Tips from Pilots (Discussion)

Just now, Koromac said:

you will keep your honor intact!

Nah, you won’t keep your honour intact, but at least you’ll keep your sanity.

Just now, millanbel said:

Nah, you won’t keep your honour intact, but at least you’ll keep your sanity.

Sanity > Honor

Use pulsar active module on guard frigate to detect invisible enemies in it’s range.

Use micro-locator active module on recon interceptor to detect invisible enemies in it’s range.


Use spy drones active module on recon interceptor to block enemy tackler special invisible module for long time.

Use combat reboot on gunship fighter to be indestructible for 2-3 sec and remove negative effects.

Use pirate engine overcharge active module on gunship to be like an interceptor for about 10sec.

Use tackler fighter engine supressor, inhibitor beam active modules and gravi-emitter weapon to make interceptor like an asteroid.


edit: How to make gunship usefull? Take ion emitter and full hull, then rage enemies like angry bull xD

Remember that you have a role in your team as a specific ship, destroyers aren’t meant to chase down beacons and interceptors.

They may be tough but they’re not invincible, grab some friends to take down strong targets and raids.

Each faction specializes in something! There is little purpose in building shield resistance on an empire ship.

Think about adapting your ships depending of the battle mod: Spec ops, pve and pvp

  • Don’t play the game, play the players. Isolate who is the biggest threat on the enemy team, anticipate their next move and counter them.
  • If you control the battlefield, you control the game. Simple. Spatial domination is key to winning map and game control.
  • Team up for best results.  You can find games very easily as a 2 man squad and there are now incentives for squadding, therefore there is ZERO excuse to not fly in a squad.
  • Have a lineup that can adapt to a variety of situations. Flying only one type of ship or a few types of ships is a recipe for failure since you will not be able to react to a changing battlefield.

“Empire Long Range Frigates cannot shoot through rocks. Make sure you are actually hitting your target and not the scenery.”

“Don’t bring Long Range Frigates to missions that involve capturing beacons - even the worst player is more useful at a beacon than sat in your spawn point.”

“Protect people who fly Engineers. They are the ones who are healing you.”

“Don’t go flying off alone. Stay in the group.”

“Don’t chase injured ships - smart pilots will lure you into ambushes for easy kills. If the enemy runs away, stay with your team and let them go.”

5 hours ago, xXConflictionXx said:

For small things like micro-locators and drones, lock on first and its much easier to hit. An LRF can knock out all of them pretty fast if locked on first. This includes torps in special game modes as well. (Special Game Modes == Figure it out) ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”)

Also manual lock on is better in nearly all cases; auto lock can be turned off in settings just make sure lock on has a key binding…

Also if you don’t like alt+tab’ing to do Discord things then:

  Reveal hidden contents

Discord In-Game Overlay for overwolf…

You will need Overwolf for this and don’t even need discord running in the background.

It uses the webpage version; just don’t close it (the overlay), instead minimize it while in game or press alt+D…


OH and for the love of Star Conflict, stop flying in a straight line and staying in one spot. Always stay in motion, whether strafing or maneuvering… I see someone flying in a straight line then I think easy target and shoot.

You can also use discord on phone/tablet.


18 minutes ago, Wolwolf said:

Why using two program when one can do  the 2 in one. On discord you got the overlay why installing so many unnecessary stuff.

Discord → Settings → Ovelay → “Enable overlay ingame”

And you can adjustt in the game you want to have the ovelay on the Games tab.


First, I’m not using 2 programs. I use Overwolf only and it brings up the web version which is the same as opening your browser and going to the website without installing discord, only its an in-game overlay.

