Tournament "Best in Space" (Stream)

This topic is proposed to compile a list of people, who want to take part in the [tournament](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/21695-tournament-best-in-space/) as official streamers. Perhaps reward for some help and active participation!  :001j:

ZIEK and myself have discussed this and agreed that we will Stream together.

I’ve recently upgraded my computer and can stream continuously at maximum game settings at 1080p. We can help organise / referee matches and provide commentary from both sides throughout the matches.

In between matches, we can interview the captains of the teams of the most recent match and ensure that there is always something to watch.

We will not participate ourselves, so we can fully dedicate to creating a cast. We may have further ideas the coming days, but we can discuss those with you directly.

ZIEK and myself have discussed this and agreed that we will Stream together.

I’ve recently upgraded my computer and can stream continuously at maximum game settings at 1080p. We can help organise / referee matches and provide commentary from both sides throughout the matches.

In between matches, we can interview the captains of the teams of the most recent match and ensure that there is always something to watch.

We will not participate ourselves, so we can fully dedicate to creating a cast. We may have further ideas the coming days, but we can discuss those with you directly.

Confirmed on my part. Evil speaks for me here.

Evil, Ziek is’s just great!


We really appreciate your initiative.  :012j:

Can we get details on streaming? I’d share the links to someone who want’s to see the tournament.

Videos of the matches from the T3 tournament will be posted within the week.

We had a good time casting together - perhaps we will make another return in a future tournament to do this again.

The entire affair is currently online in unedited form (not the easiest to watch back as it’s a good 3 hours) but ZIEK is hard at work cutting the exact matches out for you all, so that you can literally watch just the matches themselves.

They’ll be available on YouTube as well.

The matches we streamed were as follows:

WPK2 vs NASA (Quarter Finals)

NASA vs WPK1 (Semi Finals)

SAVED vs NASA (Bronze Place Match)

Impulz vs WPK1 (Finals)

I highly recommend the Semi Finals matches - those were among the best I’ve seen in Star Conflict yet, in particularly the 2nd match which was incredibly close.

As promised, here is the entire playlist of the T3 matches that Evil and I covered. Unfortunately, some early matches were not streamed since we needed to run games concurrently, though I have no doubt they were equally glorious.


For navigational purposes, the following links lead to individual videos.

WPK2 vs NASA (Quarter Finals)

Match 1

Match 2

NASA vs WPK1 (Semi Finals)

Match 1

Match 2

SAVED vs NASA (Bronze Place Match)

Match 1

Match 2

Impulz vs WPK1 (Finals)

Match 1

Match 2

It was a blast. I hope everyone had fun!

Thanks a lot for posting Ziek! 

The WPK1 vs NASA Matches are very nice and exciting to watch. 

I may forgive the biased commentary, Evil  :taunt:

Thanks Zap :slight_smile:

We never pretended to be neutral - but we tried to show the strengths and good plays from all sides. They really were great matches and from all teams, NASA put up the strongest fight against the WPK1 team.

That match should really have been the finals, but the brackets didn’t play out like this.

We all agree that Ravender let the whole of Canadia down in the final :lol:

Here are some of the russian recordings (russian commentary):


this is one is PoV of one of the players from a team that got 1st place