The Predator

Pilots. As you are aware, there is a new foe in the alien arsenal to deal with. You’ve already seen the Defiler, Hunter, Scout and Biomorph. Now it’s the Predator.
The predator is unlike anything we’ve seen before, it resembles no other regular alien ship. The Biomorph is an infected Katana, the Hunter a Large tubular flying plasma cannon. This new ship resembles the Defiler. Large protrusions of the alien material erupt from it’s surface, forming a sharp, pointed bow followed by a rounded almost slicked back series of crystals of this material. The ship has 6 thrusters, four small and 2 large. There are two large rings in the center of the ship, the outer is theorized to be a sensor to support the massive detection radius, the inner is a cannon. These rings have parts of alien crystal floating in them in some kind of force-field.
The inner ring’s projectiles are comparable to that of the hunter, however, they have one very large difference. They are able to track a ship, suggesting that they could be more than just a projectile and, in fact, a drone. They can be outrun by a fast interceptor or fighter, projectile speed is around 700m/s.
Recon center was able to ascertain images and footage of this new enemy. They follow this message.
Images were captured in Abandoned Beacon, Rank 1, Federation.
Merc Recon center out.


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Gonna try to battle them, i hope they don’t have any uncloaking wall penetrating plusars

Gonna try to battle them, i hope they don’t have any uncloaking wall penetrating plusars

Pulsars operate whether cloaked or not and will pull you out, standard pulsar laws apply - limited range and blocked by walls

This data was given falsely. Pulsars still travel though obstacles. And, unlike the Hunter, the Predator does not activate its pulsar very often, making it somewhat of an easier target, *IF* you can deal with its immense shield and hull. Shields seem to regenerate relatively quickly, so unload on it fast. Also, it takes full ramming damage to the hull, and the hull seems to take greater damage from impacts as well. Also I reccon the second ring on the outside is a sensor, because it has a larger detection radius than anything I’ve fought so far.

Only drops items very rarely, (though I have not seen a drop yet,) and does not warp out of the sector it is in. This seems to me to indicate that this ship is meant to do as much damage as possible before being destroyed. Much like a Kamikaze.

Also, the Hunter’s projectiles do home, it’s just not quite as noticeable. The Predator does slightly heavier damage, though. The pulsar remains the same.

This data was given falsely. Pulsars still travel though obstacles. And, unlike the Hunter, the Predator does not activate its pulsar very often, making it somewhat of an easier target, *IF* you can deal with its immense shield and hull. Shields seem to regenerate relatively quickly, so unload on it fast. Also, it takes full ramming damage to the hull, and the hull seems to take greater damage from impacts as well. Also I reccon the second ring on the outside is a sensor, because it has a larger detection radius than anything I’ve fought so far.

Only drops items very rarely, (though I have not seen a drop yet,) and does not warp out of the sector it is in. This seems to me to indicate that this ship is meant to do as much damage as possible before being destroyed. Much like a Kamikaze.

Also, the Hunter’s projectiles do home, it’s just not quite as noticeable. The Predator does slightly heavier damage, though. The pulsar remains the same.

I’ve never noticed that the pulsars travel through obstacles, when in unknown space, putting distance and an object between me and a hunter group has often been enough. Also haven’t noticed that about the hunter’s projectiles, however I don’t generally admire the giant green balls that are out to kill me.


I have a feeling that in the high sectors, we’ll be seeing these join other alien groups for raids, although they’re not that fast which still makes the biomorphs more dangerous - getting caught in the crossfire from all 3 types would mean certain death.


I have killed one, dropped nothing, I didn’t see how fast the shield regenerated, the AI was glitched and wasn’t “seeing” me, it still took a good few minutes for a Cov Ops to down it, at which point another immediately warped in to take it’s place (probably co-incidence with some kind of poll the server does of the zone to see what’s there)



I’ll also add your theory about the secondary ring

This new force of aliens. Must be destroyed upon detection! Predator can share loot, but it is a certain probability.

This new force of aliens. Must be destroyed upon detection! Predator can share loot, but it is a certain probability.

well, that’s if you can get close enough to destroy them when the AI isn’t bugged