there needs to be a seperate tech tree for things that all spacecraft can use

Right now the tech tree is set up for the 3 different spacecraft.

But some of the items in one tree can be applied to other spacecraft (like armor sets , and passive modules ect)

these should have their own special tree

so you have

Interceptor ---------- reduce target lock on

Fighter --------------- Leader

Frigate --------------- Healing

Universal ----------- Armor sets , passive modules , sheilds weapon sets

Nice idea. At moment I prefere flying a Fighter, but I am using plasma guns so I need to skill the Interceptor tree and a lot of points get wasted.

Nice idea. At moment I prefere flying a Fighter, but I am using plasma guns so I need to skill the Interceptor tree and a lot of points get wasted.

Why not. As for me, i prefer interceptor ) speedy and light

Sure speed is nice but if you want to use a weapon which is on another tree you will need a lot more skillpoints.

if you want to use a weapon which is on another tree you will need a lot more skillpoints.

That’s a pity, though a little one )

I agree, Skill trees should be modified.

tbh i dont mind spending points however i do agree that the current skill trees need to be reviewed. perhaps split up more

example there are 3 main weapon types

T1 lasers:


“Energy management: lvl 1-5 Decreases the energy usage by x % per level”

“Lens hardenning - lvl 1-5 Damage output increase per level” (if modulated lasers are implemented, then split these up into beam and modulated) Pre-Requirement energy management lvl 3, unlocks skill, but to get too lvl 5 you need lvl 5 in the pre-req skill

“Heat control - lvl 1-5, increases firing speed by x%, Pre-req lens hardening lvl 3 to unlock”

“EM level control - lvl1-5 hightened shield damage output”

“Radiation control - lvl 1-5 Hightened hull damage output” (these two give penalty if used on same ship, 25% effectiveness per module penalty forcing players to take specific roles)

similar setups for other two weapon types, but in their own tech tree

T2 lasers:

Same skills but advanced further

T3 lasers commander class skill sets initial specialisation skills skermisher/sniper/command

skermisher: buffs to damage/firing speed, but penelising accuracy and Range (if modulated lasers are implemented, addtional bonus could be given to this class)

Sniper: buffs to accuracy/Range but penelising energy control/firing speed (beam laser specific bonusses)

Command: Buffs team laser damage and enegry consumption, penalises damage/firing speed.

T4 lasers

Additional bonus to above mentioned classes, but reduces penalty ratings by x% per level

just an idea

right now the trees have enough items which all ships are able to use, but they’re somewhat sparse in their location.

well… rather than that… im prefer someone put “Ship Requirement” for each item in shop… so we can know this module or rocket exlusive for one type of ship or can be used for all type? like example Hedgehog missile defense is Frigate Exclusive (and im so darned hope that thing for interceptors … dammit)

we dont wanna buy “cats in bag” rite?