Thoughts on the game


If you take a look at the forum, there is not a single person that does not agree that the Empire is the way to go in PvP, or at least that Jericho is not the way to go. 
Today, for the first time i got ONE SHOT with a bubble in sector conquest on my interceptor (and yes i had EM resist slotted). Never have i played a game where things like that were possible, and Ive played quite a few. 

Another thing, T2=covop kill teams alone, T3=meh, T5=better dont play covop, just an example of unbalanced ships per Tiers
I am an intie player and Im saying that in lower tires interceptors are f**ing OP, i have literally eliminated whole teams alone, and that should not be possible too.

Do you think people enjoy having at least 80% Styx ships at each side? And you wonder why your playerbase isnt growing? Sometimes i like to believe u are so long in beta just so people can say “well its still in beta”, 2 years seriously ?

The only good side is that the community isnt toxic at all, but somehow magically, sometimes i really feel like this game has collected the biggest idiots of the world in a single team. (pic below)

Another thing, T5 PvP (after that 7 minute queue ofcourse) looks like team of ESB (5x lightbringer and 1 Naga) raping everything in the way, do you really think we enjoy that?

GRIND; I have played some of the most grindy, korean games you can imagine but never have i felt so much GRIND like here. Its because the games are repetitive, and i need to play ships i DO NOT like so i can get the ship that i really want to play. 

I could even forgive all of the things that i said above, but there is one that i cannot simply let go, and its PING.
If I select EUROPE then i want to play in EU with 30 ping, and NO I DO NOT WANT you to put me on america servers with 150 ping. Id rather get the massage “No players found.” At least be honest that your game is dead. I dont know what pisses me off as much, as when i get 150 ping in sector conquest. Have you ever played fed inties at 150 ping? It looks like that drunk hobo, 70% of the time i die from collision and not from enemy fire, not to mention i cant hit anybody, plasma arc isnt even usable.

I guess ill stop here, its 4am in the morning so forgive me for any spelling mistakes and such, probably have more to say but whatever, wrong section too prolly.

p.s. do I even need to comment on the stupid bots, that kill me more often then real players, and usually cost people games in deathmatch giving the last kill


That game looks like a simple matter of ‘most of the low experienced pilots on your team’.

The grind is only bad if you are bad and don’t get objectives / kills / assists. Like any other game. Grind in this game is only bad to get top quality modules and passives (as it should be) but you can reach rank 15 in a single line in a matter of weeks.


I recommend you always fit EB in interceptors, so you won’t be instapopped.


It seems that you are flying a federation covert ops without adaptative shields, or you were just standing still. A single bubble from a bubblebringer can’t kill a rank 15 covert ops with proper tank in one shot.


Instead of bitching about ESB squads, do what I did when I met them. Learn from them. They are good, and they are not winning “because they are full purple” Give them full mk1 ships and they will still mop the floor with the random players or tier rushers you can find in T5.


It seems for me that you grinded your covert ops to the top of the line because in T2 and T3 you were almighty in them, but you finally found people playing as a team and you little fancy ninja interceptor is not that OP against them.


The game is not dying, I have seen the same players for 7 months now, with several peaks up and down in holidays, exams and such.


If you want friendly advice and stop ranting, maybe we can help you.


Fly safe!

This post gives me the impression of someone who’s eating only the bits he likes from a dish, and discards the rest. I know, that’s a random thought. 


Eviscerador is right, you seemed to have played interceptors mostly, and when you arrived in the big leagues (a bit too fast), you noticed you are getting pounded. Also, there are players that are absolute killers in interceptors, specially in T4-5. I see them flying around 5 decent enemies, distracting them, damaging them, and just not getting killed. Forever. Not just a pass by. It’s all about skillz, it’s one of the very strong points of this game. Merging personal flying skills with personal fitting builds. 


There is no grind. But that’s an opinion, you can have yours. 


What Eviscerador said and it’s not valid in my opinion, it’s the attitude towards ESB killsquads. You can do the hero/wiseman act and say you’ll learn and stuff, but practically those guys just kill the endgame for 90% of the players that’s don’t have the patience/state of mind to go through that. On the other side, the problem is not real, they don’t dominate any tier anymore, because there are a lot of people now in T4-5 and you don’t meet ESB every game, like it was in 0.7.  At that time, it was EVERY game. 


You’re aggressive and the post is annoying, but you do have some points;

-If you pick European servers, it’s your responsibility, it’s your choice to wait, and the game should not force you after 5 minutes to join a NA/RU/Asia server. 

-Empire is a bit stronger. Jericho is a bit weaker. Specially the fighters. I think Inties are ok, I’m sure frigates are ok. 

To both posts, I’m playing this game for quite a long time, and I’m quite an experienced player with all the ship lines.


