
I have just reached tier4, but now there are long search time before the battle often more than 5min and majority of matches is like 3vs3, nothing like action packed battles on lower tiers. Sugestion let us play with the lower tiers, the ships arent that much stronger only modules are better.I like this game and hope you wil do something about this.

PLEASE tell me you are joking…T4 not that much better than lower tiers? LOL…yeah…I aint even gonna touch any further on that.

I have been in battles that had mixed tiers 1-3 and nobody complains about that.I think it is more important your skil to fly than your ship.

at the moment there are sometimes 1-3 T4-ships per side in T3-matches and nobody complains about it. and the difference from one tier to the next isn’t that big

I have been in battles that had mixed tiers 1-3 and nobody complains about that.I think it is more important your skil to fly than your ship.

sure it is, a t1 can totally kill a t4 right!..right…no

No, tier 1 does not get into the same match as tier 2 so i dont know what r u complaining about funkybacon

No, tier 1 does not get into the same match as tier 2 so i dont know what r u complaining about funkybacon




You were saying?

No, tier 1 does not get into the same match as tier 2 so i dont know what r u complaining about funkybacon

do you even play this game? T1 and T2 is mixed as well as T3 and T4 (and sometimes T2 and T3 is mixed, too)

sure it is, a t1 can totally kill a t4 right!..right…no

Yes t4 is much stronger than t1 one on one, but with 20ships flaying around there arent many battles just one on one.Teamwork is important 3-4 t1 can kill t4.I would like that i can play only matches with t4 ships so that the chances to win are equal, but the problem is that not much players have t4 ships.If we were allow to play with lover tiers there is always option to put some handicap on us…something like players getting more points when kill higher tier ship, or longer respawn time for higher tier ship…



Yes t4 is much stronger than t1 one on one, but with 20ships flaying around there arent many battles just one on one.Teamwork is important 3-4 t1 can kill t4.I would like that i can play only matches with t4 ships so that the chances to win are equal, but the problem is that not much players have t4 ships.If we were allow to play with lover tiers there is always option to put some handicap on us…something like players getting more points when kill higher tier ship, or longer respawn time for higher tier ship…

you MUST be trolling…it cant be anything else…you must be…


4 T1’s can NOT kill a T4. a single T4 inty could kill 7 T1’s even tho all the T1’s are going after that 1 T4. WITH EASE. a single T4 frig could probaly take on 10+ T1 frigs…

the mixed tier is always 1 stage, you dont get t1s fighting t4s, ever!

hahaha f*ck no


get out