Thi'Lith Beam Any Good?

Now that I have a surplus of alien crystals coming in, is this weapon any good? Currently looking for a good interceptor killer.

5 minutes ago, HBZK100 said:

Now that I have a surplus of alien crystals coming in, is this weapon any good? Currently looking for a good interceptor killer.

Energy consumption is too great. It’s not as good as it could be.

Ok thx. I’ll stick to gauss cannon then.

It’s good for beacon deny and perhaps killing inties, everything else is bad.

It is only good for 1v1 vs inties. Otherwise you will completely drain your energy in 1-2 shots and be unable to use modules/afterburners/etc.

It was good against ceptors, now its terrible. Forget about this weapon, doesnt even work in a gunship.

Did they nerfed the damage extremely? I saw something like ~700! for my fighter a few days ago… I remembered it was already ‘awful’ to be ~1300, but now? If you want to hunt inties, you could even use the flux.
The beam was sometimes used to damage extrem destroyer as it targets EACH destructable part as own target - mean multiple damage against the shields(if it wasn’t ripped of them) and then killing all parts at once for extrem hull damage. Out of some very specific situation, the weapon is just crap.

>>It was good against ceptors, now its terrible. Forget about this weapon, doesnt even work in a gunship.<<

Contradictory to the instinctiv thought, a gunship is the WORST choice for this weapon. You completely waste your overdrive on it(and in a few cases on some other weapon/builds as well).
(Just throwing numbers around): If you need 300 energy, but regen only 200, but using overdrive (+50% rof +50% energy regen), you would have even a bigger gap then.
Commands could be the ‘best’ to use this weapon on.

Was good against inties, now is completely garbage due to increasing aiming “spread” that was constant before. Only function now is beacon denial or identyfing recons (beam doesnt shoot to holoship). Damage is tickling instead of dealing harm, range is crap, high energy consumption, quick overheat, to get max objects to hit you need to shoot 4 times.