The Star Conflict comic

How can I capture the ranks/tiers of all ships in one screenshot? And why/for what do I need to post a screenshot, do you think I make things up or had something in my eyes?

How can I capture the ranks/tiers of all ships in one screenshot? And why/for what do I need to post a screenshot, do you think I make things up or had something in my eyes?

Don’t even bother, and don’t keep this discussion. Enjoy the comic and laugh at the same time tears of sadness fill your eyes, like the rest of us.

You surely are new here: Everything that goes against the “Holy Word” must be fake, a lie, or delirium, and even if you post a screenshot of it, it would be labeled as “fake” too or maybe you’re doing something wrong and it’s entirely your problem and up to you, the game is flawless and always “Working as intended”. Cheers :wink:

Thanks, I noticed that in some other forums/topics. I’m looking forward to more fruitless discussions :slight_smile:

If another player needs proof or thinks I’m lying, really bad community. The devs don’t need a screenshot. They have their logs of the server and matches, they see what’s going on, if they don’t well that is poor/weak development and they should go back to school…

I guess you were too fast for my edit, xxxx xD


Guys, you make the name bittervet suit perfectly.

There’s not a holy word nor everyone is crying tears of sadness. Most people is just enjoying a great game. Why can’t you do the same?

Well, fail happens, I’m surely not the first (nor the last) that gets a last second remorse xD

Guys, you make the term bittervet suit perfectly.

There’s not a holy word nor everyone is crying tears of sadness. Most people is just enjoying a great game. Why can’t you do the same?

what term? Who is crying?  Why? Because the first post of this topic is true.

what term? Who is crying?  Why? Because the first post of this topic is true.

No it is not, it is a small group of people that made them self belive in stuff like this, and then they go around trying to convince everyone in it, and worst of all, alot of the stuff is made up on top of false believes, out of context, ignoring key facts of gamers psychology, population or simply misunderstanding of game mechanics, reminds me of those witnesses of jehovah or w/e those religious asses are, and dont you dare disagree with them or better point out their flaws.

Thanks, I noticed that in some other forums/topics. I’m looking forward to more fruitless discussions :slight_smile:

If another player needs proof or thinks I’m lying, really bad community. The devs don’t need a screenshot. They have their logs of the server and matches, they see what’s going on, if they don’t well that is poor/weak development and they should go back to school…


And you are a beta tester!, Thats what you suppose to do, provide proofs of bugs! Even 4 man squads are not suppose to face ships of higher than 4 ranks of theirs, and if YOU do -> Bug Report Section


And you are a beta tester!, Thats what you suppose to do, provide proofs of bugs! Even 4 man squads are not suppose to face ships of higher than 4 ranks of theirs, and if YOU do -> Bug Report Section

Yeah fruitless… don’t keep asking about what fruit it is when I already told it is not an apple it is an orange.

I’m not having much problems against tier 4 with my Styx or Prometheus X.

Maybe I’m so pro…

OP ships, nothing more…just this

Thanks, I noticed that in some other forums/topics. I’m looking forward to more fruitless discussions :slight_smile:

If another player needs proof or thinks I’m lying, really bad community. The devs don’t need a screenshot. They have their logs of the server and matches, they see what’s going on, if they don’t well that is poor/weak development and they should go back to school…

The devs sometimes need logs, since too many patches are played.  I do not know how detailed their logs are, but in bug reports they always request logs.  I’m not sure how much they need the logs and how much if to find the server logs.  You also have to consider monitoring.  Storing logs is not the same as monitoring logs, and the player base helps highlight problem areas in the logs.  It comes down to a test case scenario.  Bugs always happen, and tests are more often than not to prevent a occurrence of a bug instead of prevent a bug.  We should praise the devs for near weekly patches, but understand that we are beta testers and with weekly patches comes weekly bugs.  Many of the quirks of match making were due to flawed assumptions.  Winning eight matches in a row was equivalent to being in a four man squad, and having a purple main weapon almost like a three man squad.  In fact the main times a purple weapon really helps is an LRF or a CovOps.  As a result, that effect was “reduced.”  Low synergy, i.e. your first R10, was still T3.  A full synergy R10 is T4.


