The sudden attack of the aliens! Ominous Marathon of tasks!

Pilots! We have just become aware that the aliens suddenly became more active. We associate the increased activity with a surge of abnormal energy. Be especially attentive and careful these days. Uncontrolled openings of gateways and aliens` attacks are possible during the battles.




Ominous Marathon of tasks

Pilots! The Mercenary Center announces that Miranda Del Arte suggests new tasks to all the pilots as a part of the “Ominous Marathon” special promotion!


22 October – Finish 3 PVP battles with efficiency above 400.

Reward – Special bonus: +50% experience for 15 battles + one day of a premium license


23 October – Complete one special operation.

Reward – monocrystals 40 pcs +one day of a premium license 


24 October – Receive two “The Second Lighthouse” medals

Reward – 2 Exceptional seed chips + one day of a premium license


25 October – Complete two PvE missions higher 10th level with efficiency above 300.

Reward – Special bonus: +50% credits for 15 battles + one day of a premium license


26 October – Win 2 times in PVP mode.

Reward – xenocrysts 40 pcs + one day of a premium license


27 October – Destroy 25 enemies in PvP mode.

Reward – 250 GS


28 October – Complete two PvE missions above 10 level, died no more than 1 time.

Reward – Special bonus: an additional attempt to search for valuables for 15 battles + one  day of a premium license


After completing all the tasks, you will receive a special reward – the unique title “Lord of Darkness” + 7 days of a premium license!

Just one common mistranslation which has been bothering me - no offense meant at all; just spreading knowledge


The Second Lighthouse

The translation of lighthouse is “Beacon” in the English version of the game - the medal in particular is " Second Beacon"


Overall the rewards look pretty solid. Actually give us a reason to go into PvP again with legitimate rewards being so bad for so long.

\ *Earlier today *


I just finished getting the third Maniac to advance my clearance level, good grief that was a pain, I’m not even going to do the PvP dailies for a while, I am that sick of Pv-

\ *New missions start *




single-crystal = mono-crystal I’m guessing

7 minutes ago, RennieAshII said:

single-crystal = mono-crystal I’m guessing

sounds good enough to me

valuables = trophies

19 hours ago, Sshedi said:

27 October – Destroy 25 enemies in PvP mode.

Reward – 250 GS




Is this in a single battle or accumulated across several?

3 hours ago, raulmckool said:


Is this in a single battle or accumulated across several?

This will likely be across several to match past tasks which had similar requirements. I shouldn’t be *awfully hard* since typically these tasks also count assists and buff assists so just bringing a Command or Engineer would probably speed this up loads.

On 10/22/2020 at 2:06 AM, Sshedi said:

23 October – Complete one special operation.

Reward – monocrystals 40 pcs +one day of a premium license 

Should change that to “WIN one special operation”.


On 10/22/2020 at 3:06 AM, Sshedi said:

24 October – Receive two “The Second BEACON” medals

Reward – 2 Exceptional seed chips + one day of a premium license




Today’s marathon mission is bugged.

I just won three Second Beacon medals in a row and the mission is not completing past 1/2.

No, I’m not bothering to write a bug report. They don’t even have a dedicated bug report section for Game Modes and Maps or PVE Missions.

That just shows how much they care…


13 hours ago, raulmckool said:

I just won three Second Beacon medals in a row and the mission is not completing past 1/2.

I had a similar problem. If I only captured 2 beacons it didn’t register, but when I captured more it ticked. 4 was the lowest number I got, so no idea if it works for 3.

Yes Had The Same Error and yeah 3 works fine  ![:006:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006.png “:006:”) Hope This helps out someone

so credit bonus doesn’t stack? Just finished today’s mission which should give bonus for 15 battles, but only shows 7 left from previous reward…shame

  I can see a tendency. To keep the player base, the devs started making these one-ship events, and it works well on me. I am still playing and I fight every single day. However, four years ago, when I came into the game, there were a lot of new ideas and stories. Unfortunatelly, the last big idea was to make Open Space great again. The chips are a nice invention to help people make personalized ships. I am sure the game universe should use some fresh ideas, maybe carefully, but it is time to think bigger, introduce factories on asteroids, add a lot of those grand ideas which the other players have proposed so far, but… It is sad to see the main changes are ships, and ships after ships, and your main focus is ships. But, I would like something fundamental because I already have 200 ships! Fundamental ideas do not often come into Star Conflict.
   I can remember only four big events in the game:

  1. Alien ships (when Tharga came out I left the game for one month because the IMBA b=tthurt me so much!), 
  2. Destroyer class ships (many players say they ruined the game because they are against its atmosphere of speed and maneuvers),
  3. Alien invasion (when the scientists predicted the future, and UMC mercenaries had to clean certain OS zones) and the
  4. Chips in Open Space (they work even better than ship fits, and they must be developed further, to mirror all ship modules abilities and implants.
       Other than that the gameplay is just boring mechanical zombie grinding with thousands of PVE missions after which you want to forget the game for a couple days.

   Experiment with epic big fundamental things, please. You do not have to make them big. Just try to understand what people love most of all, and try a little, and do not destroy the game  ![:011:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/011.png “:011:”)
P.S. You want to have more dollars and international audience? Why do you have Soviet red stars on ships??? The Ru players will survive without the USSR stars, but the Western players will not forgive. Stop adding Soviet stars to the ships 4000 years in the future.