The unbreakable Tharga, broken down.

10 hours ago, MightyHoot said:

C’mon everyone. Everything works as intended.

Isn’t it?



If I write here that there are some nice counters to thar’ga now I will get so much hate that I will just reserve that for our dread battles and SCLs. 
Few hints: slow gunship is a dead gunship. Damage reduction makes wonders. Pair with someone.

Soon we’ll have a new recon. 

We’ll see how it goes 

Does this count?



9 minutes ago, MightyHoot said:

Craftable. Therefore No.

he said “top 3”

28 minutes ago, MightyHoot said:

I said top3 ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”) and u have tharga, craftable, prems in top3.


Both teams 3rd spots are dudes with regular ships

18 minutes ago, MightyHoot said:

Can u prove it?

There’s only one “classic” premium per model.

Both 3rd rank used twice the same ship model.


So even if one of them is a premium, the other one isn’t.

Didn’t Guards receive OP modules and a new gun recently? If you take that into the equation you can clearly see the decantation, on both teams. 

Yeah but look at the rest, Gargoyle, Dart, Thargas, more Octopus XD In fact that’s probably what helped, all the Octopus for each battle group!