The WolfPack - A New Beginning

Whilst I am in full control of my mind Ory (well, most of the time anyway…), I have no control over my heart.

She’ll love hearing about this, yes? <.<

She’ll love hearing about this, yes? <.<


I still always need an Engi in my squads! There’s always room for Nicky xD


Now if we had our 4-man squads back, none of this would actually be an issue.



I still always need an Engi in my squads! There’s always room for Nicky xD


Now if we had our 4-man squads back, none of this would actually be an issue.



Yeah, well… death-squads are always an issue. They still are. Maybe squads should be reduced, yes?..

I still always need an Engi in my squads! There’s always room for Nicky xD


Now if we had our 4-man squads back, none of this would actually be an issue.



Which is why it is a good thing squads got reduced to 3. Now you actually have to choose :wink:

Which is why it is a good thing squads got reduced to 3. Now you actually have to choose :wink:


Hence, dibbs on Zeik! xD




I miss the 4 man squads. I miss the team work that this game promoted. Also, Its SO hard to make tourneys that any tourney that is planned or in the works get shot down due to a lack of players. 

Who will be the first?..ME!!!


As for the hostage looks like collateral damage to me. :dntknw:


sorry boss but I’ll be the first and you can’t do anything about it  :bomber:



Well, nobody’s mentioning me, in which case… am i allowed to kill everything while you guys compliment and threaten each other?



no one expects the spanish inquisition 


You all have fun arguing who you fly with… I’ll just sit here secretly in the background trying to queue snipe you.

xxxx. Everybody wants a piece of Zeik, today.

I suggest a fight to the death. Hunger games style.

th_118_.gif What have I done?


Luckily, you guys all fit into different time brackets. One day I’ll just play around the clock and queue with all of you.


/diplomatic-Canadian-mode activate


Also, I highly advise against queue-sniping me, Hyranic. These guys (points to above) are out for blood. A lot of blood.

th_118_.gif What have I done?


Luckily, you guys all fit into different time brackets. One day I’ll just play around the clock and queue with all of you.


/diplomatic-Canadian-mode activate


Also, I highly advise against queue-sniping me, Hyranic. These guys (points to above) are out for blood. A lot of blood.

I do that all the time when there’s a full squad of people I want to troll in-game. It’s like christmas, they just stay far far away from me.


I suggest a fight to the death. Hunger games style.


th_118_.gif What have I done?

Not the first time we looked for the answer to that question ;]

Luckily, you guys all fit into different time brackets. One day I’ll just play around the clock and queue with all of you.

Sorry, squad ‘awesome’ is looking for a permanent Zeik addition. We may let other squads make use of said Zeik outside our primary operating hours, though.

/diplomatic-Canadian-mode activate

Also, I highly advise against queue-sniping me, Hyranic. These guys (points to above) are out for blood. A lot of blood.



Also, I highly advise against queue-sniping me, Hyranic. These guys (points to above) are out for blood. A lot of blood.



Lol, well, Evil Tactician is my first target, anyway, lol. It’s especialy fun when you are in the TeamSpeak with the squad you’re queue sniping as well. :00222:

Zeik, don’t forget we still have to do team Canada! >:)

Zeik, don’t forget we still have to do team Canada! >:)

team Canadia :slight_smile:

Lol, well, Evil Tactician is my first target, anyway, lol. It’s especialy fun when you are in the TeamSpeak with the squad you’re queue sniping as well.

It is. Nicky can testify to this on my Ira Deus.

Zeik, don’t forget we still have to do team Canada! >:)

team Canadia :slight_smile:

Done. You have no idea how long I’ve been waiting for this.

Canada: Can I shoot you. Would that be alright?

USA: DIE xxxxxxx! 

Mexico: TACO POWA! 


sorry boss but I’ll be the first and you can’t do anything about it  :bomber:






OH REALLY??? Nothing at all??? I have really cool options when I right click your name on the roster. MuuuuHAHAAHAHAAHAHA!


Zeik, don’t forget we still have to do team Canada! >:)


Um yeah get on during my timezone and I’ll let you join our squad.