I can somewhat see that win/loss ratio is less of an effect now, and one patch limited the purple weapon effect.  Granted I don’t play in squads, but overall I feel that MM is almost doing a half decent job.  The best way to improve it further is getting rid of the farmable “skill” rating and changing it to a skill rating.  I’m also noticing a pattern of just plain bad players.


OP ships, nothing more…just this

I wonder, could an OP Styx reasonably face T5 ships?  It is the one ship almost universally viewed as OP over the course of several months and several patches.

This is a beta and we are the testers.

We find problems and we report them.

They say ty for the feedback! and do the opposite.

No it is not, it is a small group of people that made them self belive in stuff like this, and then they go around trying to convince everyone in it, and worst of all, alot of the stuff is made up on top of false believes, out of context, ignoring key facts of gamers psychology, population or simply misunderstanding of game mechanics, reminds me of those witnesses of jehovah or w/e those religious asses are, and dont you dare disagree with them or better point out their flaws.

I’m curious which parts you think ignore gamer psychology, population and/or game mechanics myself…


Basic observations on matchmaking suggest that fixed tiers would be no different for the majority of players, or perhaps even faster. It would be slower in T4 and T5, but that is due to population issues; a problem mixed tier matchmaking does not address.


Psychologically speaking, players do not like to lose, and players who lose to opponents with better ships or better gear are likely to blame that on their loss. This becomes an issue in mixed tier matchmaking, because you can never be the best equipped, highest level ship in the match. There is always someone better than you. Fixed tier? Easy! Just get to Rank 3, 6, 9, 12 or 15 and you’ve got the best ships. Equip Mk III and Mk IV and you’ve removed the tech advantage. Now it’s about skill.


So what else is there to misunderstand? All seems pretty obvious from my perspective.

Psychologically speaking, players do not like to lose, and players who lose to opponents with better ships or better gear are likely to blame that on their loss.




Fixed tier? Easy! Just get to Rank 3, 6, 9, 12 or 15 and you’ve got the best ships. Equip Mk III and Mk IV and you’ve removed the tech advantage. Now it’s about skill.


So what else is there to misunderstand? All seems pretty obvious from my perspective.

Essentially you’re tired of being put in situations where it’s harder for you to personally dominate.  You lose, you don’t blame your skill but instead blame the fact that your opponent had a couple ranks higher.  How can you honestly view that having an R9 full purple set up removes any tech advantage and turns it into a skill based match?  You’re specifically trying to have most advanced ships in the match yet complain about a T4 Mk.I build ship.

Now you are going out of your line.


Please find a post where we are specifically complaining against purple R9 vs T4 mk1. This hardly makes any difference. And nobody has white T4 nowadays, it’s mostly blues and purples. But it is a big difference from T2 to T3 (4th module slot, new modules like Statis on ECM and repair stations completely change the metagame in T3 compared to T2, and all ships are enegy stable, where in T2 they are not). Having a T3 against a T2 is a big advantage (can still beat them because their skill is ussualy not that of an advanced player). While T3 against T4 is doable if you have a good group and luck with the team (no T2 and clueless players on your side) against average skilled pugs in T4, I think giving them that small edge in T is allright.


But please do not make up conclusions that are not true and make up new things.


I was personally complaining being matched in a 3v3 with T3 group against skilled players with purple T4 and purple T5. That is different.


It is also annoying, that I have my own T4 and T5 purples, but I wanted to fly T3 because you do not get a match for a group in T5. We wanted to play a 12v12 T3 and we get a 3v3 vs T5. 


And just fyi, we have beaten T4 pugs with a 3man T2 group  (who were actually recruits for WPK with less than 1000 games played) in a 6v6. Not sure how we ran into T4 game with our T2 group, but you can thank the mismatch maker for that. My Kalah did just fine killing those Nibelungs and Castadors, because they flied for xxxx.


Now jrisom, try doing that in your T2/T3 against WPK, NASA or ESB in their T4/T5s. I dare you. Hell, you can even try it in your T5s, but just to prove the point that you are wrong, try putting yourself in our position and see how you fare.


Oh, of course, you can’t because you always fly solo, so you can never experience the mismatch maker at it’s finest. Because the game caters to casual and solo players, I see you guys are the only one that don’t have a problem with the system. Because the system will always find a spot to balance out 1 person in whatever rank you may be flying, but it’s the grouping for hardcore players that is broken. And we can all thank the devs for their streamlined and simplified, easy version vision of the game. 

