Tournament "Old School" T5

Tournament “Old School” T5


Format : 5х5

Tech level : 13-15 ranks

Maximum teams in tournament : unlimited

Tournament will be held in two stages: groupe stage and play-off

Group stage: group consist of minimum 4 teams, each team fights each team in group minimum once, gaining 3 points for victory, 1 point for draw.

Play-off stage: single elimination until 2 victories.

Finals and 3-rd place contest: single elimination until 3 victories (in case of 3 draws - teams play until first victory, or team with most victories wins).


    Tournament date :

25-26 nov, 02-03 dec. Battles start in 19:00 UTC+3


Maps :

Eastern Mining Station

Ancient Ruins

Northern Mining Station

Devils Jaw


Game mode :

Combat recon


In group stage each team fights each team in both game modes. If there are more then two battles, then game modes will rotate





    1. Ships tech level: 13-15 rank

    2. Friendly fire (team damage): on

    3. Destroyers, ellydium ships (and all weapons or modules), ship “Brokk”, unique weapon/module/modificator of “Karud” (ship allowed), Sword’S alternative diffusion shield, attack drone (craft), ‘Doomsday’ missile, cruise engine modification, phase suppressor, mass driver, flux phaser, phaser, destructor, scatter gun, spatial scanner, shield havoc, multipurpose shield, crafted/event weapons/modules/modificators (such a: energy convertor, proximity mortar e.t.c.) - FORBIDDEN.

If there are any questions about modules/weapons/modificators (about: Allowed/Forbidden) - welcome to leave comments under this topic

    4. Reverce Thruster - ALLOWED. Мк.5 weapons, Мк.4 ammo, Мк5 modules - ALLOWED.

    5. Team failed to enter lobby in 10 minutes after being called, or non-present team gets technical defeat

    6. For “contracted” battle (“loss on purpose”, “pre-arranged battle” etc.) both teams will be banned from tournament no matter the stage of it

    7. If member of a team is not present after 1 minute from match start (dropped from game) - team must continue battle.

    8. If member of a team is not present within 1 minute from match start (dropped from game, failed to enter the match) - team can request to restart battle

    9. Team composition changes AFTER registration end NOT allowed.

    10. All other rules are stated in the general rules of cyber activities. In any questionable situation tournament rules have top priority

    11. For abusive, disrespectful behavior - objectionable remarks against the other teams, administration, streamers, or commentators - warning is given to the player. If player will get two warnings - he will be banned from tournament    

    12. Server location is determined by administration aiming for equal conditions for both team

    13. Each pilot must have 1 to 4 ships in slots

    14. Pilots from different corporations in single team are allowed

    15. Administration decisions in any disputable/questionable situation are final

    16. Teams and players who have deserted (disqualified) from tournaments/events after being registered and respective registration have ended are allowed to take part in this tournament only by administration decision



Registration form:

    1. Team name.

    2. Team captain.

    3. Team members - 5 players including captain + up to 3 players reserve.


Rewards for winners:

    1 place: 50 000 000 credits

    2 place: 30 000 000 credits

    3 place: 15 000 000 credits

    Each player of the team will receive reward



    Teams which takes 1-2 places in the groups and left in a play-off will be rewarded with 50 xenocrystals and monocrystals

    For each passed stage of play-off team will receive 25 xenocrystals and monocrystals


    Each player selected in symbolic team of tournament will receive 50 monocrystals. Symbolic team will be chosen by administration of tournament. Also administration of tournament will choose opening team. Each pilot of this team will receive 50 monocrystals.

    Registration will be closed in 23 nov 00-00 UTC+3


    Administration of tournament: Mzhelskii, Devouder, Nikosar, yakkudza, GodnessMolly, AdmiralFear, MarySue, Lafael





[@Listick_](< base_url >/index.php?/profile/253487-listick_/)0 Are Pirate Modules allowed?

1 hour ago, John161 said:

[@Listick_](< base_url >/index.php?/profile/253487-listick_/)0 Are Pirate Modules allowed?

Nope. They can only be obtained by crafting, after all.


crafted/event weapons/modules/modificators (such a: energy convertor, proximity mortar e.t.c.) - FORBIDDEN.

17 minutes ago, Listick_ said:

Nope. They can only be obtained by crafting, after all.




As do secret project ships. And both Pirate and Secret Project ships got introduced about the same time in the game.

21 minutes ago, John161 said:

As do secret project ships. And both Pirate and Secret Project ships got introduced about the same time in the game.

True, but ships is different matter. They are just ships with a little different spec-modules (not only, but still).

And yea, tournament is not exactly about certain time. Of cource, we try to make all like a few years ago, but without 100% similarities.

tilloooooooo me and terror are gonna sign up we might have zenchronos and omegafighter wanna teamup ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)

teamname: SC4EVAH

TeamCap: Kurdi

Team: Terrorblade






   Subs : looking ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)

Players that wanna sub can find me in SC sunday 17.00 pm +2gmt


If the developers makes a oldschool version of starconflict without all the openworld, aliens and destroyers i will happily reuse 1000 euro on license and premium ships ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”) think about it Star Conflict classic a whole new game ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”) 

16 hours ago, Kurdi said:

tilloooooooo me and terror are gonna sign up we might have zenchronos and omegafighter wanna teamup ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)

Kuuuuurdi, why not, but u full already 

16 hours ago, Kurdi said:

teamname: SC4EVAH

TeamCap: Kurdi

Team: Terrorblade




   Subs : looking ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)

Players that wanna sub can find me in SC sunday 17.00 pm +2gmt

lovely ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)

Will r11 minotaur be allowed?

1 hour ago, _terrorblade said:

Will r11 minotaur be allowed?


On 09.11.2017 at 6:21 PM, Listick_ said:

Tech level: 13-15 ranks

Like you see, nope

On 11/9/2017 at 4:21 PM, Listick_ said:


    Tournament date :

25-26 nov, 02-03 dec. Battles start in ??? UTC+3




Have you guys decided on starting time yet? 

6 hours ago, SINaka said:


Have you guys decided on starting time yet? 

My mistake, completely forgot about it ~_~

Start will be in 19:00.

7 hours ago, Listick_ said:

My mistake, completely forgot about it ~_~

Start will be in 19:00.

Who will check if players have done what you asked of them, like, no Mark 5 modules, forbidden equipment, etc?


32 minutes ago, Koromac said:

Who will check if players have done what you asked of them, like, no Mark 5 modules, forbidden equipment, etc?

Mk5 modules allowed. Forbidden equipment will be checked by spectators in game and by administration in logs.

13 minutes ago, Listick_ said:

Mk5 modules allowed. Forbidden equipment will be checked by spectators in game and by administration in logs.

There should be no Mark 5 modules. Mark 4 is old school. ![:p](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/004.png “:p”)

Take Purple, not Orange!

5 minutes ago, Koromac said:

There should be no Mark 5 modules. Mark 4 is old school. ![:p](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/004.png “:p”)

Take Purple, not Orange!

Too much Old School isn’t good at all, u 'now ¬‿¬

17 hours ago, Listick_ said:

Too much Old School isn’t good at all, u 'now ¬‿¬

In SC years we should be dead already.  ![:laugh:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/laugh.png “:laugh:”) ![:laugh:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/laugh.png “:laugh:”) ![:laugh:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/laugh.png “:laugh:”)