Second, the overlay for Discord doesn’t work right. If/when it does then its buggy and slow. The one for overwolf works in all my games except some of the older games > 10 years ago and its fast without bugs. I also use other things in overwolf like browser, music, Pandora and notepad++… So I am using 1 program instead of multiple and get everything I want without leaving the game (alt+tab)…

LOL you changed what you said so I will answer the new one too ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”)

I use Bluetooth headset and its connection is poor on my phone. I tried the android app but it cuts out too much. The best setup for me is what I stated above and I’m certain i’m not the only one. ALL of the programs I write and addons for other programs are for me only but I share them knowing that others can benefit as well. To each his own and in the mean time maybe I have helped someone save the time it took me to write those programs/addons, etc…

9 minutes ago, Wolwolf said:

Why using two program when one can do  the 2 in one. On discord you got the overlay why installing so many unnecessary stuff.

Discord → Settings → Ovelay → “Enable overlay ingame”

And you can adjustt in the game you want to have the ovelay on the Games tab.


Overwolf can do more then only Discord…


Why does everyone like Discord so much, yeah I agree that it is Easies to use and isn’t bad quality wise, but their privacy policy and Tos is one of the worst I have seen lately.


Edit: Yeah I know no one reads them except some few crazy people.

1 hour ago, JasanQuinn said:

“Empire Long Range Frigates cannot shoot through rocks. Make sure you are actually hitting your target and not the scenery.”

“Don’t bring Long Range Frigates to missions that involve capturing beacons - even the worst player is more useful at a beacon than sat in your spawn point.”

“Protect people who fly Engineers. They are the ones who are healing you.”

“Don’t go flying off alone. Stay in the group.”

“Don’t chase injured ships - smart pilots will lure you into ambushes for easy kills. If the enemy runs away, stay with your team and let them go.”

“Don’t go flying off alone. Stay in the group.” - I’m playing only gunship in SCL with my Ace mono team, and listening intustrial… “RushMore and rAGE” is my motto  ![:004_2:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/004_2.png “:004_2:”) :X And I getting 3-4 kills!  ![:005j:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/005j.png “:005j:”)

edit: Ace… Who invented it mods…? :0

The engine slots on a Long Range frigate are for equipping Vernier Engines which increase your turning speed. Activate your “Reverse Thruster” module before commencing your turn into the direction you are propelling your ship!

Activate the Karud’s Shield Seal as a damage tank module to protect stationery ships and objects, whether to block a Torpedo, a Tactical Nuke, or even a Guard frigate’s Anomaly Generator.

A good pilot flying an unbalanced ship usually knows how to mask their weaknesses. Read their ship statistics to find out what they might be doing!

If a ship’s survivability is high, assume that it’s a slow ship and take advantage of its lack of speed.

Most well-rounded interceptors have a balance of resistance, speed and maneuverability and make use of their active modules as their main offensive arsenal.

Guard frigates may be slow, but they can be good damage tanks and provide a great distraction for a gunship assault strategy.

Use the Gargoyle’s Disintegrator Modifier module to slow down the refire rate of a Meson Cannon Destroyer - this can drastically serve to protect your team against high damage suppressors.

Compensate for loss of damage with faster fire rate on low energy ships. In the long term, an Iridium Heatsink will prove better for high energy consumers than a Pulse Discharger.

An Archelon’s Radiation Converter can act as an alternative to a Shield Booster. Equip high damage Torpedoes and press yourself against a wall - then activate the module and fire a torpedo against the wall to heal your ship!

The best combination of offensive arsenal usually consists of three different ships all providing the three different damage types in the game - EM weapons clear shields while Kinetic weapons deal significant hull damage. Thermal damage can be a good all-rounder against both shields and hull.

Don’t just rely on resistance tanks - volume is also essential to your ship’s survivability!

Test a gunship’s combat reboot by using a visible effect in an open area. If the effect disappears, wait for 3 seconds before initiating the module you intend to use - usually, Weapon System Inhibitor works well on an ECM before disabling a gunship using the Ion Diffuser, and Plasma Web before using a “White Noise” Jammer.

Use a Command’s Shield Havoc to control an enemy team’s movements, to force them to push or to divide them.

