TTG suggestion: fort muerto

the latest patch have brought us the great fort muerto (the old pirate complex) map in invasion :slight_smile:


but how about making it hagar for pirates and criminals? its located at the central sector it would be nice idea for people with -2 karma to go there than normall hagars

as they wont permit them to dock, fort muerto shuld be for all cartel pilots of the game this feature might offer

  • conflict against players with good and bad karma

this should be the home of bad karma playersfighting against good

  • strong ai defenders to fight with if a good player go there the ai with this and the ones from ggood hagar shuld have same durability and strength

  • variety of wars with ai good vs bad good shuld have less durability (just for scenery :))

  • the ability to trade items and make it an important place and them most frightening one

  • giving sttation protection to criminals with ai support

Dangerous zones should be “station pprotecteod” for them for pirate vs pirate fight also adding ai that will shot -2 kar a in “good” sectors and in " bad" sectors the +karma people also adding sectors that no one of the two sides have protection also good

  • uh whatever

  • and much more features

this hagar shuld have its own missions for monocrystals too it might sounds bad idea becus devs will have to make a new hagar textures etc but why not thinking about it

i will also post tha to my section for sugestions in another thread

Poor spelling but good idea. I +1

Definately agree.

Posted new idea sorry for poor spelling i sent it from tablet

Something like this might be added in the future.

Something like this might be added in the future.


Please please please please do!!! :smiley:


I have always wanted a dockable pirate base!


It would fit with all the pirate DLC ships and with the lore of the game (some kind of renegade mercenaries group up to prey off the passing travellers for personal profit…)!


It’s a shame I “have reached my quota of positive votes for the day”…

Something like this might be added in the future.

* faints *

Please please please please do!!! :smiley:


I have always wanted a dockable pirate base!


It would fit with all the pirate DLC ships and with the lore of the game (some kind of renegade mercenaries group up to prey off the passing travellers for personal profit…)!


It’s a shame I “have reached my quota of positive votes for the day”…


Same. That would be awesome! Maybe make the pirate hangar available to those who have -2 Karma level or lower.

Same. That would be awesome! Maybe make the pirate hangar available to those who have -2 Karma level or lower.


It really saddens me to write this, but the developers have clearly stated their own views on 2 things just recently, more than once.

Pirate Base Fort Meurto - possible 4th dockable Station and the trading system.

For the Pirate Base Fort Muerto, they were still undecided and they were considering. No longer!

However, both things have been pretty much clearly denied now, especially the trading system.

This means we will never get to see any of the ideas in any shape or form.

No more bases or trade agreements between factions.

Such a shame.

Time to move on.

Something like this might be added in the future.


It really saddens me to write this, but the developers have clearly stated their own views on 2 things just recently, more than once.

Pirate Base Fort Meurto - possible 4th dockable Station and the trading system.

For the Pirate Base Fort Muerto, they were still undecided and they were considering. No longer!

However, both things have been pretty much clearly denied now, especially the trading system.

This means we will never get to see any of the ideas in any shape or form.

No more bases or trade agreements between factions.

Such a shame.

Time to move on.

… these sort of contradict each other. Just a little. LIKE A LOT. wut.

… these sort of contradict each other. Just a little. LIKE A LOT. wut.

Well Koromac is right, they did say this before… Now Error is saying that they MIGHT consider it. Still nothing is certain!

I think a trading system is still clearly out of the question because of all the problems it would cause and extra safety measures it would require. However a pirate base would not be that hard to put in place I think. All it requires is a fourth hangar to be designed. All the other mechanics, including in Invasion, are already in place! We even have the pirate DLC ships!

If the devs want to make some extra cash, they could make this pirate hangar some kind of DLC hangar… I for one would definitely buy it :slight_smile:

But if it is not DLC then I would like karma to play a role in this. Being able to dock safely in Fort Muerto thanks to negative karma would be so awesome!!

Well Koromac is right, they did say this before… Now Error is saying that they MIGHT consider it. Still nothing is certain!

I think a trading system is still clearly out of the question because of all the problems it would cause and extra safety measures it would require. However a pirate base would not be that hard to put in place I think. All it requires is a fourth hangar to be designed. All the other mechanics, including in Invasion, are already in place! We even have the pirate DLC ships!

If the devs want to make some extra cash, they could make this pirate hangar some kind of DLC hangar… I for one would definitely buy it :slight_smile:

But if it is not DLC then I would like karma to play a role in this. Being able to dock safely in Fort Muerto thanks to negative karma would be so awesome!!


