Two-step authentication and counteracting fraudulent activities in trade


Pilots! UMC reports important improvements in trade, which will strengthen measures to counter the withdrawal of funds from unprotected accounts:

  • From now on, trading will be disabled on accounts with suspicious activity. To return to trading, players with such accounts need to enable two-step authentication.

Please note that nothing will change for accounts with two-step authentication enabled. They will still be able to trade freely on the market without any restrictions.


As for Steam accounts, you will need to link your email to them. You can find the instructions HERE.


Two-step authentication is the protection of your accounts. After all, it is not only important that it gives you the opportunity to trade as before. More importantly, it protects your account from intruders and hacking attempts.


Once again, we urge everyone to enable two-step authentication. This way you keep the ability to trade in the market and protect your account from possible hacking.