Thomastommygun's invasion general suggestions


  • Where you can sell your items also good idea you wont have to travel back with the big road you have to pass ,

Its called a drone, they sit in alot of sectors.


  • Buildings that repair your ship

Just get a group, and have an engineer.


  • And re-ammo you also good idea

You have infinite ammo when you leave the station until you get back.


  • Or adding a building where ou queue up for pvp



  • Or buying items then geting them to haggar to mount them



  • Or a comunication lab where everything related to corp and sector conquest shuld be done

Possibly, but it can be done in hangar still.



Man all suggestion have a logic, but some thing have to be changed to be aplied than leaving them as they are(tou thught)

1- yes you can but they arent at all sectors and they take 20% of the money trading shops shuld give more

2- repairing your ship in durability and respawning there like a hagar

3- well this shuld disable infinite armo reloading if done

4- disable this ability from hagar and use this building

5- disable the ability from bying items form hagar and use hagar as warehouse and mount items

6- disable this ability from hagar and use buildings


those buildings are ideas only 3-4 may be selected at all but giving a wide variety of ideas aint bad

Man all suggestion have a logic, but some thing have to be changed to be aplied than leaving them as they are(tou thught)

1- yes you can but they arent at all sectors and they take 20% of the money trading shops shuld give more

2- repairing your ship in durability and respawning there like a hagar

3- well this shuld disable infinite armo reloading if done

4- disable this ability from hagar and use this building

5- disable the ability from bying items form hagar and use hagar as warehouse and mount items

6- disable this ability from hagar and use buildings


those buildings are ideas only 3-4 may be selected at all but giving a wide variety of ideas aint bad


1- You can just go back to hangar to get 100%

2- Repairing durability costs credits, and the world (sector?) map is actually small enough to get around rather quickly, although I must admit that the ability to spawn in the middle of the frontier does sound nice.

3- Ewww, no.

4- Ewwwwwwwwwww

5- Oh god are you serious

6- Okay maybe but that sounds like too much trouble


Okay, being serious about 3-6 now.

3- That would make people stick to a certain part of the map all the time, and punish those who don’t. I can see the people crying about getting ganked while trying to reload missiles already. If you meant in sector protected areas, that’d make combat much harder than it needs to be in non-protected areas.

4- This would make the already thin pvp queue even thinner. Why go to all the trouble to queue if they can just farm invasion instead? They’re already out there, after all. Don’t disable the ability to queue from hangar, and you’ve got a strong maybe.

5- I honestly hope you weren’t serious about this one. This would make getting equipment absolutely impossible. Strong players could camp spots where equipment can be bought, preventing anyone but the people who already have it from getting it. Unless you meant in a place with station protection, in which case, it’s still a helluva lot of trouble to go through to get equipment. Currently, you can pull up a menu and buy things that fit into a slot in about 30 seconds. With this, you get rid of that menu and force people to take at least five minutes to get a single piece of equipment. Not at all worth it.

6- This one is alright, but it’d still be more effort than needed. The hangar is, and should be, the central area for all things management. Even if there was a building placed in invasion for this purpose, I can’t imagine it being used much at all.

1- You can just go back to hangar to get 100%

2- Repairing durability costs credits, and the world (sector?) map is actually small enough to get around rather quickly, although I must admit that the ability to spawn in the middle of the frontier does sound nice.

3- Ewww, no.

4- Ewwwwwwwwwww

5- Oh god are you serious

6- Okay maybe but that sounds like too much trouble


Okay, being serious about 3-6 now.

3- That would make people stick to a certain part of the map all the time, and punish those who don’t. I can see the people crying about getting ganked while trying to reload missiles already. If you meant in sector protected areas, that’d make combat much harder than it needs to be in non-protected areas.

4- This would make the already thin pvp queue even thinner. Why go to all the trouble to queue if they can just farm invasion instead? They’re already out there, after all. Don’t disable the ability to queue from hangar, and you’ve got a strong maybe.

