have uninstalled the game from Arc and my computer, then reinstalled it, but there was no difference.

logs needed

[How to create bug reports](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/25328-how-to-create-bug-reports/)

Just today I have encountered a similar problem.


I have a Star Conflict launcher icon on my desktop.  I double click it, it opens the launcher, I hit “Play”.


then It takes me to the login screen.  I have, at this point, double checked my password btw.


SO then I click on the “login” button.  and I get a popup that says “Lost connection to server.  Reason: Access Denied.”


this has been going on all day.  I have tried four separate times to login, there should be NO problem, and yet I’m getting this bogus BS message “Access Denied”. 


And yet the initial launch window has steadily been saying that the server IS available.


Is there a fix or an explanation coming soon? 

Just today I have encountered a similar problem.


I have a Star Conflict launcher icon on my desktop.  I double click it, it opens the launcher, I hit “Play”.


then It takes me to the login screen.  I have, at this point, double checked my password btw.


SO then I click on the “login” button.  and I get a popup that says “Lost connection to server.  Reason: Access Denied.”


this has been going on all day.  I have tried four separate times to login, there should be NO problem, and yet I’m getting this bogus BS message “Access Denied”. 


And yet the initial launch window has steadily been saying that the server IS available.


Is there a fix or an explanation coming soon? 

This has been a temporary issue with our servers yesterday.

Sorry i didnt see this post before, probably shouls have just added here but i made a new thread.

Its still happening