The grind is only bad if you are bad and don’t get objectives / kills / assists. Like any other game. Grind in this game is only bad to get top quality modules and passives (as it should be) but you can reach rank 15 in a single line in a matter of weeks.


Instead of bitching about ESB squads, do what I did when I met them. Learn from them. They are good, and they are not winning “because they are full purple” Give them full mk1 ships and they will still mop the floor with the random players or tier rushers you can find in T5.


No as Syrinx said they do ruin your games, and I said its the case in T5 and not lower, so one without a full squad can not enjoy T5 games. And as a competitive player i like endgame PvP.
These are my games using MK1 Gear so i assure you I am getting lots of credits as well as xp. There is almost no game where Im not at the top, and my winrate is about 70%+ (playing solo)


Too bad i didnt save the whole where i outscored the whole ESB team. Now that we cleared that up we can continue.


The game is not dying, I have seen the same players for 7 months now, with several peaks up and down in holidays, exams and such.


Well that exactly is the problem, you see the same players, i see the same number too. But dont you think thats a bit low? Have you ever player other games, the queue times for same arena-styled combat is less then 10 seconds. Imagine how nice that would be. And that is one of the reasons why the grind is big, its because i must spend more time in the game lobby then in actual battle. Gib moni for wait plx.



Eviscerador is right, you seemed to have played interceptors mostly, and when you arrived in the big leagues (a bit too fast), you noticed you are getting pounded. Also, there are players that are absolute killers in interceptors, specially in T4-5. I see them flying around 5 decent enemies, distracting them, damaging them, and just not getting killed. Forever. Not just a pass by. It’s all about skillz, it’s one of the very strong points of this game. Merging personal flying skills with personal fitting builds. 


Maybe you do not understand but “Not getting killed” is not how you win your SC or any other objective mode, you can fly fast not getting hit, but when your beacon is getting taken u must do some action to help it, and what happens? You see tons of shinny little balls coming TROUGH the beacon and if you catch even a single one of them, you are dead.

Lately in doing Sector often, the problem is, as someone from europe, with 30 ping i have won all games, did really good with my inties. BUT thats maybe a 10%, rest of the games are at lesat 150 ping and 1, i repeat ONE mistake and you are dead, try flying a rank15 covop with that ping, please do, its horrible. 

And yes to both posts it seems i have been 1shotted by a bubble, i think it was a crit with combo of crit damage modules, supernova and a Commander Buff. That should not be possible, they can make the fire rate bigger but they need to lower the burst, because no matter how skilled you are in a dogfight, u are gona take at least 1 ball to the face.

U also ignored some other things that Ive said but nvm,  my ninja ceptors are not so OP at higher levels? Iam the one that said that inties (not ECM really)  need to be nerfed at lower tiers, and yes, probably a bit buffed at higher tiers. 

And i dont know why you are trying to deny the OPnes of bubblebringers as we all know that every player has one and uses one in end game PvP. I did not post that as a question, but as a FACT.



You’re aggressive and the post is annoying, but you do have some points;


You bet I am.

Wow… you know, it never gets old seeing T2 pilots telling the vets how they don’t know anything about the game…


You can crow about your performance in the low end all you like, but it means squat. The fact you can beat a bunch of randoms using Mk I gear (which I don’t think you are, but I digress) doesn’t mean you actually have any skills that translate to the endgame. Hell, you can dominate tier 1 just by having basic spatial awareness and being a good shot, but it takes a lot more than that to play with the big boys.


The reason ESB and the like are so scary to you is that they aren’t four pilots flying together; they are four pilots acting as one. Squads talk. They get on Teamspeak. They plan where they will hit and when. They know what ships to use and how. They operate on a scale you simply can’t keep up with because you still think you have “skills”.


You don’t win by staying alive, or by having the biggest kill count or even the highest score. You win by finding the tipping point and applying force. Flying with a good Corp will teach you that.


But you know what? I’m going to throw you a bone. There are real issues at the endgame, and it doesn’t work for solo pilots. That isn’t because ESB is ruining T4 and T5 for everyone else; it’s because under the old system the bad players got beaten down so hard they didn’t dare fly in T3, let alone T4. Now, the Devs molly-coddle them, and if you suggest bad players should go back to Tier 1 and 2 to learn the game you get temp-banned.


In short, problem is the devs aren’t pushing the right kind of behaviour on their players.

The only good side is that the community isnt toxic at all, but somehow magically, sometimes i really feel like this game has collected the biggest idiots of the world in a single team. (pic below)

It isn’t toxic because we are lucky not to have many rage kids of your type around here. Go away.

Also I reported your post above.



Okay, just because…


Liuron - 2nd ship is a Dwarf chassis. Five possible ships, of which four are T2. At best it’s a Rank 7 Diamond Dwarf. First ship is almost certainly a Rank 8.

