The thing with T4

I just don’t get it. After the last patch im forced to play t4 since all my high end t3 ships ended up being t4’s. I got a small refund for the fact that some of my ships had to be sold wich wasn’t enough to get back on track but this all is not the issue.


The problem is that I don’t seem to be making any money in t4. If I win and dont lose too many ships i might just make 30 to 40K but in most cases I end up losing money. Besides that there dont seem to be many T4 players so after a wait of three to five minutes i just end up against one or two players and some added bots. Ofcourse this makes for more deaths and thus even less income.


That said, it’s not that i dont want to play t3 but i dont get any rep for that…


Is there some bigger picture i dont see or is t4 only seriously playable with a license?



T4 appears to be, in it’s current state, much more viable with a license. Many tend to play in T2/3 matches an PvE to earn money. PvP matches at T4 as a solo pilot usually nets you a hefty repair bill either cutting your reward to less then you’d earn in a T2 loss, or as you’ve stated costing you money to fly. Couple all that with longer que times, lower reward for risk, few players, and more bots it becomes rather not worth it. I surmise that it’s a bit more financially viable to make your money in the lower tiers an pve then fly those T4’s for the sheer love of doing so, as long as your wallet holds out.


It’s worth mentioning that due to the current system of not letting people sell ships… you will always have lower tier ships to fall back to.

For me, the repair cost doesnt deter me. Usually I play 1 or 2 matches of PVE before i go play T4. That covers the repair cost for about an hour. I have to admit T4 has its ups and downs. There are matches where ESB will rape the living crap out of you, and their are matches where you can get a zillion kills in no time. I think its fun, a LOT more fun than T2 or T3 where its just a blob of ships spraying at each other. You get that feel of teamwork and skill in T4. IDK maye its just me. 

Money is no issue. Look here -> [ ](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/19432-guide-how-to-make-fast-credits-1-milh-average/). with like 1m/h seriously it’s no issue unless you play 50 pvp games without playing a single pve game.

The average 5 mins waiting time for T4 matches really put me back to t3. 

Ok thnx. This confirms my thoughts. Switching down to t3 then for the time.


Don’t get me wrong, I prefer T4 but it’s not really the way to go in it’s current state. 

If they change it in the future I’ll be the first to switch over :smiley:


ps. thnx to TerrabyteX for the “making money” post. Really helpfull!!

i think the reson is rilly becuase teir 4 is top of the line if you play world fo tanks you will notice that their 10 tanks berly make it but in matches as far as repair bills so i dotn mind the i have a teir 4 prem ship so i dont pay repair bill well i also have a full list of teir 4’s and a licences so i make a very good 300k a match that being said i still dont see why you cant make money in teir 4 matches its very simple dont die thought that may be hard for less skilled players even more in tier 4 matches

i think the reson is rilly becuase teir 4 is top of the line if you play world fo tanks you will notice that their 10 tanks berly make it but in matches as far as repair bills so i dotn mind the i have a teir 4 prem ship so i dont pay repair bill well i also have a full list of teir 4’s and a licences so i make a very good 300k a match that being said i still dont see why you cant make money in teir 4 matches its very simple dont die thought that may be hard for less skilled players even more in tier 4 matches


i think the op is talking about pvp

T4 is completely broken right now. I get 140,000 credits for a PVP match and it costs me 94,000 credits to repair my ship + 7500 credits to reload missiles. Completely worthless to play T4 at this point.

T4 is completely broken right now. I get 140,000 credits for a PVP match and it costs me 94,000 credits to repair my ship + 7500 credits to reload missiles. Completely worthless to play T4 at this point.


The Devs have said that ATM Tier 4 is for tourneys or just for fun only. Money is made @T3.

My t4 ship repair cost 150,000 without reload.Got 2 t4 ships and after the patch they were striped of moddules and no refunds, now i need to buy new modules but very expensive.the bigger problem is lack of players on t4, we shud mix with t3 more often.

Yes, people unless you have a squad with fully outfitted T4 ships with full blue items, then you don’t have a chance. 


Money is an issue for T4. Imagine if T5 comes out? Forget it. NOBODY would play it if it followed the same pattern as T4. 


I stick to T3 for corp matches and even drop down to T2 to farm easy credits…Can make about guaranteed 120K per match, or 1.2 mill an hour. 

The Devs have said that ATM Tier 4 is for tourneys or just for fun only. Money is made @T3.


This is the stupidest thing I have ever heard if true. After working so hard to make enough money and earn enough rep for t4, I cant even play it without sacrificing the ability to make money. I need the money to outfit the ship, why would I grind t3 to buy modules for a ship I am not even using?


I haven’t played the game since getting my T4 ship because I have been too frustrated, if this is the attitude the devs have then Ill just uninstall. As a customer who had invested time and money into the game it is very disappointing that they would have this kind of attitude.

Don’t die in T4 and you will make good credits.



For me, the repair cost doesnt deter me. Usually I play 1 or 2 matches of PVE before i go play T4. That covers the repair cost for about an hour.


Intricate you will need more then 2 PVE matches to cover your repairs if I see you up there for one game. :bomber:

Don’t die in T4 and you will make good credits.




Intricate you will need more then 2 PVE matches to cover your repairs if I see you up there for one game. :bomber:

Arrogant as always.

I mainly fly mony ships (the ones you purchases for real life mony’s!) But thats becouse they have no repairs.


Sidenote, i mentioned in earlier post that Mony-ships dont have advantage over “free” ships. I take that back.

Oh man, just thinking about it t4 is like a pipe dream far off in the sky reward to mess around with some day, but the costs and rep grind is pretty steep, I’ve been kept near perpetually broke because I keep blowing my money on contract switching to aim for 6 in all brackets, then 9, and so on.


The way people talk about it I’d really love to see a vid or two of .80+ t4 pvp if I could.