translation of the game into Polish

Hi, I would like to offer help in translating the game into Polish, but also report some mistakes in translations in Polish which are already added to the game.


I will start with mistakes in the translation into Polish which I have found so far, these are not some big mistakes, but they are still errors.


1. In the PvE mission “Nić Ariadny” at some stage, “Poerwany niszczyciel” is a literary because it should be “Porwany niszczyciel”.

2. In the game mode selection menu, the block named “Map” has not been translated, in Polish it should be a “Mapa” (I marked the block in the picture below with a red border.)



Now I would like to propose translations of texts that have not yet been translated into Polish.

Below I will add a image to help you recognize the elements.


  1. In the green border “RANDOM” change to “LOSOWA”

2. In the gray framing “Mission selection is only available to the team leader of 4 pilots” change to “Wybór misji jest dostępny tylko dla lidera drużyny składającej się z 4 pilotów”

3. In the pink framing “Ship boosts” change to “Wzmocnienia statku”

  1. In the orange framing “Power” change to “Siła” (x2)

  2. In the yellow framing “Deadly challenges” change to “Śmiertelne wyzwania”

  3. In the white framing “The price of trust” change to “Cena zaufania” (x2)

  4. In the light blue framing “Increases attack power by 0%” change to “Zwiększa siłę ataku o 0%”

  5. In the purple framing “Increases hull durability by 0% and shield durability by 0%” change to “Zwiększa wytrzymałość kadłuba o 0% i wytrzymałość tarczy o 0%”




Now in the next window.

Below I will add a image to help you recognize the elements.


  1. In the red framing “Increase effeciency of the boost Power to level 2” change to “Zwiększ efektywność Siła do poziomu 2”

  2. In the yellow framing “Increases attack power by 2%” change to “Zwiększa siłę ataku o 2%”

  3. In the orange framing “Increase effeciency of the boost Obrona to level 2” change to “Zwiększ efektywność Obrona do poziomu 2”

  4. In the pink framing “Increases hull durability by 2% and shield durability by 2%” change to “Zwiększa wytrzymałość kadłuba o 2% i wytrzymałość tarczy o 2%”

  5. In the purple framing “Insygnia” change to “Wyróżnienie”

  6. In the white framing “Insignia issued by the UMC for feats in missions. used to increase ship upgrade levels in PvE.” change to “Wyróżnienie wydane przez UMC za osiągnięcia w misjach. Używane do zwiększania poziomów ulepszeń statków w PvE.”

  7. In the gray framing “Can be earned for victories in regular PVE Missions.” change to “Można zdobyć za zwycięstwa w regularnych misjach PvE.”
