Thi'lith Beam on Tharga

I have a question that I need help with. Feel free to call me nub lol

I just bought Thi’lith beam for Tharga and its still mk1. This weapon is SUPER weak to me. What am I doing wrong? I know that I need as much energy as possible but even with as much as I can install on Tharga at r9 it is just not seemingly worth having. I am trying to get some good enough feed back to make it worth using over singularity where I can go in and kill fast but inty’s not quite as easily. Tackler’s just cloak when I use thilith but singularity most the time they don’t even get the chance.

I spent 40 crystals on this weapon so I want to be able to use it but atm its just TOO weak.

Man, really though any help will be appreciated. I hate that I wasted those crystals when I could have leveled up Tharga more…


I will agree with you. This weapon is WEAK


They should clearly remove the energy malus.

Agreed seeming as the weapon over heats and you have to stop firing at some point anyway. The damage needs to go up over all. Inty can be just a little higher but other ships, frigs, fighters and destroyers it needs to be at least double. mine atm is not even 1000 damage. LAME. I get that its auto aim and you can hit multiple targets at once but its not worth it in pvp. pve its somewhat decent though but I didn’t buy it for pve.

any Tharga weapon that is weak weapon  is good weapon … how …says the indian chief  ![:00:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/00.png “:00:”)

One thing I did notice about Thi’lith beam is that the auto aim thing stands out a lot more. To clarify, shooting a destroyer will fire at the modules. This happens for any weapon if enabled but Thi’lith just stands out more when you are shooting a destroyer. OFC the others weapons you have to actually be aiming pretty close to the module for it to hit though…

Thilith is very weak as now, kinda compensating no-skill to use. Damage is very ticklish and use ships’s own energy very quickly. On tharga it can have moment of being usefull under alien intuition, aiming overcharge and crystal hunger, but outside of that it can be only used to beacon denial or identyfing recons (beam is not shot at holoship)

Just use the kinetic cannon weapon, there’s a reason why it’s OP and get nerfed but still OP.

Thilith is a weapon that can be used for a very specific and situational cases, it’s not a weapon as we are used to, no damage nor suppressing abilities much but in a certain scenario can be annoying as f, thats about it. You will rarely have fun with it unless the whole team is in inties and you fly a thilith mjolnir. Also tharga is only really good in r15 coz of its options, r9 not so much, rather mediocre ship in stat terms.

1 hour ago, ORCA1911 said:

 Also tharga is only really good in r15 coz of its options, r9 not so much, rather mediocre ship in stat terms.

The hell ?

Thar ga is the best gunship at all rank. Especially since there’s a 10% damage node at rank 5

2 hours ago, ORCA1911 said:

Thilith is a weapon that can be used for a very specific and situational cases, it’s not a weapon as we are used to, no damage nor suppressing abilities much but in a certain scenario can be annoying as f, thats about it. You will rarely have fun with it unless the whole team is in inties and you fly a thilith mjolnir. Also tharga is only really good in r15 coz of its options, r9 not so much, rather mediocre ship in stat terms.

K thx. Unfortunate… I guess i’m more hoping that the devs will see this and consider making it a bit more usable considering that we have tharga now…

Problem is that it’s auto-aim. Dev won’t buff it too much because of this.

2 hours ago, Swifter43021 said:

The hell ?

Thar ga is the best gunship at all rank. Especially since there’s a 10% damage node at rank 5

That’s why i said mediocre in stats, not perfect not bad, mediocre, but if you play it right you can excel a bit higher than with others, while a r15 is filthy rich with options and slots.

1 hour ago, xXConflictionXx said:

K thx. Unfortunate… I guess i’m more hoping that the devs will see this and consider making it a bit more usable considering that we have tharga now…

So far best you can do is a mjolnir specific build with it, it can even do some damage on a group of inties.