5- I honestly hope you weren’t serious about this one. This would make getting equipment absolutely impossible. Strong players could camp spots where equipment can be bought, preventing anyone but the people who already have it from getting it. Unless you meant in a place with station protection, in which case, it’s still a helluva lot of trouble to go through to get equipment. Currently, you can pull up a menu and buy things that fit into a slot in about 30 seconds. With this, you get rid of that menu and force people to take at least five minutes to get a single piece of equipment. Not at all worth it.

6- This one is alright, but it’d still be more effort than needed. The hangar is, and should be, the central area for all things management. Even if there was a building placed in invasion for this purpose, I can’t imagine it being used much at all.



um yea they are sugggestions thogh they told that something like that will be added but if  thos ebuildings shuld be in safe areas about pvp queue this stands if invasion

become the main part of the game, somehow will give more logic to the invasion if they add more buildigs


about the 2 that u ansered those buildings may be on safe zones  and if they plan to make more bvbuilding kinds i think all of those will have to be done :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: im bored of eplaining to people tat “complain” every timr :stuck_out_tongue:

um yea they are sugggestions thogh they told that something like that will be added but if  thos ebuildings shuld be in safe areas about pvp queue this stands if invasion

become the main part of the game, somehow will give more logic to the invasion if they add more buildigs


about the 2 that u ansered those buildings may be on safe zones  and if they plan to make more bvbuilding kinds i think all of those will have to be done :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: im bored of eplaining to people tat “complain” every timr :stuck_out_tongue:


It’s not a complaint, it’s a noting of what’s wrong with your suggestions. I already explained why those buildings shouldn’t be in safe zones at any rate, so your extra explanation is unneeded, although you actually reading my response may be.


By the way, dude, you should start paying attention to all those red squiggly lines. Having as many as you do means that it typically takes an extra minute or two to guess what you’re trying to type.

It’s not a complaint, it’s a noting of what’s wrong with your suggestions. I already explained why those buildings shouldn’t be in safe zones at any rate, so your extra explanation is unneeded, although you actually reading my response may be.


By the way, dude, you should start paying attention to all those red squiggly lines. Having as many as you do means that it typically takes an extra minute or two to guess what you’re trying to type.


well mate they plan something like that 

i questioned on q and a forum they will i dont know how it will go but buildings shuld mean that factions are there and use the area so its safe zone etc


btw i dont know how it will go they planing for it

if trading shops are on unsafe zone and this hapens “Ace podders” will kill people to take things they have bought well for hagars that reepair , re amo you and dock there there is no logic for them to be on unsafe zones,i  dont realy know

what will hapen mate but they will make something like that, and i like it :slight_smile:

well mate they plan something like that 

i questioned on q and a forum they will i dont know how it will go but buildings shuld mean that factions are there and use the area so its safe zone etc


btw i dont know how it will go they planing for it

if trading shops are on unsafe zone and this hapens “Ace podders” will kill people to take things they have bought well for hagars that reepair , re amo you and dock there there is no logic for them to be on unsafe zones,i  dont realy know

what will hapen mate but they will make something like that, and i like it :slight_smile:


You know the point of the suggestions forum is not just to make suggestions, it’s also to hear other players’ feedback. Don’t just make a suggestion, and then when I try to give feedback, act offended, refuse to try to revise your suggestions, and then just say “the devs are already planning it”. If you’re just talking about what the devs are planning, that’s what the discussion forum is for. If you don’t know like what my vision of your suggestion is, it’s perfectly fine to say something about it; just don’t go about shutting down perfectly productive conversation instead of responding maturely.


Now, to all your suggestions.


PvP maps in invasion? Sure. We’re already getting PvE, and more maps means more exploration. There’s not that much time to see a map in PvP while you’re playing, after all. When I first heard of open space, I was imagining a procedurally generated universe, thus literally infinite exploration. I’m still hanging on to that hope, but distinct maps seems a good bit more feasible. Either way, bigger is better.


You’ve already heard my opinions on those proposed buildings.


Sector Conquest should stay in Sector Conquest. There’s a reason they’re high level ships only, and that reason isn’t so that the experienced fighters get good gear.


