The Techno Virus!

That is assuming that people will be able to sustain fire on a target that moves at 700 m/s. Guards would have larger profiles and be easier to hit, for sure. Best bet is probably a Command Fighter, or a Gunship w/ Particle Purge installed, so long as the range gets a buff. I would be funny to see everyone scatter knowing that the person infected with the Techno Virus was about to swoop in and basically one-shot them all.


Yep. A bubblegunship with 5x buffs and unlimited overdrive and overcharge is essentially a black hole sucking every ship in its path.


Take it this way

At least 20k+ damage with every shot since each shot will be critical (5x boost + unlimited overcharge)

Firing rate (i’m gonna take 50 here): 50x5 = 250 rounds/sec

Shield (lets assume 5k): 25k points regenerating at a rate of  at least 400 pts/sec


With overdrive: +(50x5)%

firing rate (jeez): 625 rounds/sec

rotation and strafe: too much to handle


Not to mention the bubbles will travel 5x distance with 5x speed. You could basically run around at 700m/s spamming the map with bubbles and PP obliterating anything in your path


A command ship would be an invincible tank (extended diff. shield duration and reduced recharge = infinite diff. shield)

Its easy to setup a t3 command with 2k energy. That means 10k energy in battle and that means it will take 80k damage in one go to merely bring down the shield only for the pilot to put it back again

For that, I’d suggest perhaps a x2 buff, or a x3. select abilities. mainly the gun damage and defensive capabilities.

Also, take note that it only improves the base stat, what other modules effect will only be added with the base stat in mind.

the improvement won’t add them all in bulk, only the base.



P.s. forgot what JPhack said about it also affecting the modules themselves. >.,<

For that, I’d suggest perhaps a x2 buff, or a x3. select abilities. mainly the gun damage and defensive capabilities.

Also, take note that it only improves the base stat, what other modules effect will only be added with the base stat in mind.

the improvement won’t add them all in bulk, only the base.


To actually balance it out, there would be a need to carefully adjust buffs to each role down to each module and stat.

Considering how the dev team has been trying to balance out ship roles in normal battles it’s virtually impossible for them to balance out each role and module for a 1v12 situation


For example a guard with x2 buff in this case would be a joke

Indeed. for each ship would be much better. +1

Did I mention that the other 15 pilots that are trying to kill you have, as a gamemode buff, 5 times the missiles? At no cost to you but with a normal cool down? 


So a interceptor pilot with unguided missiles has 8 normal but when in this game mode will have 40 missiles, but once dead, your dead. 


Actually, we need to make a cap, whereas if everything is times by a factor of 5, EXCEPT COOL DOWNS, then we have an interesting match. 


For instance, you cannot have more then 250 Resistance on anything after the X5 buff. Your weapons and missiles have the same cooldowns. Strafe speed, rotation speed, and other things should maybe be buffed by a factor of 2. 


Like we have to make it fair. and possible to make it a win or as close as possible. Besides, if you have the techno virus, you have 15 enemies to kill! 

DING!!! WE HAVE A WINNER!!! Wittiest comment all week!!!


Here is your prize:










And take it easy.