Tips needed

Im having trouble with controlling my fighter.  When I try to change my bearing, there’s like this lag and slow motion that makes me feel really dizzy and I feel confused and lose all sense of direction and whereabouts.


I also cant tell the difference in expert and basic control mode in the options. The invert y axis option also makes no difference.


Can someone help me with what it might be and a few tips.


Ok, I cant seem to even draw a circle with my mouse pointer. Im a bit confused by this control system.

I cant seem to extend the mouse except exactly onthe x and y axis. why? this is very very strange controls.

Im from Australia. I play on the South Asia server. Can anyone tell me where its based?

If you are just starting out use basic mode… actually only use basic mode. Expert mode handles horridly under lag since the camera response is affected by your ping.

As for managing lag if you find your ship is flying “drunk” and there are no enemies near you then hold left ctrl until you level out and try not to make many sharp movements until you notice your ping settle down (hit f11 once to see your ping and FPS).


I’m also Aussie too so I kinda had to learn these things the hard way but the game is playable once you learn to manage lag.

It might be best to try to fly frigates at first, then work your way down to more agile ships. With high ping, you really just need practice to fly normally. Once you get the hang of it though it’s not super bad.

19 hours ago, KayabaAkihiko said:

Ok, I cant seem to even draw a circle with my mouse pointer. Im a bit confused by this control system.

that’s strange. Don’t you have anything like “joystick enabled” on?

Thanks guys. I’m getting a bit better at it, but it will take a long time to get used to. I probably wouldn’t be any good at it no matter how long I play, but I’m very impressed by the scope and details included in this . Its just the controls and the behaviour of the ships makes things really difficult and a bit frustrating. It feels like the ship is been led by a very long string from the nose.


Hope to play the game for a long time to come ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”)


Happy flying!

On ‎21‎.‎4‎.‎2018 at 2:08 AM, KayabaAkihiko said:

Im from Australia. I play on the South Asia server. Can anyone tell me where its based?




I’m curious, os I have question, what is your ping when you play this game?





what ship you play (any agility modules on like [Vernier engine])?

F11 to see your ping… because your ship can be impossible to fly, as it drunk, when ping it too high.

also you can change server, just to see if other works better :

echap or hit the little gear near your name, top left and : main/option/game, scroll down and choose other server.

“any regions” usually help you to find battles faster.

On 4/22/2018 at 5:28 PM, GatoGrande said:




I’m curious, os I have question, what is your ping when you play this game?





Average ping on my end (also AU) is:


380 RU | 350 EU | 250 US | 130 SA

30 EU | 80 RU | 200 US | 400 SA

8 hours ago, EndeavSTEEL said:

30 EU | 80 RU | 200 US | 400 SA


22 EU|45 RU|150 US|?? SA