Use Strafe to shoot and move swiftly behind cover during a slow push. Strafing fighters should usually be equipped with Railguns for medium range combat during a push.

Two engineers is more efficient than one during a hard push. A backline engineer can heal your severely damaged retreating ships while a frontline engineer can heal your assault ships and provide a tactical distraction, all while your pushing ships engage enemy high damage dealers.

Your slow ships should remain at the back of the battlefield and have a high weapon range.

Use the ECM’s Metastable Energy Field Generator special module near your team’s engineer to allow him to heal your hull more effectively.

If an ECM has its locking systems jammed, it becomes useless. Double-team ECM pilots with Covert Ops and Tacklers!

Cut off a Command’s energy supply to its Diffusion Shield with the ECM’s Energy Absorber module. Once it has no energy, use your Stasis Generator to finish it off!

The Inhibitor Swarm and Thar’kth work on all gunships. Don’t just limit yourself to the Thar’Ga - if you have enough resources, use as much of your arsenal as you can. Two gunships are always better than one!

Use your gunship as a second addition to a tackler or an ECM by using the Inhibitor Swarm.

Fit your interceptors with high rotation and maneuverability to produce fast evasive ships. You can sacrifice volume and resistance for speed if you have a ship capable of fast evasion.

Use a Gunship to break through a Command’s Diffusion Shield or a Guard’s Phase Shield.

Use your Recon’s Microwarp Engine to escape. Never use this module to perform an aggressive manoeuvre!

A Command’s primary active module is its “Valkyrie” System. Activate this module before engaging your team in an assault.

The Jaguar’s Armada ODG ‘Chameleon’ special module can be very useful for hit and run attacks. Keep a Repair Kit handy in case you need to repair your ship while you hide.

Use the Stingray’s Entropy Generator to cause significant damage to alien cores during the Destroyer Special Operation.

The Karud’s Weapons Systems Sabotage can potentially destroy an aggressive Gunship without any need of shooting it.

Destroy enemy tacklers and/or ECMs first. This makes the enemy team’s ability to focus and destroy ships even tougher.

Think about your team compositions carefully. It’s usually better to play as a single united squad rather than separating your wing on the battlefield.

And finally…

If Milfeulle shows up in PvP, stop quitting games and take your loss like a man!


Do not guard beacons at the back of the map, keep an eye on them do not ‘guard’ them.

You can stay alive an entire match and still not be effective for your team, staying alive is not a skill unless you are seeking out danger. Balance this this with not rushing blindly in.

Use crew rank 2 middle setting and/or enhanced scanner for a larger sensor range, this helps you and your team see a larger area of the battlefield to plan an attack and be aware of incoming threats.

Try every ship class, learn the basics of flying them and module use, even if you do not like them knowing their capabilities you will be better able to deal with opponents who do use them.

Never equip only shield healing on an engineer, players come to you looking for hull repairs it is a wasted journey for them and ineffective support.

10 hours ago, Shotan said:

If Milfeulle shows up in PvP, stop quitting games and take your loss like a man!

Exactly, man, exactly!!

Milf is generating data for the devs to nerf the OP stuff!!!

oh hey, my post was removed without a warning. Great stuff.


also, to make this post on topic, try to maneuver as much as you can, that is the number 1 rule in sc. The second is to uninstall nevertheless.

My advice kill like [☭]-∇CommandosGrozny∇-[☭] you will know through my playing style on T5 pvp battles [I live there!].

1-) Kill kill kill kill.

2-) Always kill 2 pilots & then you can die next.

3-) Kill hard without mercy.

4-) Use your modules wisely & know the timing of each of your modules + the cool downs too.

5-) Better to kill someone while you are at the edge of being killed than not being killed at all while you are being useless to your team due to hiding from the enemy without doing anything for your team.

5-) Show them Hell! ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”)




Meaning Of Beast…