Essentially you’re tired of being put in situations where it’s harder for you to personally dominate.  You lose, you don’t blame your skill but instead blame the fact that your opponent had a couple ranks higher.  How can you honestly view that having an R9 full purple set up removes any tech advantage and turns it into a skill based match?  You’re specifically trying to have most advanced ships in the match yet complain about a T4 Mk.I build ship.

I’m not interested in dominating matches. That is a piss-poor strawman wheeled out by people who have no intention of actually looking at what the other side is saying.


If I wanted to dominate, I could just tech down to Tier 1. I’d be matched against Rank 1-4 and I would be able to annihilate them because nobody flying at that level has any real skillset beyond “fly in a straight line and hold fire”. I don’t do that. The only reason I’m flying T2 is because I want Elite Synergy on my ships. Well, that and it’s the only Tier I can get a proper match now.


T2 is also a prime example of where the biggest flaw in Mixed Tiers is found. I could bring a R7 / R8 ECM with T1 modules and dominate a T2 match because I have abilities they don’t - I can completely shut down their ship. I could bring a T3 Guard and use weapon modules that don’t exist in T2. I can bring an Engineer and deploy healing abilities that don’t exist in T2. The pattern goes on and on and on.


The Tier divide isn’t just about skill - it’s about game style. A pure T2 and a pure T3 match play very differently because the number of modules available and the types of modules available change from Tier to Tier. Consider the following: let’s imagine I’m convinced that all the T3+ exclusive modules are broken as hell and I don’t want to fly against them. Don’t pull your strawman out, just accept the premise; my sole motivation is I do not enjoy flying against T3 ships because of their modules. In a mixed tier environment I not only have to sacrifice all my T3 ships, but most of my T2 ships as well. I would have to stick to ranks 1-4 to be sure of avoiding T3. In a Fixed Tier environment, I could use Rank 6 and be matched against other T2 pilots of comparable skill and tech.


And again, this is the second aspect the dissenters always fail to pick up on. Fixed Tiers means that if I am queuing with full purple Rank 12 ships, the Matchmaker should try to find comparable opponents. If it can’t, or if it runs out, then it just finds anyone in the Tier. However, with a proper player base (like we had back in the Fixed Tier days - 5K players at times!) then this is not an issue. You can queue in T3 with Rank 7s and Mk I gear and be put into a T3 match with similarly weak players, or you can queue with Rank 9 Mk III and be put into a match with other R9 Mk III pilots


Moreover, as said before, Fixed Tiers gives progression. When you hit the top of the tier, you are flying the best ships. When you get your Mk IV gear you are the best-equipped you can be. The rest is all about skill, or perhaps loadout composition, but there is a clear sense of accomplishment. Nobody has higher ranks than you; nobody has implants or modules you can’t use. You have hit a high point, and from there you can grind up cash and synergy until you feel ready to make the jump to the next tier.


But in a Mixed Tier environment? The better your ships get, the better the enemy ships get. The better your modules get, the better the enemy ships get. The idea the game balances for “skill” becomes laughable when you can be put into a match against people with wildly different ship types. Sector Conquest is the ultimate expression of this lunacy, where it proves the Dev team genuinely believe that it is fair, balanced and “fun” for their pet Russians to farm R7 pilots with Elite Purple Rank 15s.

Oh, of course, you can’t because you always fly solo, so you can never experience the mismatch maker at it’s finest. Because the game caters to casual and solo players, I see you guys are the only one that don’t have a problem with the system. Because the system will always find a spot to balance out 1 person in whatever rank you may be flying, but it’s the grouping for hardcore players that is broken. And we can all thank the devs for their streamlined and simplified, easy version vision of the game.

What are you even talking about? I gave the game a spin again this week and immediately got thrown into a 3v3 rank 4 to rank 11 match. Every game after that was basically a white-wash vs. an ESB squad having higher rank ships than I. In addition absolutely everybody I fought was purple while I brought Mk.1.

This game might cater to a lot, but it is neither the casual nor the solo player. Unless you mean casual = those who simply drop real money to get instant Mk.4.

The power curve is steeper than ever, there’s nothing simplified or casualized about it.

Cant beat them? Join them.