unable to attack the enemy

| Error report |
| Describe problem and what you saw | I was in open space on one of these “protect convoy” missions. The problem was, some player attacked and destoyed my convoy and only thing I can do was just looking on that - the player was invulnerable by mi attacs…then he did i to second convoy, then the third… |
| What you expected to see | It would be great if i can kill players who attack my convoy. |
| Conditions in which error reproduce | openspace |
| Problem details | I was in open space on one of these “protect convoy” missions. The problem was, some player attacked and destoyed my convoy and only thing I can do was just looking on that - the player was invulnerable by mi attacs…then he did i to second convoy, then the third… |
| Frequency of reproduction | frequent |
| Time of bug |   |


Go in to settings for the game, scroll to the bottom, and you will see “Station Protection”

Turn this off and you can attack whatever you want.

10 hours ago, TheDarkRedFox said:

Go in to settings for the game, scroll to the bottom, and you will see “Station Protection”

Turn this off and you can attack whatever you want.

This thing was renamed to “PvE Mode” few patches ago.

And I thinks its not the case of bug report. I had few occurences that for some reason, blue player (so with PvE Mode enabled and positive karma) was able to attack and destroy the cargo and you couldnt do anything regardles of being blue or yellow.


Well in that case…


[@Skula1975](< base_url >/index.php?/profile/239039-skula1975/)