UK Clan

Anyone have a UK clan, or want to start/join one??

I dont know who else is on here from the UK so would be nice to clan up. I have a Teamspeak Server already so that would be beneficial. I also have a complete clan site and clan name ready, its almost memberless at the momeny as everyone left to play other games, so i would be willing to wipe the slate clean with all forum posts and start again!!

We are going to create a multilangual clan.

We already got a Teamspeak Server and we are going to set up our webpage in some days so if you dont find enough members you can join us.

Nice one, thaks Error :slight_smile:

I’ll bare that in mind!

Uk clan have been playing online since Novalogic produced DeltaForce.

Our Clan believe in having fun above all, so join us in our BF3 server.

anyone have a us clan?

Yeah i’d like a uk only clan, or maybe Uk and Us only clan, to give us more members.

So count me in, i can also bring quite a few people with me, approx 20-30 ppl…

which gives me an idea haha… but yeah count me in deffintley :slight_smile:

well it sure it nice to see someone looking for a clan thats from the UK yeh im intrested

We are going to create a multilangual clan.

We already got a Teamspeak Server and we are going to set up our webpage in some days so if you dont find enough members you can join us.

and error whats the clan called your in casue unlike other clans they done seem to use Skype or TS3 witch is essential for team games if i cant find a EU clan then i may as well join your’s :fighter:

well it sure it nice to see someone looking for a clan thats from the UK yeh im intrested

and error whats the clan called your in casue unlike other clans they done seem to use Skype or TS3 witch is essential for team games if i cant find a EU clan then i may as well join your’s :fighter:

Check out justified-gaming, we already have a site up and we use skype. :slight_smile:

well it sure it nice to see someone looking for a clan thats from the UK yeh im intrested

and error whats the clan called your in casue unlike other clans they done seem to use Skype or TS3 witch is essential for team games if i cant find a EU clan then i may as well join your’s :fighter:

Our clan is called Space Invaders. We use TS3, but at the moment we are searching more people for our english wing.

Check out justified-gaming, we already have a site up and we use skype. :slight_smile:

as ive stated in ur thread i wont join ur clan simply due to the fact u require members to sign up at ur website forums just to be in the clan

Our clan is called Space Invaders. We use TS3, but at the moment we are searching more people for our english wing.

and awesome cant wait to be apart of it

Big up Zerocool, count me in (PS check your private messages on forum)

I am looking for a clan to join on star conflict anyone, from the UK can give me there teamspeak details please so i join teamspeak

Hi guys am new to this game as just got into beta today .I run a clan in the black prophecy game called Dog’s of War (D.o.W) and looking to expand to star conflict.

I am English butt my clan has members from 17 countries atm so all will be welcome . We have a website and raidcall voiceserver.

So i will post progress of clan here if you are interested post or pm me . :fed001:

Hi guys am new to this game as just got into beta today .I run a clan in the black prophecy game called Dog’s of War (D.o.W) and looking to expand to star conflict.

I am English butt my clan has members from 17 countries atm so all will be welcome . We have a website and raidcall voiceserver.

So i will post progress of clan here if you are interested post or pm me . :fed001:

This is not the way to go advertising ur clan on another clans thread thats stupid and making u sound desperate to get more players in ur clan and more of the point ur trying to steal members that are all ready wanting to join this clan so go start ur own thread

Sorry DiBBz i did not wish offend i will start a thread if my clan votes to expand.

Add me :010j:

also looking for UK clan

count me in aswell :slight_smile:

I haven’t actually played yet, or even picked a race ( just installed) but when I get it sorted I could be interested, if you’ve room for an oldman :wink: