They should have brought micro-locators.

I’ll be uploading this battle’s video on Monday.











Haha… They were not prepared.


Dat recon fit

Won’t micro locators get left behind?
The ships move…


Also, micro locators don’t cancel holograms, right?


Also, micro locators don’t cancel holograms, right?


they do

Good Lord, Nuke! That’s messed up. Funny, but messed up.

P.S. I’m on vacation, but I’ll be back Wednesday.

Dat recon fit

You know you love it. Derpest fit evar. <3

Needs moar trianglez.

That was too funny…

Imagine that from their perspective… Suddenly! Recons!

Needs moar trianglez.

Illuminati confirmed?

They are never prepared…

Last time I defended against them (Ultra, and I think it was MEFF->BOJ, LILIT failed to show) they had 4 guys ready to go, aparently “for sparring, since we didn’t expect any defense like last time


Note: “Last Time” BOJ showed up full wing to defend. the only guys who got through was MEFF (1)

They are never prepared…

Last time I defended against them (Ultra, and I think it was MEFF->BOJ, LILIT failed to show) they had 4 guys ready to go, aparently “for sparring, since we didn’t expect any defense like last time


Note: “Last Time” BOJ showed up full wing to defend. the only guys who got through was MEFF (1)

Granted, it wasn’t something Arch has done in the past. It probably took them by surprise.


LILIT has not once showed to any attack I have seen them schedule.



Illuminati confirmed?


Illuminati confirmed?

More like Illuminerdy.


…I’ll see myself out.



Suddenly! Recons!


Now with 100% more pewpew!



Now with 100% more pewpew!


ew u can see my name >W<