Tournament "May maneuvers" (find your teammates)

Still searching for a teammate? In this topic you can find someone for the [tournament](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/19531-registration-for-the-tournament-may-maneuvers/).

Good luck and don’t hit the asteroids! :bomber:

← looking for a team

← looking for a team. :slight_smile: Ceptor / Frigate player  :)wt

I’m down for a team. Corp made one already so I say DOWN WITH THEM!

I’m down for a team. Corp made one already so I say DOWN WITH THEM!



Turns out some of us officers got together and made the decision to punish our bodies and field a team.


Doc, you are pretty much going to have no choice but to show up and play with us.

If its for NASA, I will stay up ALL night to play…granted if its Saturday Night though…

2 am for me…

Anywhere we can find the team lists? Like the members of each team

Anywhere we can find the team lists? Like the members of each team

You can only find the full teams [here](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/19531-registration-for-the-tournament-may-maneuvers/).

I’ll be glad to play on any team. Thanks!

So, has there been any single team formed out of these non-corp-willing-players?

We are taking non-corp and other corp members to our teams.

We are taking non-corp and other corp members to our teams.


What is the name of your team? I’ll join your team.

Looking for a team name is Darkdrake

Looking for a team for the tournament.  I fly a Covert Ops, ECM and Gunship.  Handle is Wraithfoxx. 

good luck for tournament to all team.

What is the name of your team? I’ll join your team.

Sorry, we have already gathered people for our teams

Hey All,  whats up,  

looking to join / start a Team, 

hit me up via skype/forum if your intrested, 

skype handle is “pawnoflife” 


b.t.w. i support front line and defend with frigate, laser and drones, 

I assault with swift,

   or snipe with long range frigate

   hope to hear from  some future team mates soon, 


  possibly my future team captain, 


“Space cadets”