Turn on Friendly Fire to fix guided torpedoes

Currently you can spam nuclears and guided torpedoes like they are candy, a free kill no downside weapon. I think turning on friendly fire would make those weapons require thinking before using.

I have to ask some questions though. What Teir do you fly and how many games total have you played? 


Those missiles are very slow, and you easily kill a LRF with a covert ops

Those missiles are very slow, and you easily kill a LRF with a covert ops


Not all that slow. 650 m/s base speed, up to 1,319.5 m/s when tachyon charged. You can only outmaneuver them, certainly not outrun them (except when they fired from too far away of course and then lack the range to close in on you).


Wouldn’t mind the entire game to have friendly fire on btw, but I realize it will almost certainly lead to griefing.

Not all that slow. 650 m/s base speed, up to 1,319.5 m/s when tachyon charged. You can only outmaneuver them, certainly not outrun them.


I thought they got ninja nerfed again though. I need to double check. 

Heh, I had to double check myself before posting because your statement left me unsure, but speeds are as I posted.


PS: Bit of a shame missile implants and passives don’t apply to the guided torps, that would mix it up a bit.

Heh, I had to double check myself before posting because your statement left me unsure, but speeds are as I posted.


PS: Bit of a shame missile implants and passives don’t apply to the guided torps, that would mix it up a bit.


That would be cool though! 

I have to ask some questions though. What Teir do you fly and how many games total have you played? 


Those missiles are very slow, and you easily kill a LRF with a covert ops



244 battles

1275 rating


244 battles

1275 rating


Not bad at all. Though, The missiles dont really seem to be a problem when I play. Was it that one match or do you see it as a consistent thing? (I asked your stats to make sure you were not a complete newbie.)

Dont do it!!

We had that in 7.x it was terrible. Morons shooting Torps, not caring if there were friendlies or not. They didnt even got punished for it, so you had to get your own LRF to get revenge on your own team (lol)! 


The current buff is a bit much…


Imo the best solution would be to nerf AMS to 150-300m range and let Torps explode premature if hit by AMS. 

well in that case the guard would always get hit by the torpedo no matter what

Not bad at all. Though, The missiles dont really seem to be a problem when I play. Was it that one match or do you see it as a consistent thing? (I asked your stats to make sure you were not a complete newbie.)

every beacon match there are 3-5 guided torpedoes going for beeacons, completely ignoring friendly fire

every beacon match there are 3-5 guided torpedoes going for beeacons, completely ignoring friendly fire




It seems that even with this change, it goes to show you cant make everyone happy. 

I happen to like the guided torp the way it is now. Significantly changed how I park my healer nowadays.


but in certain game modes (its’ those 2 again, hunt and recon) your options as a Guard and Engineer is very limited. I can imagine in well coordinated games, it can be hell since you cannot reach the LRFs easily. my preferred tweaks would be:


  • maneuverability nerf of guided torp (so a well timed turn can minimize dmg or escape blast radius)

  • or that missile hp idea




  • just in case -

2,200+ battles

75% of those in the old T3

Engineer, Command, ECM


  • bigger engineer mobile shield wouldn’t hurt or one that can protect frigs from badly aim torps. right now it won’t cover your ship no matter how you use it.

well in that case the guard would always get hit by the torpedo no matter what


IIRC the dmg. scales with the range from the center of explosion. So, yes, the guard would always get minor damage from the Torp. thats intended :) 


Guards should not primarily guard themselfs but others… at least imo. 

Guards should not primarily guard themselfs but others… at least imo. 




I have noticed 2 things. 


Guards should act more guardy, and every time JP makes a post, people somehow want to annoy him…

Heh, I had to double check myself before posting because your statement left me unsure, but speeds are as I posted.


PS: Bit of a shame missile implants and passives don’t apply to the guided torps, that would mix it up a bit.


I remember suggesting that a long time ago, but nobody wanted to see guided torpedoes with 17.5k range.

If friendly fire were to be turned on i’d shoot at everything that moved. And i don’t think the torpedo damage scales down because of AoE.