Thunda's wacky builds!

Welcome back skrubs to my collection of wacky builds!


Here is the table of contents:




-Firerate and stuff

-One does not simply frigate



Pretty self-explanatory,well used can also result in a hard to hit ship even if under engine suppressing effects,except for the AB inhibitors.


Here is a example:


Ship Nodachi A:









This one is pretty fun,the best example can be the Mass Driver,you can get some insane velocities and hit pretty much anything with ease,don’t expect to kill them too fast thou…


Ship Anaconda Mk II:











-Firerate and stuff


Always fun,always DPS,10/10-IGN


Ship Tempest:











-One does not simply frigate





I don’t even know what am I doing anymore…






Ship Grizzly-M:




















-Turn down for what

-Do you even regen?!


To be completed when the R14 destroyers will be released.

“Range, we need moar range!”

“Range, we need moar range!”

Range builds?How about full spread reduction on Scatter?I can do that too.


-One does not simply frigate


I don’t even know what am I doing anymore…


Ship Grizzly-M:


![attachicon.gif](< base_url >/public/style_images/master/attachicon.gif)[Build.png](< base_url >/index.php?app=core&module=attach&section=attach&attach_rel_module=post&attach_id=11016)




![attachicon.gif](< base_url >/public/style_images/master/attachicon.gif)[Implant.png](< base_url >/index.php?app=core&module=attach&section=attach&attach_rel_module=post&attach_id=11017)


Please show me the velocity on that thing…


Also, 159 shot/min with Kinetic supercharger?!? That’s something like 2.6 shoots/second… I’m gonna start grinding for that ship. 

I’d love a scattergun with no spread. That would be intense.

Or just a separate weapon that acts like scattergun.

Please show me the velocity on that thing…


Also, 159 shot/min with Kinetic supercharger?!? That’s something like 2.6 shoots/second… I’m gonna start grinding for that ship. 

the speed can be up to 600 m/s,dont belive just try it.

I’d love a scattergun with no spread. That would be intense.

Or just a separate weapon that acts like scattergun.

Well,i think i can do one but maybe on a Cyning with Plasma Control and 3 CPU slots,i may grind for that after i will get my R14 dessie.

Well,i think i can do one but maybe on a Cyning with Plasma Control and 3 CPU slots,i may grind for that after i will get my R14 dessie.

That would be insane… 3 electronic guidances reduces spread by almost 65%, + the 33% reduction… And if I’m not wrong there’s also and implant that reduces spread. 

That would be insane… 3 electronic guidances reduces spread by almost 65%, + the 33% reduction… And if I’m not wrong there’s also and implant that reduces spread. 

20%,yes,not really sure how much it would be,all we know it starts from 17 deg and may get all the way to 4 deg or less,sounds great.

I think the minimum spread on scatter would probably be something like 3° as a cap. But regardless I wanna see someone try.

That Tempest looks fun. But for good range there are gravi builds (implant, ammo 1 horizon) and aproxx 5,5 k range. With 2 IH & 1 pulse disch u get 3,6 dps. It’s nice (5aec 20% dmg boost also comes in like a good ambush advantage). Now what to do with the rest is up to a pilot.