Tournament "May maneuvers" (Results)

Congrats to Bygyrd 3 TN for their victory, and good job to everyone involved.


And to EVO, I’d like to extend a gracious hand of sportsmanship for the game in which they narrowly defeated us. Thank you for not rubbing it in our faces, even though you clearly could have. I doubt we would have been so gracious had we won.

Thank you all guys for participation, hope to see more of you next time on such event!


Congratulations EVO with 7th place, all our team was amazed by your progress :wink:

Congratulations EVO with 7th place, all our team was amazed by your progress :wink:

Both teams of ours were amazed! Really. Good job!

Well done to everyone, and especially to the Steel Marauders, tying for 13th is pretty darned good :smiley: until next time, gents and ladies - good hunting! We’ll be watching in earnest.

Nice job everyone, I wish I could have helped out DYN, but duty calls. I’m a little curious of why they set up the brackets this way though. When I played Starcraft and Counterstrike competitively, if there were teams over the 2^n count, it was setup in a way that there were only positive byes (i.e. if you were eliminated from either bracket you were eliminated with a number of other players/teams, and your finishing place was more equalized). It meant the same number of games, but you had them more spread out over the rounds, instead of what happened here. Dyn lost two games in a row, which was similar to many of our 13th place finishers, but because of the double negative positioning we ended up with 17th place vs tying. A last place team shouldn’t be occurring on double elimination. Granted, 17 teams is probably the worst case for “positive byes only,” requiring a lot of byes well spread out through both brackets, but it just requires less than an hour to figure out. Perhaps next time this can be brought up to the organizers?

Nice job everyone, I wish I could have helped out DYN, but duty calls. I’m a little curious of why they set up the brackets this way though. When I played Starcraft and Counterstrike competitively, if there were teams over the 2^n count, it was setup in a way that there were only positive byes (i.e. if you were eliminated from either bracket you were eliminated with a number of other players/teams, and your finishing place was more equalized). It meant the same number of games, but you had them more spread out over the rounds, instead of what happened here. Dyn lost two games in a row, which was similar to many of our 13th place finishers, but because of the double negative positioning we ended up with 17th place vs tying. A last place team shouldn’t be occurring on double elimination. Granted, 17 teams is probably the worst case for “positive byes only,” requiring a lot of byes well spread out through both brackets, but it just requires less than an hour to figure out. Perhaps next time this can be brought up to the organizers for next time?


Hey, so when is the last place party? I brought the beer :slight_smile:

Beer! Wahooo!


At least I’m posting on this forum now.

Congratulations to all the pilots who participated in the tournament. it was very fun to fly with/against you guys!


I hope to see everyone again in another match!


It was fun to fly with 300ms everytime! (rofl)




EterN - Le Honeybadger!


Our May maneuvers tournament is finally over! Many thanks to all the players for their participation in the tournament, I hope everyone found it interesting and fun. In the future, we will hold similar events =) I want to congratulate the winners of the tournament, the team “Bygyrd 3TN”!!! All prizes will be given out on Monday! You can view a detailed fight history here.



Supreme Champion: Bygyrd 3TN

Worthy Adversary: ESB

Maybe Next Time: DNO & Co

4th place: SYN

5th place tie: TSH, SKY +

7th place tie: ALPHA, Evolution

9th place tie: Spaceinvaders, Jaridan’s NASA All-stars, Zero, Shades of the Cosmos

13th place tie: Skull and Bones, Steel Marauders, RISE, Galactic Wolves

17th place: Dynamis

Let’s see Evo and Alpha 7th LOL and OH MY what is this DYN LAST PLACE no wonder they will only take rank 9 people. Gratz to 3TN tho

Thx to all for this fun tournament :salute:


Was a pleasure to be part of it and fly against you :crazy:



And gratulations to the winner team , gj :good:


от души́ поздравля́ю! :yes_yes:




GauntTheMan (SpIn)

is there a breakdown of the fights? ships used?

Maybe videos of the fights? I’d really like to check those…

[Tournament videos Bygyrd 3TN, semifinal, final combat voice record](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/19646-tournament-videos-bygyrd-3tn-semifinal-final-combat-voice-record/ “Tournament videos Bygyrd 3TN, semifinal, final combat voice record - started Today, 07:31 AM”)

Grats esb, hard fought and with a great understanding of mechanics, I love watching you guys play and seeing you in matches. I just wish I wasn’t so hot blooded to seek out who killed me/targeted me.

I just wish I wasn’t so hot blooded to seek out who killed me/targeted me.

It is simple to fix! Just don’t die and kill everyone with cold blood!

It is simple to fix! Just don’t die and kill everyone with cold blood!

Lol lets see how well I can follow this sage advice.


Either way 11 man premades look like a whole different beast.