XCaliber - T3 Inty. Probably Rank 8.

Steeljack - Inty chassis is mostly T3, but could be T2 (Superkite).

Xocht - Both T3 ships, but likely mid-low tier.

Iridiys - Pure T3 chassis, probably Rank 8.

Shacko - Both ships are T3 chassis. Again, I’d guess Rank 8.

Kentichno - Definitely a T3 ship.

xHermiTx - Hydra chassis. Four possible ships, of which only one is T3 (Rank 7). Conclusion; probably T2.

Niksnut. First ship is a Lynx. That’s a Tier 1 ship, or possibly a Rank 4 T2. Conclusion; T2 player who got his hands on a T3 Jericho Guard.

seanchou - I’m actually going to need to login to look up that ship, which tells me there’s no way in hell it’s a T3 chassis. In fact, I think it’s a tier 1 chassis!



That is not a Tier 3 game mate. That’ll be a T2.5 queue at best.


If you are claiming it’s a T3 game, then answer this: Where are the Styx? Where are the Anacondas? Where are the Desert Eagles? Where are the Pirate ships - the Sais and Grims? Where are the squads? That doesn’t look anything like a T3 lineup to me, and I suspect plenty of other players will say the same.


Just to prove the point, when I get back online I will take screenshots of matches and show you what the vets face in T3. Naturally, I’ll include the caveat that, since I’m trying to prove a point, the matchmaking will betray me.


Oh yeah, and arguing squads shouldn’t be allowed to fly vs randoms… they did that, but there aren’t enough players so the squads were never getting matches. It still happens - the Devs can’t ban people from playing just because they squad up!

seanchou - I’m actually going to need to login to look up that ship, which tells me there’s no way in hell it’s a T3 chassis. In fact, I think it’s a tier 1 chassis!


Judging by the guy’s score, I daresay that’s a Dagger V; at the very least it’s an AE.

This thread speaks volumes. 


Let me set this straight.


  1. Any good team, with proper communication and practice can compete with ESB/NASA/Nova/Etc… 

  2. Refusing to work as a team WILL work against you 

  3. Pilot/Experience Skill is still a huge factor

  4. Having purple gear over blue gear means NOTHING, seriously its only a 5% increase, nothing to worry about. 


An example is that when NASA fights ESB, every fight is hard, long, and downright very close. Fun part is they have 10-40 Ping and we all have 140-200 ping. We sometimes win too, and it can be done. Its how you look at the issue that is the problem. 


Our corp has a saying that when you lose, figure out WHY you lost. First rule, dont blame your team if you died more counts then your score. Improve, and figure out your strengths and weaknesses and improve on it. The Vets did not do these things over night, but through communication and working together, they got better, and passed those stuck in T2/3. 


Your rants and rage mean nothing, especially coming from a SALT member in T3. (As the screen shot suggests) 


I do not mean to sound mean in this thread, but only spilling out the facts. 


Look at this picture and tell me why you cant win against these odds? 



This thread speaks volumes. 


Let me set this straight.


  1. Any good team, with proper communication and practice can compete with ESB/NASA/Nova/Etc… 

  2. Refusing to work as a team WILL work against you 

  3. Pilot/Experience Skill is still a huge factor

  4. Having purple gear over blue gear means NOTHING, seriously its only a 5% increase, nothing to worry about. 


An example is that when NASA fights ESB, every fight is hard, long, and downright very close. Fun part is they have 10-40 Ping and we all have 140-200 ping. We sometimes win too, and it can be done. Its how you look at the issue that is the problem. 


Our corp has a saying that when you lose, figure out WHY you lost. First rule, dont blame your team if you died more counts then your score. Improve, and figure out your strengths and weaknesses and improve on it. The Vets did not do these things over night, but through communication and working together, they got better, and passed those stuck in T2/3. 


Your rants and rage mean nothing, especially coming from a SALT member in T3. (As the screen shot suggests) 


I do not mean to sound mean in this thread, but only spilling out the facts. 


Look at this picture and tell me why you cant win against these odds? 



I tried to read on but my brain stopped believing you past point #1

Sorry JP. I’ll do better next time. Promise.

I tried to read on but my brain stopped believing you past point #1

Sorry JP. I’ll do better next time. Promise.


Bad Kine, Bad. You must do better. But you get my point right? 

Besides the fact, that you insulted my favourite Tier and I am not stuck there, I just enjoy the Eagle-B too much, :D, you might be right but…

Blue/purple does make a difference after they stack up. Luckily, with experience also comes loot.

T3 Is where the population is, Hence thats where we go. 


4 Ships remaining until all T3 ships are synergized, then I can use all my prenium ships for synergy and credit gains. lol