If the amount of credits you get in 30 minutes of sector conquest isn’t enough for you, you’re insane.


If synergy were added, that’d be great, but it’d also take further from the PvP queue. This should probably be pushed back until we have a somewhat consistent amount of players (coughcoughUStimecoughcough).


Rank restriction seems silly. There should be a smoother difficulty curve, yes, but station protection shouldn’t segregate based on rank. I like the idea of being able to fly through tough sectors in low rank ships, as well. R10 sectors force me to use T4 ships that I haven’t synergized or upgraded. Preventing qq might be difficult, but I imagine if there’s a gigantic disclaimer, plus say, a fee, it’d be at a minimum.


Be more specific about what items should be added to crafting and it’ll sound like you didn’t just reinvent the wheel with the entire crafting suggestions subforum.


Resources are everywhere. The only one that’s ever hard to get is alien monocrystal, and that’s because it’s limited to a certain amount every day. Which makes sense.


Sector specialization would be rather neat, although there’s very little to specialize in.


An active module to go to unknown space would be pretty neat as well, but it ought to still be useable in PvP. No modules should be useless in a given mode.


That’s all I have to say.

man look i sugested thio


You know the point of the suggestions forum is not just to make suggestions, it’s also to hear other players’ feedback. Don’t just make a suggestion, and then when I try to give feedback, act offended, refuse to try to revise your suggestions, and then just say “the devs are already planning it”. If you’re just talking about what the devs are planning, that’s what the discussion forum is for. If you don’t know like what my vision of your suggestion is, it’s perfectly fine to say something about it; just don’t go about shutting down perfectly productive conversation instead of responding maturely.


Now, to all your suggestions.


PvP maps in invasion? Sure. We’re already getting PvE, and more maps means more exploration. There’s not that much time to see a map in PvP while you’re playing, after all. When I first heard of open space, I was imagining a procedurally generated universe, thus literally infinite exploration. I’m still hanging on to that hope, but distinct maps seems a good bit more feasible. Either way, bigger is better. 


You’ve already heard my opinions on those proposed buildings.


Sector Conquest should stay in Sector Conquest. There’s a reason they’re high level ships only, and that reason isn’t so that the experienced fighters get good gear.


If the amount of credits you get in 30 minutes of sector conquest isn’t enough for you, you’re insane.


If synergy were added, that’d be great, but it’d also take further from the PvP queue. This should probably be pushed back until we have a somewhat consistent amount of players (coughcoughUStimecoughcough).


Rank restriction seems silly. There should be a smoother difficulty curve, yes, but station protection shouldn’t segregate based on rank. I like the idea of being able to fly through tough sectors in low rank ships, as well. R10 sectors force me to use T4 ships that I haven’t synergized or upgraded. Preventing qq might be difficult, but I imagine if there’s a gigantic disclaimer, plus say, a fee, it’d be at a minimum.


Be more specific about what items should be added to crafting and it’ll sound like you didn’t just reinvent the wheel with the entire crafting suggestions subforum.


Resources are everywhere. The only one that’s ever hard to get is alien monocrystal, and that’s because it’s limited to a certain amount every day. Which makes sense.


Sector specialization would be rather neat, although there’s very little to specialize in.


An active module to go to unknown space would be pretty neat as well, but it ought to still be useable in PvP. No modules should be useless in a given mode.


That’s all I have to say.


man look i sugested those in the past they are sugestions for example the ones withut key are clearly  withut responce giving  information if those ideas are forwarded under discussion and not going to be planed is good

this means the thread can contein two sections discussion and sugesting but the most of sugestions i posted and i iwll poost wont have source at first


telling people that asked sugestions their progress aint bad, if the source is viable, but there isnt a violation here as you said in the “act offended”


and abotu the other things u saidd… some other things could be changed for those to be aplied, alsso stop complaining about thee ranks that htey play everything shuld be avalable form start to make the game intresting to newbies and sector conquest wont remain like that if those hapens and i didnt understoodthe what u said about credits in sector conquest


and about synergy and pvp queue, if the invasion might be the maim game mode in the future they will market the game and will be enough players for both sides