I think it would be really smart to implement Pirate Base as some sort of “exclusive” docking base. Maybe there you could even get tougher and more exclusive assignments. Possibilities are endless.

I think that -3+/+3+ players should be able to dock at Pirate Base. Karma maybe would only affect certain favors. It’s hard to say at this point.

I think it would be really smart to implement Pirate Base as some sort of “exclusive” docking base. Maybe there you could even get tougher and more exclusive assignments. Possibilities are endless.

I think that -3+/+3+ players should be able to dock at Pirate Base. Karma maybe would only affect certain favors. It’s hard to say at this point.

I’d say +2/-2 and higher. +/-3 is very hard to achieve. But I like your “exclusiveness” idea as opposed to just a “pirating pilot’s dock” which will exclude a large part of the population.

Some new, harder missions would be nice, yeah, as long as they give higher rewards.

I’d say +2/-2 and higher. +/-3 is very hard to achieve. But I like your “exclusiveness” idea as opposed to just a “pirating pilot’s dock” which will exclude a large part of the population.

Some new, harder missions would be nice, yeah, as long as they give higher rewards.

If there is an exclusive sort of deal, there ought to probably be another base where high positive karma folks can dock. It doesn’t make a terrible lot of sense for high karma people to be able to dock at what was once named “pirate base”, after all.

If there is an exclusive sort of deal, there ought to probably be another base where high positive karma folks can dock. It doesn’t make a terrible lot of sense for high karma people to be able to dock at what was once named “pirate base”, after all.

Mmh this could get complicated.

Maybe the devs could develop a paradise hangar with angels and clouds and little pink unicorns for all those goody goody pilots :smiley: But where would we put it in Invasion? that is the question…

Ok different suggestion then: make this some kind of elite mercenary hangar, as extra end-game content, where only people who have reached t5 can dock and undock from, and receive very hard missions to complete.

An idea of some possible missions:

  • kill 5 pilots in invasion (negative karma)

  • kill a pilot who has criminal status (positive)

  • kill 10 police officers of any faction (negative)

  • squad with a low tier pilot and escort him safely from one faction’s hangar to another (positive)

  • kill the same person twice in a row after he used a duplicator (negative)

  • spend twenty minutes in the same zone farming without dying (positive)

  • find/steal some secret documents and carry them around for ten minutes without being killed (both)

Mmh this could get complicated.

Maybe the devs could develop a paradise hangar with angels and clouds and little pink unicorns for all those goody goody pilots :smiley: But where would we put it in Invasion? that is the question…

Ok different suggestion then: make this some kind of elite mercenary hangar, as extra end-game content, where only people who have reached t5 can dock and undock from, and receive very hard missions to complete.

An idea of some possible missions:

  • kill 5 pilots in invasion (negative karma)

  • kill a pilot who has criminal status (positive)

  • kill 10 police officers of any faction (negative)

  • squad with a low tier pilot and escort him safely from one faction’s hangar to another (positive)

  • kill the same person twice in a row after he used a duplicator (negative)

  • spend twenty minutes in the same zone farming without dying (positive)

  • find/steal some secret documents and carry them around for ten minutes without being killed (both)


Very good concept. I think that side missions - errands should also give you karma in the current form. You only get standard synergy and no loyalty vouchers. Credits are nice, but they are the easiest to obtain.

Mmh this could get complicated.

Maybe the devs could develop a paradise hangar with angels and clouds and little pink unicorns for all those goody goody pilots :smiley: But where would we put it in Invasion? that is the question…

Ok different suggestion then: make this some kind of elite mercenary hangar, as extra end-game content, where only people who have reached t5 can dock and undock from, and receive very hard missions to complete.

An idea of some possible missions:

  • kill 5 pilots in invasion (negative karma)

  • kill a pilot who has criminal status (positive)

  • kill 10 police officers of any faction (negative)

  • squad with a low tier pilot and escort him safely from one faction’s hangar to another (positive)

  • kill the same person twice in a row after he used a duplicator (negative)

  • spend twenty minutes in the same zone farming without dying (positive)

  • find/steal some secret documents and carry them around for ten minutes without being killed (both)

Put it above Muerto!

Put it above Muerto!


What should we name our purely hypothetical Fort Muerto alter ego then?


What should we name our purely hypothetical Fort Muerto alter ego then?

Fort Terumo. Anagram of Muerto, just so happens to be a medical company. :smiley:


What should we name our purely hypothetical Fort Muerto alter ego then?


I’d say Fort Vida. Since vida is life and muerto is death, makes sense.