Torpedolauncher building bug


  1. we started building our torpedolauncher yesterday and also transfered 15k of 15k irdium. Still it is not building and we also canst start building anything else.
  2. That it start building
  3. nothing special
  4. it doeesnt build and we cant start building anything else. since 2 days working process is bugged
  5. Frequenz ? since 2 days
  6. Attached Dxdiag:
     [DxDiag.txt](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=9209)

Attached Video
Link to video
7. 1.May ~ 11 pm  MESZ
8.  MY pc configuration wont help here
9. not a connection issue
10. its about seco but not directly so yes

[game.log](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=9208)





Assigned Issue ID is 0052120