Top 10 songs to listen while Star Conflicting.

Time for some Black MIDI. Epilepsy warning.

Time for some Black MIDI. Epilepsy warning.

My eyes are bleeding

Epilepsy warning.

Why did you summon me?


Time for some Black MIDI. Epilepsy warning.

I’m kind of curious how many of those notes were turned down to like 0 volume.

I’m kind of curious how many of those notes were turned down to like 0 volume.

I’m curious if he just spammed all the piano keys since at some points all of them were pressed at the same time…

I’m kind of curious how many of those notes were turned down to like 0 volume.

Black MIDI actually plays all of the keys, typically. Some of them like the ones in this video are so short that it literally is faster than the attack phase of a piano keypress. Therefore it sounds silent to the human ear.


Onwards to the next best thing! (Dark DNB/Bassline/nightcore/trap)

Alright,here comes the ULTIMATE: 


15 minutes ago, xXThunderFlameXx said:

Alright,here comes the ULTIMATE: 


This thing is scary. 

On 6/28/2016 at 2:35 PM, Mecronmancer said:


Sounds like how we used to sing at choral practice in the music institute.

15 hours ago, xXThunderFlameXx said:

Alright,here comes the ULTIMATE: 


Its cool to hear the original sound track of Skyrim


3 minutes ago, Papitas said:

Its cool to hear the original sound track of Skyrim


I think today I’ve taken too much drugs. 

By the powers of necromancy, I give you these: