ThunderFlame [Videos boi]

I think it’s about time for a thread dedicated to my horrible artworks,I’ll upload whenever I feel like,don’t expect it to be too often tho,so keep and eye on this,why not kick it off with another trailer spin-off,shall we?(well at least a part of it was done in After Effects so that should be something…)


Best damn trailer in a long while if u ask me.

Just a quick question. Why you disconnected 5 times out of 5 in my games today? I hope is connection related. (despite the fact you are an annoying guy, skill wise you are not that bad at all. So why you did that?)

12 hours ago, Spongejohn said:

Just a quick question. Why you disconnected 5 times out of 5 in my games today? I hope is connection related. (despite the fact you are an annoying guy, skill wise you are not that bad at all. So why you did that?)

If I were to stick around in every PvP battles I would’ve been barely halfway there,as I stated before I hate PvP,so sorry,but not really sorry…



Awesome! 2 thumbs up m8 lol

I’m really bored,less than an hour til christmas.