There goes the hype

Ive been saving up my materials since I started playing back in 2014, I hear about destroyers, so I’m hyped, because I like large ships as I lack the finesse and low ping for flying interceptors.


I did most of the frost missions… most of them, as many as I could squeeze in time for.

Some of them never worked or had requirements beyond my capability.


Today destroyers are released, and I realize that all of my efforts, after months of playing, leave me nowhere near the requirements to manufacture a destroyer, and that’s just for a RANK 8!

Rank 11? Rank 14? Forget about it, this will be months if not years in the making to even get started.


Add on top of that the crafting system and economy, which as far as I can tell is shrouded in mystery.


By the way, I’m not the only one, now that there’s a ship that requires building materials at rank 8, every Ace across the world is asking in the chat how to get one resource or another, spec ops is flooded with new players hoping to get materials (and just losing horribly) and basically confusion all around.

The problem isn’t even the crafting system itself. It’s more the lack of monocrystal sources.

2 internal structures should be possible after all frost-missions done.

The additional packages are only a burner for monocrystals. The other mats are grindable in Open space.

Agreed, except that neodium is not grindable, or you need to be very very lucky.

Looks like some kind of premium ship? Pay for material to build it or grind it forever. HUGE minus devs. :frowning:

P2W m8


Devs still think that farming is fun and microtransactions are bad.

Agreed, except that neodium is not grindable, or you need to be very very lucky.

2 neodium plates out of 4 mysterious containers for me. 

Most players are never going to find a mysterious container, so that can be ignored.


From what I’ve seen of them, I’m utterly underwhelmed and unimpressed by destroyers. This was a huge build-up followed by a last minute fumble. It seems all lone destroyers do is spawn, float around near spawn, and die.

2 neodium plates out of 4 mysterious containers for me. 


What else did those containers drop? Considering the cost of them that seems a tad unacceptable that out of 4 containers you got 2 plates…


What else did those containers drop? Considering the cost of them that seems a tad unacceptable that out of 4 containers you got 2 plates…

no i’m talking invasion loot. i farmed invasion for 20-30 mins and got 2 of em and that’s counting doing 5 daily missions and 1 of the random ones that’s in the sector. 

I managed to get 3 ore in an hour at scrapyard, but it was a race between pilots to get to the nodes first lol, and i also got 2 plates from mysterious containers.


Anyway, I can’t build mine yet, so you are not alone OP, but I don’t mind. I’ll let the dust settle first and see what is what and if they are actually worth the materials, otherwise I may just start another SP ship instead.

It doesn’t take that long to make an R8 destroyer. I saved up in the time it took for the frost missions, plus a month. Not that hard. I didn’t spend a cent for it either. I do admit to trying my luck with the Destroyer Containers, but I only bought 4 and only got 2 new ore from them. If you still don’t have enough resources after this long, then that is a matter of you not playing enough, or with enough efficiency. T5 battles generally give a great amount of resources via kits, so the only problem is monos. The frost missions have plenty of those so you should be good to go!

Have you spent any other materials since you started saving?

Have you been playing T4/5?

Have you been salvaging?

Have you been doing all three daily missions every day possible?

I understand that for a genuine R8 player it may seem impossible, but for anyone that has spent any time in the higher-tiers it shouldn’t be a problem.

I do not mean to seem harsh but sometimes it gets annoying when so many people complain about something so awesome.

I agree that there are problems with the system, but what do you think that the devs are going to do about it?

I would usually do PvE and PvP dailys, but spec ops is a waste of time, and I don’t have a spacial scanner for OS so that’s borderline pointless, I only get trash out there anyways.


2 hours in OS and I have what… 3 vanadium ore and 2 deaths to show for it. ugh. How do I even?

go to terramorphing station… pick up rocks… some of them are neodium… also, Mysterious Cargos in open space sometimes contain neodium plates…

Unfortunately you probably need to be in rank 10 zones for higher chance at those materials. Afaik anyway not sure about this neodium.

Unfortunately you probably need to be in rank 10 zones for higher chance at those materials. Afaik anyway not sure about this neodium.

Rank 10 areas seem like something I would be unlikely to escape from, those places are riddled with bogus swarms of powerful alien ships, and not sure about how bloodthirsty or numerous players are there…

Please stick to the patch discussion.