The Whiner

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Chapter I



Who is a typical whiner?


The whiner does not differ much from the n00b

in terms of his inability to handle pressure and anything else.

The difference however lies in how the whiner sees the world around him.

Unlike the n00b who is completely out of touch with what is going on

and has no drive to achieve anything inside or outside of the game, 

the whiner is very motivated to win.

The whiner gets his motivation by a simple mantra:


“Whatever happens will never be my own fault.”


Unlike the n00b, the whiner can be

a great motivational factor for his teammates.

The whiner will always have your back when you lose a match.

And he will make sure you lose,

but he will tell you disclaimers like:


“I got killed by that n00b LRF 20 times”  


“Buhuu, the destroyers decide who wins” 


" I got killed by a 2 man squad so many times, if it continues I’m gunna quit SC"




Did you know the whiners were originally responsible

for the removal of 4-man squads?

Not the developers.


Said remarks made by the whiner is often met with resistance from sane players,

who mistakenly tell him how he is a n00b. But… the whiner is no n00b. He is a whiner.



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Medical Analysimilistic Proxymystification


Occasionally if a whiner manages to bite a regular player in the neck,

the regular player gets infected. Early signs of infection include:


- A strong urge to support the infector’s claims


- Uncontrollable agonizing diarrhea


- Symptoms which resemble that of a n00b,

but are distinguished by the extreme diarrhea,

which is specific to the whiner.




And so the adventure begins…

lol :slight_smile:

Where is page 1?

Where is page 1?


it contains the table of contents which got burned along with the rest of the book during WWII

xD I love this. 

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Possible cures for Whining

(or to alleviate the symptoms)


  • The easiest method is to ignore him , put him on your ignore list, or even report him for insulting you (if you were that guy on the bottom of the scoreboard that he was whining against)

  • Make him ragequit. It is quite possible he will be on the other team the next time you queue up. In that case, take a doomsday ECM with all stuns, phase suppressor/kinetic supercharger and doomsdays, and make his life hell. Alternatively be an LRF f**. Tell your team to focus-fire him and only him. It is hard to accomplish this; only recommended for pro trollers

- Troll him in English chat. Whiners like to express their sufferings in chat. Use this opportunity to make their suffering even greater, to the point where they will commit suicide. Proficient level in trolling recommended

- Out-rage him. Spam chat with BS that is more BSy that his BS, so that he has nothing to say anymore. _ WARNING - this may lead to you enjoying it too much and becoming a whiner!_

  • Just kill him. Go to his house and use a knife or something. - Not recommended unless you are a ninja or a gangster.

Loving this :005j:

What if you whine about whiners?

What if you whine about whiners?

What if you whine about whiners whining about whiners?

Good one :slight_smile: other games have tons of but i didnt see many whiner on sc.

Millan, be carefull… once i said something on Elite dangerous FB page… it was a post about ‘rule’ wich condemned the moronic behavior and generaly aiming towards gankers and those calling other carebears… well since droping anaconda on a sidewinder is like driving over baby with a steamroller. So i just gave a RL scenario as comparison to what some  people do… like: you go and work hard to get your house, car, whatever and then someone comes by and pisses on it and sets it on fire. Just because it can.

Suddenly everyone felt like i was threatening them in real life and ohmygod was there much blood flowing from their rear cavities… such a severe butthurts :smiley: completley missing the entire point and focusing on a “threat” wich never was a RL threat at all… just something to help them understand certain aspects.

Just be carefull. We dont have any buttdoctors here to give first aid. Lol… good post

Millan, be carefull… once i said something on Elite dangerous FB page… it was a post about ‘rule’ wich condemned the moronic behavior and generaly aiming towards gankers and those calling other carebears… well since droping anaconda on a sidewinder is like driving over baby with a steamroller. So i just gave a RL scenario as comparison to what some  people do… like: you go and work hard to get your house, car, whatever and then someone comes by and pisses on it and sets it on fire. Just because it can.

Suddenly everyone felt like i was threatening them in real life and ohmygod was there much blood flowing from their rear cavities… such a severe butthurts :smiley: completley missing the entire point and focusing on a “threat” wich never was a RL threat at all… just something to help them understand certain aspects.

Just be carefull. We dont have any buttdoctors here to give first aid. Lol… good post

I would not say this is a good example at all, in real life doing such a thing is illegal and offender will be prosecuted, so persons wealth is supposed to be protected by institutions and common law, but if you go to a neutral waters on a ship - it is a Free for all, same in star conflict we have sectors with enforced protection by law, and we have free for all sectors, the game it self does not discourage piracy in FFA sectors, meaning it is passively supports and allows such game play in this game universe, and complaining about being killed in free for all sectors is equal to complaining of being killed in a CoD, while all you want to do is to fly a Jet like it is a Windows Plane simulator.